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CHAPTER 8 Microbiological Diseases: Non-Respiratory Infectious Diseases. Introduction. This chapter includes a discussion of infectious diseases of systems of the body (except respiratory system) Includes Diseases Symptoms Diagnostic procedures Treatments. 8-3. Meningitis
CHAPTER 8 Microbiological Diseases:Non-Respiratory Infectious Diseases
Introduction This chapter includes a discussion of infectious diseases of systems of the body (except respiratory system) Includes Diseases Symptoms Diagnostic procedures Treatments 8-3
Meningitis Inflammation of meninges (viral or bacterial) Signs/Symptoms (S/S): fever, nuchal rigidity, fatigue, headache, decline in mental status Diagnostics: blood culture, lumbar puncture, gram stain, CSF culture Transmission: respiratory droplets Treatment: antibiotics (if bacterial) (Continues) Infectious Diseases of Head and Neck 8-4
Encephalitis Inflammation of brain tissue S/S: fatigue, headache, abnormal brain function, seizures, paralysis, abnormal movements Diagnostic: lumbar puncture Treatment: acyclovir Prognosis: death (if untreated) (Continues) Infectious Diseases of Head and Neck 8-5
Otitis media Inflammation of middle ear S/S: irritability, ear tugging, decreased energy and appetite, fever, vomiting Treatment Antibiotics/topical steroids/analgesics/NSAIDs Myringotomy No ASA due to possibility of Reye syndrome (Continues) Infectious Diseases of Head and Neck 8-6
Conjunctivitis Inflammation of sclera Acute: noninfectious (allergies) Bacterial: usually contagious Viral: contagious, often preceded by URI Treatment Bacterial: topical antibiotics Viral: antihistamines/decongestants (Continues) Infections of the Eye 8-8
Keratitis Inflammation of cornea Due to: viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi Can cause blindness; refer to ophthalmologist immediately Diagnostic: culture Treatment: antibiotics if bacterial (medication is compounded by pharmacist, since not commercially available), antivirals if due to Herpes simplex Infections of the Eye 8-9
Cardiovascular Infections Endocarditis Infection in one or more heart valves S/S: dyspnea; fever; edema of legs/feet; petechiae/lesions of skin, hair, nails Diagnostic: echocardiogram Treatment Valve replacement IV antimicrobials Prognosis: death if not properly treated 8-10
Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections (CRBIs) Types of catheters (based on infusion site) Central (subclavian, internal jugular, femoral) S/S: localized redness and purulent drainage, fever, hypotension, change in mentation Diagnostic: culture from catheter and from a peripheral vein Treatment: antimicrobials, removal of catheter Peripheral (arms/hands), rarely infected 8-11
Cellulitis Infection of lower dermis/fat tissue S/S: flat, red area on skin; difficult to distinguish border; possible drainage Slow development Risk factors: non-intact skin; chronic edema of extremities Treatment Antibiotics (Continues) Infectious Diseases of Skin and Soft Tissues 8-12
Infectious Diseases of Skin and Soft Tissues • Necrotizing skin and soft tissue infections (including necrotizing fasciitis) • Serious, rapid destruction of skin/fascia • Anaerobic or aerobic • S/S: edematous, fluid-filled blisters at site; fever; tachycardia; hypotension; confusion; decreased urine output • Treatment • Debridement, antibiotics 8-14
Intra-Abdominal Infections • Appendicitis • S/S: abdominal pain, radiating from navel to right lower abdomen; nausea; vomiting; loss of appetite • Treatment • Surgery • Antibiotics, if required (Continues) 8-15
Intra-Abdominal Infections • Acute cholecystitis • Presence of stone blocking bile flow • S/S: fever, right upper abdominal pain radiating to back or right shoulder, nausea; vomiting; lack of appetite, onset of pain one hour after eating fatty meal • Diagnostic: gallbladder ultrasound • Treatment: surgery, antibiotics, if required (Continues) 8-16
Intra-Abdominal Infections • Diverticulitis • Inflammation of diverticula • Rupture can cause localized abscess, diffuse peritonitis (or death if not treated) • S/S: pain in left lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea • Treatment • Antibiotics (Continues) 8-17
Intra-Abdominal Infections • Clostridium difficile colitis • Mild to severe and/or life-threatening • Usual history of antibiotic therapy 10 weeks prior to onset of symptoms • S/S: diarrhea, abdominal pain with cramping, low-grade fever, leukocytosis • Diagnostic: symptoms, history of antibiotics • Treatment: contact isolation, combination therapy (Continues) 8-18
