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PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. THOMAS AQUINAS. The statement “I believe in God ”, was a statement taken for granted for many centuries . Some people think that we cannot believe in an Almighty creator .
Thestatement “I believe in God”, was a statementtakenforgrantedformanycenturies. Somepeoplethinkthatwecannotbelieve in anAlmightycreator. Thisquestion has beentossedaboutforcenturies. One of themostfamouscollections of proves of theexistence of God, comes tousfrom St. Thomas Aquinas, he famouslywrotehis 5 ways of knowingtheexistence of God.
THE FIRST WAY: MOTION Thefirstone can becalledtheargumentfrommotion, somethingthatis moved has tobe moved bysomethingelse. So Godisthe“Prime Mover”, and thestarter of allthings. Itmightsoundsimplistic, butthereisproof in thearea of Physics, whichsaysthattheUniversethatisexpanding as oursis, has tohavehad a beginning, that as long as any universal systemisexpanding, itmusthavehad a startingpoint. So Thomas Aquinas´ proofforMotionisconfirmedbyModernPhysics.
THE SECOND WAY: CAUSE Thesecondargument, istheargumentfrom cause, thatis, ifsomethingiscaused, it has tobecausedbysomethingelse, youcan´thaveanendlessstream of causes unlessyouhave a beginning. So therehadtobe a First Cause, whichisGod. Somepeoplemightthinktheuniverseis eternal, having no beginning and no end. AgainphysicsprovesthattheUniverseisnot eternal, in factitischanging, breakingdownorslowingdownconstantly.
THE THIRD WAY: NECESSITY Thethirdargumentistheargument of contingency and necessity. St. Thomas saidthatallthingswerecontingent , everythingthatexists, at somepointwillceasetoexist, and theuniversewill no longerbe. So St. Thomas arguesthattheremustbeonebeingthatisnecessarytoholdallthings in existence, and thatexistenceisGod.
Imagine youdoing a painting, yourpainting can be a landscapeor a portrait, it can be a picture of anything. Allthethingsyouput in thepicturewillbecontingent, butifyoudon´thave a canvas, orpaint, youhave no painting, so youmusthavesomethingthatisnecessary, and thatisGod.
THE FOURTH WAY: PERFECTION Thefourthargumentistheargumentfromperfection. Youcouldsayforexamplethatsomethingisgoodorisbetter; somethingisstrongorisstronger. St. Thomas saysthatifyou´regoingtomeasureanything in somekind of scale, theremustbeoneend of thescale, whichisperfection and St. Thomas believesthatisGod.
THE FIFTH WAY: DESIGN Thefifthargumentiswhatisknown as theargument of design, the idea thatwe can look at theorder of creation, thedesign of theuniverse, we can only imagine thatsomebenevolentcreatorwasbehindit. Theuniversewasdesignedforhumanlife.
Thefiveways of Thomas Aquinasshow thatreason can helpustobetterunderstandourfaith and haveeveryreasonto trust theexistence of God.