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IEP Training for Kansas Schools. Kansas State Department of Education TASN - Technical Assistance System Network Spring, 2014. Standards-Based IEPs for Students Taking the Alternate Assessment (Recommended but not Required Practice). Topics. www.ksdetasn.org.
IEP Training for Kansas Schools Kansas State Department of Education TASN - Technical Assistance System Network Spring, 2014 Standards-Based IEPs for Students Taking the Alternate Assessment (Recommended but not Required Practice)
Topics www.ksdetasn.org • What is a Standards-based IEP? • Steps to developing a standards-based IEP for a student taking the Alternate Assessment: • Use PLAAFPs to link to the DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements • Choose an Essential Element related to a prioritized need • Develop a goal related to the Essential Element • Write Short-term Objectives or Benchmarks • Collect progress monitoring data and adjust instruction
What is a Standards-based IEP for Students who take the Alternate Assessment? • A process and a document that is framed by the Kansas College and Career Ready (KCCR) Standards, the Kansas Extended Standards, and the DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements to ensure instructional accountability for each students with disabilities. • A plan that contains goals individually designed to facilitate the student’s achievement of grade-level Essential Elements linked to state content standards. • The cornerstone of access to the general curriculum for students with disabilities.
How Do IEP Teams Align IEPs to Standards for Students taking the Alternate Assessment? • Use the DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements as a guide to determine what is important for the student to learn or be able to do • Refer to the DLM Essential Elements to determine expectations at the student’s enrolled grade level • Conduct an analysis to determine the gap between grade-level Essential Elements and the student’s current level of skills
Benefits of a Standards-Based IEP • Provides students taking alternate assessments with the opportunity to learn and make progress on grade-level standards in a manner that is appropriate to their individual needs. • Ensures compliance with federal and state requirements related to access to the general education curriculum grade level standards. • Ensures that parents have a better understanding of expectations for students in their child’s grade level. • Supports a collaborative working relationship between general and special education teachers.
What Are the Benefits of an IEP Linked to the Standards/Essential Elements? • Ties the IEP to state standards and grade-level expectations • Provides positive, academic goals for instruction • Utilizes Essential Elements to identify specific content critical to a student's successful progress in the general education curriculum • Promotes a single educational system that links to a single set of standards for all students • Encourages higher expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities (from DLM IEP presentation)
Connecting IEPs tothe Standards and Essential Elements • DOES NOT mean – • Writing goals that restate the Kansas Extended Standards or the DLM Essential Elements • Using the Standards and Elements alone to determine goals • Assuming that every student will work only on grade level content
Connecting IEPs to Standards and Essential Elements • DOES mean – • Referring to Kansas Extended Standards and the DLM Essential Elements to determine expectations at grade level • Using the Standards and Essential Elements as a guide to determine what is important for the student to learn or be able to do • Conducting an analysis to determine the gap between expectations and current skills and knowledge
Connect IEPs to Standards/Essential Elements 1. Consider the grade-level content standards and DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements • Examine grade-level Essential Elements • Discuss expected knowledge and skills • Consider prerequisite knowledge and skills 2. Examine student data to determine where student is in relation to Standards and Elements • Conduct Gap Analysis—compare grade-level DLM Essential Elements with student’s current instructional level
Getting Ready for Developing a Standards-Based IEP • Develop knowledge of the standards • Curriculum guides for general standards • Extended standards or links to standards • DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements • Make sure student data is current • Evaluation/reevaluation data, if current • Progress monitoring data • Current state assessment results • Classroom assessment data
General Educators can provide information about: • Classroom expectations (related to the standards) for grade-level peers • How the student with a disability is currently performing in the classroom • How the student’s disability impacts his/her performance in the general curriculum, across achievement domains • Impact of accommodations being used
Think and Discuss How have the KCCR Standards shaped instruction in your school for students in general education? For students in special education? For students taking the Kansas Alternate Assessment?
1) Use PFLAAFPs to link to a Standard and DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements • PLAAFPs must include information about: • Current performance • Impact of exceptionality • Baseline data for identified need
The Impact Statement Describes the Student’s Involvement in the General Curriculum Think about the following questions: • How does the student’s disability impact the student’s involvement in the general education curriculum? • What academic areas are impacted due to the disability? Example: • Ann’s disability in the area of auditory processing and auditory memory causes her to have difficulty processing problems and remembering information presented orally. This impacts her comprehension and her ability to follow multi-step directions and recall complex concepts. This also impacts her academic success in all instructional settings with oral presentations, including reading, written language, and math, and to a lesser degree, science and social studies.
