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Sample calculation

Sample calculation. Select Battery Type(s). Select Electrode Type Lifetime and Vented/Flooded. Select Manufacturer(s) and Batterie Type(s). For NiCd, select special settings, i.e. Charging Efficiciency and Voltage Depression. Select System Voltages (IEEE mode).

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Sample calculation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sample calculation

  2. Select Battery Type(s) SelectElectrode TypeLifetime andVented/Flooded SelectManufacturer(s)and Batterie Type(s) For NiCd,select special settings,i.e. Charging Efficiciencyand Voltage Depression

  3. Select System Voltages (IEEE mode) Use Float voltageor use Boost voltagefor charging Decide how to calculateapplicable numbers of cells from given voltages IEEE mode calculates max number of cells from maximum system voltage and min number of cells from minimum system voltage

  4. Insert Load Profile Three different load types to choose from Power load configurable via apparent load input Fully editable load profile

  5. Provide additional data Temperature settings Additional settings forfine-tuning the input Customizing ofcalculation range

  6. All matching results in list Normed IEEE Worksheetor special Abacus Report Overview result listfully sortable, groupableand exportable

  7. IEEE calculation worksheet NormedIEEE Calculation Proposed Batteryto fit project needs

  8. Detailed additional report Graphical load profile Battery Picture

  9. Calculate for given Cell Range Preselect numbersof cells to use

  10. Result for given Cell Range Resulting numbersof cells range

  11. Calculate for given Voltage Range System voltagerange given

  12. Result for given Voltage Range Result usesapplicable voltages

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