Intra-Abdominal Infections • Infectious diarrhea • Associated with consumption of contaminated food, travel, or exposure to pets • S/S: abdominal cramps, diarrhea that might be bloody • Treatment: self-limiting, replacement fluids • Source: usually food, not water • Prevention: handwashing, cautious food and beverage consumption 8-19
Genitourinary Tract Infections • Sexually transmitted diseases • Preventable with safe sex practices • Chlamydia • Incubation period 7–21 days • Males: asymptomatic (or) painful urination, mucoid discharge from penis • Females: cervicitis, urethritis, salpingitis, endometritis, PID • Treatment: doxycycline or azithromycin (Continues) 8-20
Genitourinary Tract Infections • Sexually transmitted diseases • Gonorrhea • Asymptomatic (or) urogenital, pharyngeal and rectal infections (males and females) • Conjunctivitis (young children and adults) • Coinfection with chlamydia is common • Treatment: ceftriaxone, cefixime, azithromycin (Continues) 8-21
Genitourinary Tract Infections • Herpes simplex 1 or 2 • Type 2 usually causes genital herpes • S/S: asymptomatic (or) blisters around rectum/genitals • Outbreaks may recur since viruses cannot be eliminated from the body • Treatment • Antivirals (Continues) 8-22
Bone and Joint Infections • Osteomyelitis • Infection in one or more bones of the body • S/S: localized pain, redness, warmth and edema at site; fever; chills • Treatment • Debridement • Antibiotics • Surgery to remove necrotic bone (Continues) 8-24
Bone and Joint Infections • Septic arthritis • Infection in one or more joints of the body • Risk factors: diabetes, steroid use, surgery or trauma to joint, rheumatoid arthritis, IV drug use, advanced age • S/S: painful, swollen joint; warmth at site; fever with chills; pain with movement of joint • Treatment • Antibiotics 8-25
Introduction Respiratory system Serves as host for infectious diseases, although contains many layers of defense Warm, moist atmosphere facilitating microbacterial growth Site for constant inhalation of environmental particles 9-3
Upper Respiratory Infections • Includes • Sinusitis • Pharyngitis • Epiglottitis • Croup 9-4
Description Inflammation of hollow sinuses in nasal cavity Viral or bacterial Signs/Symptoms (S/S) (not limited to): nasal stuffiness and discharge; pain/pressure in face; if bacterial, yellow or green nasal discharge Diagnostic Observe for ten days to determine if self-limiting or if treatment required (Continues) Sinusitis 9-5
Treatment Oral decongestants Topical decongestants Nasal steroids Analgesics Antibiotics Sinusitis 9-6
Description Inflammation of pharynx and surrounding lymphatic tissue Viral or bacterial S/S (not limited to): sore throat; dysphagia; fever; white, mucosal patches Treatment: usually self-limiting; if bacterial, antibiotics Severe complications, if untreated Pharyngitis 9-7
Description Acute airway obstruction (airway emergency) Prevalent in children 2–6 years of age Abrupt onset (usually due to haemophilis influenzae Type B) Symptoms (4 Ds): distress (respiratory), drooling, dysphasia, dysphonia Treatment Maintain airway Antibiotic therapy Epiglottitis 9-8
Description Infection of laryngeal area, prevalent in children younger than 3 years of age Usually viral S/S: barking cough, stridor, may be afebrile Treatment: air humidification, administration of oxygen, nebulized epinephrine or corticosteroids Croup 9-9
Lower Respiratory Infections • Includes • Acute bronchitis • Acute bronchiolitis • Pneumonia • Tuberculosis 9-10
Description Affects bronchi; common in winter months Usually viral and may be self-limiting S/S: may progress from nonspecific symptoms (e.g., headache, sore throat) to thick bronchial secretions with productive cough; bilateral rhonchi and coarse crackles Treatment: symptomatic treatment, antibiotics (if bronchitis due to pertussis) Acute Bronchitis 9-11
Bronchiolitis Description Affects bronchioles, especially in infants 2–10 months of age; often in winter–spring months S/S (not limited to): restlessness, mild fever, noisy upper airway breathing, tachypnea Most common cause: RSV Treatment: antivirals, aerosolized drug using special nebulizer equipment (hood or mist tent) 9-12
Pneumonia • Many types • Community-acquired pneumonia • Atypical pneumonia • Viral pneumonia • Tracheobronchitis • HCAP, VAP, HAP • Aspiration pneumonia • Pneumocystis jiroveci (Continues) 9-13
