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Faculty Development at ASU: 2012-13

Faculty Development at ASU: 2012-13 Kate Brinko, Nigel Davies, Amanda Phillips, Will Canu. Summer 2013 • Completed Phase One of Faculty Learning Community • All five participants completed a course redesign in the multi-day intensive (below)

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Faculty Development at ASU: 2012-13

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  1. Faculty Development at ASU: 2012-13 Kate Brinko, Nigel Davies, Amanda Phillips, Will Canu • Summer 2013 • • Completed Phase One of Faculty Learning Community • • All five participants completed a course redesign in the multi-day intensive (below) • • Initiated Phase Two of Faculty Learning Community • • Developed syllabus for redesigned course • • Planned data collection methods, instruments • • Implemented and evaluated the multi-day intensive • • 34 ASU faculty attended UDL workshop • • 33 from ASU and 14 from ECU attended course redesign workshop (47 participants) • • 32 faculty from ASU submitted course redesigns • • Participants received individual feedback on course designs • • Initiated developpment of first online module • • Interviewed pilot faculty member • • Continued planning faculty development efforts for 2013-14 • • FLC, workshops, intensive, online module • • Targeted topics: UDL in Gen Ed, UDL in STEM, UDL in large classes • Spring 2013 • • Met monthly with ASU CIT • • Implemented Phase One of Faculty Learning Community • • Focus on developing a model of and rubric for evaluating courses for Universal Design for Learning • • Five participants (3 pre-tenure, 1 tenured, 1 non-tenure track) plus one partial participant (pre-tenure) • • Met monthly plus in-between research/writing • • Six attended the Lilly-South Conference on College Teaching • • Implemented and evaluated two campus-wide workshops: • • Teaching with Pencasts (7 participants) • • Promoting Deep Learning with Clickers (17 participants) • • Initiated student nomination process for online modules • • Strategically identified six student groups • • Issued invitations through offices on campus • • Identified pilot faculty member • • Thanked student participants • • Continued preparations for multi-day intensive for Summer 2013 • • Developed announcement, application process • • Accepted 35 faculty into program • • Planned event with presenters • • Finalized venue plans/logistics • • Planned workshops for Fall 2013 • Fall 2012 • • Reassigned duties of Faculty Development Consultant to support College STAR faculty development efforts • • Hired graduate assistant to support College STAR faculty development efforts • • Met monthly with ASU CIT • • Introduced UDL to campus via workshop in conjunction with new faculty orientation in August 2012 • • Implemented and evaluated two campus-wide workshops: • • Using LiveScribe Pens (15 participants) • • Just-in-Time Teaching (30 participants) • • Planned and recruited Faculty Learning Community • • Focus on Universal Design for Learning • • Developed announcement, application process, curriculum • • Aimed for 10 pre-tenure tenure-track participants • • 17-month commitment • • Monthly meetings plus in-between activities • • Planned student nomination process for online modules • • Consulted with ECU about process • • Planned adjustments to current website • • Initiated planning for multi-day intensive for Summer 2013 • • Identified format and topics: Universal Design and Course Redesign • • Collaborated with UNCG and ECU • • Recruited presenters • • Identified venue • • Developed and posted website for College STAR • • Plus developed and posted related/more detailed website on Faculty and Academic Development web page • Spring/Summer 2012 • • Established Appalachian’s Core Implementation Team (ASU CIT) • • Project Director: Will Canu, Ph.D. (Psychology) • • Component B Director: Kate Brinko, Ph.D. (Hubbard Programs) • • Component A Director: Monica Lambert, Ed.D. (Education) • • Faculty Consultant: Pam Kidder-Ashley, Ph.D. (Psychology) • • Met weekly with ASU CIT • • Researched faculty development strategies appropriate for ASU • • Consulted with UNCG and ECU on their faculty development strategies • • Conducted literature review on best practice • • Strategically selected sessions to attend at Lilly-South and Southern Regional Faculty and Instructional Development Sharing Conferences • • Identified ASU’s faculty development approach • • Focus on new faculty as target group • • Provide “holistic” approach to campus faculty development • • Planned faculty development efforts for Summer and Fall 2012 • • Participated in joint Core Implementation Team Meetings (throughout project) • • Participated in 2012 Shared Learning Conference

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