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ANS Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD)

ANS Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD). Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Thomas M. Evans November 13, 2013, Washington DC. MCD Mission Statement.

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ANS Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD)

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  1. ANS Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Thomas M. Evans November 13, 2013, Washington DC

  2. MCD Mission Statement Division members promote the advancement of mathematical and computational methods for solving problems arising in all disciplines encompassed by the Society. They place particular emphasis on numerical techniques for efficient computer codes, the proper use of these codes, the preparation of computational benchmarks, and the development of standards for computing practices

  3. MCD Governance Structure • Chair, Vice-Chair (1 year terms) • Secretary (2 year terms) • Executive Committee (3 year terms) • Executive committee generally a mix of university and laboratory with small industry contributions

  4. MCD Governance (2013-2014) Executive Committee Cassiano de Oliveira, PieroRavetto, Glenn Sjoden, John Wagner, Troy Becker, Gregory Davidson, David Griesheimer, Massimiliano Rosa, Rachel Slaybaugh, Mark Williams Staff Liason Bonnifer Ballard Board Liason Steven Arndt Ex Officio Hans Gougar, Todd Urbatsch Officers • Thomas Evans (Chair) • Forrest Brown (Vice-Chair) • James Donnelly (Secretary) • DmitriyAnistratov (Treasurer)

  5. MCD Governance • Rules and Bylaws • Finalized and submitted to Headquarters in November 2012 • Corrections submitted to Rules and Bylaws committee, July 2013 • Division Website • Moved to ANS server http://www.mcd.ans.org • Maintenance of website now part of Division Secretary’s duties • Two newsletters per year

  6. MCD Membership by Group

  7. MCD Membership Roughly 10% of ANS 1134

  8. Division Finances

  9. Coordination with ANS Strategic Plan • Professional Development • MCD supports professional development by maintaining the highest technical standards for quality in its ANS Transactions and its biennial premier international Math&Comp Topical meetings, which provide networking and high quality peer review.  We offer a "Best Summary+Presentation" award along with major prestigious awards.  MCD supports students via donations for ANS Student Conferences, travel support, scholarships and awards, reception tickets. • Sharing information and advances in technology • In addition to the high quality technical work presented at national meetings and topicals, MCD's members publish in the ANS journals.  MCD provide newsletters to MCD members and is active in the Society's efforts to modernize its publications and access to publications.

  10. Coordination with ANS Strategic Plan • Engaging the public • MCD is active in writing standards related to software use and development.  MCD members have authored and contributed to open source software.  We are near our first draft of an MCD poster in response to the "Loewen Initiative.”MCD and ANS as a whole appear to be under-represented on Wikipedia.  Therefore, we will encourage members to contribute to Wikipedia in their areas of expertise. We will be exploring what "member services" our division can bolster by asking members what they want, and what services would benefit the public as a whole, whether it be via our website or Wikipedia. • Engaging the policy makers • Typically, MCD is not involved with policy makers.  We held a popular Summer 2012 roundtable on the legalities of producing and distributing software.  Activities along these lines may provide opportunities for designing mechanisms that serve our members and, consequently, provide statistics that would be useful to policy makers.

  11. Division Contributions to Society • Participation with Other Professional Societies • Our members participate at SIAM, AAPM, ASTM and APS societies • Co-sponsorship of meetings, e.g., Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA), Monte Carlo (MC) • Society Leadership • Our members serve on the ANS board and actively participate in many standing committees • Endowed scholarships • Robert A. Dannels graduate scholarship • Planning ongoing for scholarship honoring Eli Gelbard • Non-Meeting Publications • Our members publish papers in Nuclear Science and Engineering, Nuclear Technology, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Medical Physics, TTSP, SIAM Journals, IEEE Journals, ASTM Journals • Current ANS members are on the editorial boards of Journal of Computational Physics and TTSP • Took part in conversational, “Your division does what?” information exchange with ANS • Actively engage in ANS-10 Standards

  12. Summary • Areas of Success • Organization of successful topical meetings • M&C 2013, Sun Valley Idaho • Increasing trends in number of members • Large student participation • Sponsor and participate in ANS Student meetings • Organization of code workshops at national and international meetings • Effective collaborations with international nuclear community

  13. Summary • Focus for Future Action • Continue our activities for attraction and retention of young members and students • Actively working with Young Members group in this regard • Support student travel to ANS meetings • Continue our efforts to attract other societies into ANS • Numerous mini-symposia have been organized by ANS MCD members at recent SIAM meetings • Further develop new technical areas in which MCD members participate - e.g., computational materials, multiphysics, CFD • Continue our efforts in organization of quality meetings • Improve service to membership by exploring new approaches to roundtable session at national meetings and workshops at topical meetings • DOE travel restrictions may effect a significant percentage of our membership • Better information exchange with members through improved website • Our site currently needs work

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