Pneumonia Description Causes: virus, bacteria, fungus, drugs or chemicals S/S (not limited to): leukocytosis, fever, rhonchi, dullness of percussion at site Diagnostic: chest x-ray and cultures of sputum and blood Assess respiratory function to determine need for hospitalization 9-14
CAP Description of infection is determined by prevalent pathogens, not geographical location Usual cause: Streptococcus pneumoniae Treatment Determined by such guidelines as local resistance patterns, clinical condition, chest x-ray results Recommended treatments are frequently updated Community-Acquired Pneumonia 9-15
Atypical Pneumonia • Description • Cause: organisms not detectable by gram stain, nor growth on standard cultural media • Organisms do not respond to antibiotics used to treat pneumonia • Often due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella, Chlamydophila pneumoniae • Treatment • Empiric therapy 9-16
Viral Pneumonia Description • Determined by molecular diagnostic methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test • Must rule out bacterial cause • Bacteria and virus can coinfect • If bacterial, treat with antibiotics 9-17
Tracheobronchitis • Pneumonia-like infection caused by mechanical ventilation • S/S: fever, new/increased sputum production • Diagnostic: sputum sample from endotracheal tube for gram stain and culture • Treatment • Antibiotics (determined by local antibiotic susceptibility patterns) 9-18
HCAP, VAP, HAP • Health care–associated (HCAP), ventilator- associated (VAP), hospital-acquired (HAP) • Pneumonia related to exposure to/frequent contact with health care settings • Preventive measures: decrease aspiration by patients; prevent cross-contamination; disinfection/sterilization of respiratory devices; vaccines against certain infections; education of hospital staff and patients 9-19
Aspiration Pneumonia • Two types • Chemical • Exposure to stomach acid • Treatment: symptomatic therapy allowing lungs to heal • Bacterial • Due to aspiration of oropharyngeal organisms, or aerosol inhalation • Treatment: empiric antibiotic therapy 9-20
Pneumocystis jiroveci (Carinii) • Description • Due to defects in cell-mediated immunity (e.g., complications of HIV; organ or bone marrow transplantation; medications) • S/S (not limited to): asymptomatic (or) fever, cough, tachypnea, dyspnea • Diagnostic: ABGs • Treatment: specific IV or parenteral medications 9-21
Tuberculosis • Airborne, chronic disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis • Latent: inhaled droplet is encapsulated • Active: inhaled droplet (bacilli) escapes • S/S: asymptomatic (or) weight loss, fever, night sweats, bloody sputum • Diagnostic: Mantoux or PPD, testing of sputum specimen, chest x-ray (Continues) 9-22
Tuberculosis • Treatment • If latent • Preventive treatment (isoniazid 6–12 months) • If active • Medication regimen 6–24 months • Directly observed treatment (DOT) may be required due to noncompliance 9-23
Bioterrorism • Pulmonary irritants • Chlorine, phosgene • Biochemical reactions of irritants cause laryngospasm and pulmonary edema • Anthrax • Transmission: skin contact, inhalation • If inhaled, spores are transported to lymph system, germinate and produce toxins • Treatment: antibiotics (Continues) 9-24
Bioterrorism • Plague • Potential bioweapon, contagious • Transmission: close contact, aerosol • Treatment • If systemic: parenteral antibiotic therapy • Prophylaxis (post-exposure): oral antibiotics • Vaccine no longer available; discontinued in 1999 9-25
Avian Influenza (H5N1) • Carried in intestines of wild birds; transmitted to domestic birds, including poultry (cause of human exposure) • May be transmitted through touching contaminated surfaces • S/S noted after a 2- to 5-day incubation period include (not limited to) fever, cough, rhinorrhea, diarrhea, abdominal pain (Continues) 9-26
Avian Influenza (H5N1) • Symptoms may progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome • Treatment • Prophylaxis and supportive treatment • Antiviral medications • Includes treatment of anyone living with infected patient 9-27
Summary • Clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment of respiratory system infections • Upper respiratory infections • Lower respiratory infections • Bioterrorism • Avian influenza (Continues) 9-28
Summary • Many upper respiratory tract infections due to viruses • Treating viral infections with antibiotics promotes bacterial resistance • Refer to text/tables for in-depth information 9-29