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Program for Disseminating Patent Information for Rural Development Proposal

Explore the transition to sustainable technological regimes for rural development, emphasizing appropriate technology, design solutions for the underserved, and leveraging patent information for innovation. Lessons and opportunities from the AT movement and patent system are highlighted.

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Program for Disseminating Patent Information for Rural Development Proposal

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  1. Program for Disseminating Patent Information for Rural Development- Proposal by the Republic of Korea- Eun Kyul PARK Deputy Director, Multilateral Affairs Division, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Republic of Korea October 14, 2009

  2. Transition to Sustainable Technological Regime • Technological regime • A set of ‘rules of the game’ • Each technological regime is constituted by an accumulation of knowledge, values, and sunk investment • And is articulated by networks of actors and institutions • The role of innovative technological niches • Seedbeds for the emergence of new regimes • Niches can transform regimes by growing and displacing more of the incumbent regime activities Incumbent technological regime New technological regime Technological niche

  3. Transition to Sustainable Technological Regime • From unsustainable regime to sustainable regime • Human basic needs • State-of-the-art technology may not be the optimal solution for the quality of life in areas of the world where the struggle for survival remains a top priority • Gap between the Center and the Rural • Criticism that industrialization and modernization increases the gap between the center and rural part of a country • Sustainable technological niches • Niches that lead to a sustainable technological regime Unsustainable technological regime Sustainable technological regime Sustainable technological niche

  4. Transition to Sustainable Technological Regime • Appropriate Technology as a Sustainable Technological Niche • Local stewardship • Needs provision tailored to local circumstances • Examples of Appropriate Technology • Solar heat cooker • Money maker • Life straw • Q-drum

  5. The AT Movement Activities • Design for the Other 90% • 90% of the world’s total population have little or no access to most of the products and services that many of us take for granted • A growing movement among designers to design low-cost solutions for this “other 90%” • Volunteers for International Technical Assistance (VITA) • Problem Solving Approach vs. modernization theory • Practical approach vs. politically charged 70’s “appropriate-technology” movement

  6. The AT Movement Activities • UNDP China example • Four year project, "Alleviating Rural Poverty through Innovative Technologies Transfer" is designed to link farmers with innovative, environmentally-friendly technologies in order to increase their income and promote sustainable rural development • Technical Task Forces (TTFs) that will not only introduce better technologies to farmers but also innovative organizational methods for farmers to receive tailor-made technological services to increase their income.

  7. Lessons from the AT Movement • Successful Elements of the AT movement • Affordable technology for the local people • Technology that is not highly depend on fuel energy, electricity but can be sourced from the locally available resources • Technology that is easy to use, repair, and maintain by the own hand of local people • Problem solving approach • Lack of water, agricultural problems, inadequate housing, and energy issues • Technology spillovers • Flow of technology from outside to local people • Limits of the AT movement • Lack of systematic approach: Highly dependent on individual engineers and volunteers

  8. Opportunity for the Intellectual Property Community • The role of patent information in technology transfer (source: WIPO lecture material) • Transfer of technology by knowledge spillovers, legal copying and reverse engineering may be much greater than by formal methods • Much of this technology is disclosed via the patent system • Opportunities for exploiting patent information (source: WIPO lecture material) • A patent is territorial, but disclosure is global • Patents are limited in time • The scope of the patent is limited by its claims • Patents gives the owners a right to prevent others from carrying out the invention but not from learning from the invention

  9. Opportunity Stemming from the Patent System • Patent system (patent information) as a solution database • Approx. 900,000 new patent families filed in 2005(source WIPO) • Almost all possible technical ideas can be extracted from patent database Patents in public domain Patents in force Target area State-of-the-art expired 20 year 1 year

  10. Opportunity Stemming from the Patent System Designing new device Analyze the legal status of a patent Design around the patent claims Analyze the technical aspects of the invention Is it in the public domain? NO claims yes Use the technology of the invention Utilize the whole technical aspects of patent information Analyze the technical aspects of the invention Detailed description of the invention

  11. Policy Implications for the IP Community

  12. Korea’s Pilot Project 1 3 2 Technological needs DesigningAT DistributionofAT • questionnaire • consulting mission • request from communities • research • utilize other AT source? • (ex) appropedia.org • design for the other • 90% • social enterprise • through NGO • Gov. and international organization Design matters!!!

  13. Korea’s Pilot Project Patents in public domain Patent A Patent B Patent C Component c Component a Component b Component a Component b Component c New AT device

  14. Korea’s Pilot Project Patent DB search using Keywords Analysis of legal status Selection of patents applicable to AT Process in DB format www.IPforLiving.org

  15. Patent Information for Local Development Patent Information Legal status information Decision supporting information Technical information Just for R&D? VS

  16. We propose at the CDIP- The Use of Patent Information in the Transfer of Appropriate Technology • Stage One: Dissemination of AT Information • Problem identification process • technological needs in rural areas • Identified by expert mission, country request, technology support task force (TSTF) • Collection of AT Information • Collect problem related technological information from a patent database • Transformationof AT information • Convert patent information into appropriate technology format, considering socio-technical environment • Accumulation and Dissemination • Accumulate AT information and disseminate to whom need

  17. We propose at the CDIP The Use of Patent Information in the Transfer of Appropriate Technology of Appropriate Technolog • Stage Two: Support for the Implementation of AT • Network with Enterprises and other International Organizations Projects • Workshop on the utilization of patent information on appropriate technologies to be organized for enterprises • Patent information on appropriate technologies can be utilized in projects funded by other international organizations or donors

  18. Korean Intellectual Property Office Relevance to the Development Agenda • Recommendation 31: To undertake initiatives agreed by Member States, which contribute to transfer of technology to developing countries, such as requesting WIPO to facilitate better access to publicly available patent information. • Impacts of the project for transfer of technology to developing countries • The project will facilitate better access by NGOs, enterprises & researchers to publicly available patent information on appropriate technologies and their implementation of such technologies • As such, the project will contribute to the implementation of the Development Agenda

  19. Thank You! Eun Kyul PARK Korean Intellectual Property Office Republic of Korea 82-42-481-8604 ekpark@kipo.go.kr

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