Possible Data Sources for Linking PLAAFPs to Standards • Progress monitoring results (review of achievement of previous IEP) • Classroom tests • Student work samples • Curriculum-based assessment • Formative, benchmark and summative assessments • Results of most recent state assessment
Questions to ask about PLAAFPs and Standards • What has been the student’s response to learning strategies? • How do learner characteristics affect this student’s learning? • What have been successful interventions, modifications, or accommodations? • Which needs present the biggest obstacles to the student’s progress toward grade-level Standards and Essential Elements? • How does the child’s disability impact his/her involvement and progress in the general curriculum? • What are the skill sets the student requires to access and make progress in general education curriculum?
Questions to ask about PLAAFPs and Standards • What is the student’s current performance in relation to his/her grade-level Standards and Essential Elements? • What skills does the student already have that will enable him/her to work toward Standards and Essential Elements for the student’s current grade level? • What prerequisite skills are missing in order for the student to be able to achieve the grade level Standards/Essential Elements? • What are high priority needs that the IEP team might want to address through goals?
Consider Gap Analysis • A gap analysis is used to measure and analyze the difference between the student's current levels of performance and grade-level content standard expectations. • What prerequisite skills or knowledge does the student need to close the gap between his/her Present Level of Academic Achievement and the grade-level content standards?
Activity: Gap Analysis—PLAAFPs • PLAAFP:Richie can identify numerals from 1 to 20. He can add and subtract single digit numbers with 90% accuracy when using manipulatives. He can identify coins and bills (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and one dollar bill) but he cannot identify equivalent values (e.g., 2 dimes and a nickel equal a quarter) or make change. He is learning about simple fractions, and understands one-half and one-fourth when it relates to a pizza or pie. Last year, he participated in a general math class survey and graphing project when he asked fellow students their favorite color, and used small pieces of colored paper to collect, collate, and count answers, while his peers created the final graph.
Activity: Gap Analysis—Some 4th Grade Math Essential Elements • EE.4.MD.2.d. Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) and their values. • EE.4.OA.3. Solve one-step real-world problems using addition or subtraction within 100. • EE.4.NBT.4. Add and subtract two-digit whole numbers. • EE.4.NF.3. Differentiate between whole and half. • EE.4.MD.4.a. Represent data on a picture or bar graph given a model and a graph to complete.
Activity: Conducting a Gap Analysis Compare Richie’s present levels to the expectations of the grade-level Essential Elements. • Where do Richie’s skills already meet the requirements of the Essential Elements? • Where are there gaps between Richie’s skills and the Essential Elements? • What instruction does Richie need to move from his current performance level to the level of the Essential Elements?
Questions for IEP Teams to Consider when Conducting a Gap Analysis • What is the intent of the grade-level content standard and DLM Essential Element? • What is the Essential Element saying that the student must know and be able to do? • What are the specific skills within the Essential Element? What are the pre-requisite skills for the Essential Element?
Gap Analysis: Other Questions to Consider • Has the student been taught content aligned with the grade-level Standards and Essential Elements? • Has the student been provided appropriate instruction to attain grade-level Essential Elements? • Does the student have an appropriate means to express what he or she knows relative to the Essential Element? • Was the student provided instructional materials in an accessible format? • Is assistive technology needed to access instruction in the general or alternate curriculum?
2) Choose a Standard/Essential Element related to a prioritized need and analyze skills with the Essential Element • Selection of a Standard & Essential Element should be related to a high-priority need for which you want to write a goal
Choose a Standard/Essential Element related to a prioritized need • Not all Standards& Essential Elements are equally important for a student • Consider • Vision for the student • Impact of the Standard/Element on skills needed for success in subsequent grade levels • Impact of the Standard/Element on skills needed across achievement domains
Choosing and Analyzing a Standard • Choose the standard(s) most essential to • Accelerating the student’s ability to progress in the general curriculum • Reduce the difference between student’s performance and grade level Standards/Essential Elements
Analyzing a Standard/Essential Element • Identify sub-skills within the grade-level Essential Element • Identify the critical skill(s) needed todemonstrate proficiency of expectations at the student’s enrolled grade level
Prioritizing the Standards/Elements Which Standards/Essential Elements: • Will most likely accelerate growth in the general curriculum? • Will most likely have an impact across achievement domains? • Will most likely result in educational benefit for the student? • Are pre-requisites for Essential Elements at later grade levels? • Require specialized instruction? Is staff development needed as a result?
Selecting the Standard • Determine which Standards/Essential Elements are most important for each student (based on progress in the general or alternate curriculum) • Compare Standards/Essential Elements with student’s areas of need and the impact of the disability • Use data to determine which areas the student will find difficult without additional instruction and supports
Analyze skills within the Standard/Essential Element • What is the Standard/Element saying the student must know and be able to do? • What are key vocabulary? • Look at degree of difficulty and complexity of the skills within the Standard/Element. • What are the pre-requisite skills? • Identify where the student is performing within the skill hierarchy related to the Standard/Element. • How does the student’s disability and learning characteristics affect progress in this Standard/Element? (adapted from Carol Kosnitsky, 2012)
Activity: PLAAFP Examples Directions: Select either the PLAAFP Example for Grade 4 (Sally) or for Grade 7 (Marco). • Link a need from this PLAAFP statement to a DLM Essential Element for the student’s grade level. • Analyze the skills within that Essential Element. • Which skills does the student already have? • Which skills is the student missing? • What instruction does the student need to master the skill of the Essential Element?
3) Select a skill from the Standard/Essential Element and develop a goal • Remember that a goal has four components: • Behavior • Conditions • Criteria • Timeframe
Develop a goal • The goal may relate to a missing pre-requisite skill for a Standard/Essential Element. • The goal should describe what the student will accomplish in one school year. • Make sure the goal includes the 4 required components: • Behavior/skill • Conditions • Criteria • Timeframe
When Developing Measurable Goals Aligned with Grade-Level Standards • Goals should build on current strengths or address specified needs of the student • Goals are NOT a restatement of the Standard/Element • Goals do not take the place of the instructional curriculum • Remember that functional and life skills are also likely to need goals
Consider: • Intent of the Standard • Skills needed to meet the Standard/Element • Knowledge and skills that must be in place in order for student to learn the grade-level Essential Elements • Methods for showing what the student knows and can do within the Standard/Essential Element
Activity: Measurable Annual Goal for Sean Goal: In 36 instructional weeks, when given a familiar storybook, Sean will be able to identify at least 4 illustrations and tell one way each illustration relates to the story. (Sean is a 5th grader.) • What 5th grade ELA Standard and DLM Essential Element are aligned with this goal? • To what specific skill within that Essential Element is the goal aligned?
Activity: Measurable Annual Goal Directions: • Chose the activity for Sally or Marco, depending on which student PLAAFPs you used in a previous activity. • Develop a measurable goal for Sally or Marco, based on the analysis of the Standard/Element from the earlier activity. Use the 2 X 2 table found on the next slide and in the Activities handout on page 4.
Measurable Annual Goal: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) Write Short-term Objectives or Benchmarks • Short-term objectives and benchmarks are steps that measure the student’s progress toward the annual goal. • These should provide a clear mechanism to evaluate the child’s progress. • They are a logical breakdown of the major components of the annual goal.
Short-Term Objectives and Benchmarks • Are required only for those students taking the Kansas Alternate Assessment • ALL goals on an IEP for a student taking the Kansas Alternate Assessment must include benchmarks or short term objectives • IMPORTANT NOTE: Some districts have adopted the policy that they will continue to require objectives and/or benchmarks for all IEPs. Follow your own local policy.
Short-Term Objectives • Are sequential, progressive, intermediate measures of progress toward the annual goal • Are restatements of the goal with a different criterion
Benchmarks • Are milestones that describe content to be learned or skills to be performed • Are used when progress is not easily quantified and is based on task analysis • Are distinct skills that are often independent of each other but must be combined to meet the measurable annual goal
Activity: Objectives/Benchmarks Directions: • Using the measurable goal you developed for Sally or Marco, write either short-term objectives or benchmarks for your goal. • Use the form on page 5 of the Activities Handout for writing the objectives or benchmarks.
5) Collect progress monitoring data to measure progress toward the goal Progress monitoring data answers the following questions: • Is the student making progress toward his/her goal? • Are instructional adjustments are needed? • Are the special education services and supports being provided effective in helping the student to reach his/her goal?
Collect Progress Monitoring Data • Identify the skill in the goal that will be monitored and the measurement to be used • Develop a chart to track the data • Develop an aimline (a line from the baseline score to the criteria in the goal) • Determine how often to collect data • Make instructional adjustments based on the data • Make progress reports to parents consistent with the schedule in the IEP
The Trendline Won’t Meet the Aimline—Intensify Instruction
Intensifying Instruction • Some options for intensifying instruction are: • Increase the number of practice opportunities or provide practice opportunities with adult support present • Reduce the size of the group or move to one-on-one • Spend more time modeling the “I do” and “We do” guided practice before the student practices independently • Increase the length or frequency of the instructional intervention • Use a more systematic program/curriculum so that skills are taught in a more prescribed manner • Provide better access to instruction through assistive technology • Provide additional special education services and supports
Activity: Complete all the steps for Samantha • Identify an ELA Standard and linked DLM Essential Element for 4th grade that is related to needs within Samantha’s PLAAFP (page 6 of the Activities Handout). • Develop a measurable annual goal for Samantha, that is designed to address a skill within that Essential Element (page 6). • Write Objectives/Benchmarks for your goal (page 7 of the Activities Handout). • Describe how you might collect progress monitoring data (page 7).
Review • Standards-based IEPs are a recommended but not required practice. • The IEP should not merely restate the Standard/Essential Element, but should specify the skills the student needs to acquire in order to make progress in achieving the Standard/Element • Annual goals in a standards-based IEP are related to needs resulting from the student’s disability thatdirectly affect access to andprogress in the general curriculum.