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全球抗呼吸疾病联盟 一级预防及健康促进. Global Alliance Against Respiratory Disease Primary Prevention & Health Promotion. 爱尔兰全科医学院. 预防及 健康促进. 定义,要点 危险因素 及监测. WG1. Defining the Burden, Risk Factors, & Surveillance. WG2. 认知支持和优先条件. WG3. Prevention, & Health Promotion.
全球抗呼吸疾病联盟 一级预防及健康促进 Global Alliance Against Respiratory DiseasePrimary Prevention& Health Promotion 爱尔兰全科医学院 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
预防及 健康促进 定义,要点 危险因素 及监测 WG1. Defining the Burden, Risk Factors, & Surveillance WG2.认知支持和优先条件 WG3. Prevention, & Health Promotion W慢性呼吸病和过敏的控制,可用、价廉的药 Control of CRD & Allergies, D WG4. Diagnosis of CRD & Allergies. 慢性呼吸病和 过敏疾病的诊断 儿童哮喘 慢性 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
免除烹饪烟火 Phasing out the Cooking Fires 烹饪烟火污染是非洲 妇女儿童的主要杀手 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
USA Age Standardised Death Rates 美国标化年龄死亡率 图8,美国6种主要死因标化年龄死亡率 交通事故 心脏病 慢性阻塞性肺病 肿瘤 脑卒中 糖尿病 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Inform Inspect Regulate Research 爱尔兰控烟署 The Irish Office of Tobacco Control 信息 管理 观察 研究 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
对烟草的一致行动 Concerted Action on Tobacco Since the Irish Office of Tobacco Control was established in 2001 the % of the population smokin g has fallen by a quarter (31% to 23.5%). Smoking is banned in all public places including Bars since 2004. 自2001年爱尔兰控烟署建立,居民吸烟率下降1/4 (从31%降到23.5%) 自2004年起,在所有公共场所包括酒吧都禁止吸烟 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
吸烟人数下降了25%吗? No. of Smokers fallen by 25% ? ‘Slan’ Surveys OTC/MRBI Tracker Smoking Ban 禁烟令 OTC/MRBI的追踪调查 吸烟率 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
禁烟为什么那么重要? If we focus only on prevention it will be 40 years before the substantial benefits will be fully realised. Cessation substantially reduces smoking related risks within 1–2 years. Why is cessation so important? 如仅着眼于预防,得提前40年下手才能完全实现实质性效益 禁烟实际上减少吸烟导致的危险,在1-2年内起效 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Price Increases can stop teenagers smoking 提高烟价可阻止青少年吸烟 S 8-17 Very Unlikely To Continue Smoking 很难续吸的青少年 • 提高烟价 Price increase (图示:提高烟价2.5倍可使78%青少年不再吸烟) Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Members of the Parliamentary Committee NGOs - Cancer Society, Heart Foundation etc. Public Health leaders focus on ET Smoke The Minister of Health Statutory Agencies Health & Safety Authority Environmental Health Office (The Tobacco Industry - soon excluded) 建立全国性协作组织 Building a National Partnership 议会专家委员会成员 非政府组织——防癌协会、心脏病基金会等 关注戒烟的卫生行政领导 卫生部长 法定传媒 卫生及安全部门 环保部门 (排除烟草生产厂家) Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Educate people about smoking and its effects Provide more help for smokers to quit Further regulate the Tobacco Industry Protect everyone from Passive Smoking (ETS) Don’t just pass laws – implement them Extend ‘ownership’ to the people Use International Co-operation & Advice Seven Tier Plan 七步计划 吸烟及其后果的教育 对吸烟者戒烟提供更多的帮助 进一步管理烟草生产 保护所有被动吸烟者 不仅通过法律——应贯彻执行 要传达到每个人 利用国际合作协商 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
禁止和限制吸烟的力度 Power to Prohibit & Restrict Smoking The Tobacco Acts • Public Transport • Hospitals and Clinics • Schools and Colleges • Public Offices • Places of work • Cinemas, Theatres, Concert Halls, etc. • Pubs, Bars, Clubs, and Restaurants • Other ‘Specified Places’ 公共交通设施 医院及诊所 Offence to smoke or to permit it – ‘Person in Charge’ is Guilty of an Offence 大中小学 干涉吸烟还是容忍它 公共办公室 —“个人负责”是对干预的犯罪 工作场所 电影院、戏院、歌剧院 酒馆、酒吧、俱乐部及餐馆 其他特殊场所 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
An All-Party Committee – disenchanted The WHO, FCTC, & European contacts Dedicated Office of Tobacco Control Workers rights to a smoke-free workplace Trade Union & (later) Employer Support A Courageous & Ambitious Minister A small but highly committed OTC (15 staff) 发生影响和创造机会的关键 Key Influences & Opportunities 了解其危害的各种党派委员会 WHO, FCTC及欧盟 致力于控烟的机构 有关在劳动场所禁烟的劳动法规 商业联盟及(其后的)用户支持者 有胆有识的部长 小而优秀的非处方药店(15人) Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
WHO & FCTC International NGOs, Conferences, Networks. Experience in New York and elsewhere Authoritative Evidence & Research The ‘week-long visit’ = media, public, private Ministerial Visits 国际支持 International Support for ETS Ban 非政府组织,会议,网络 纽约和其他地方的经验 专业证据及研究成果 每周访谈——媒体,公共,私人 部长访谈 All Better Educated 所有受过好教育者 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Expert Report on E.T.S. (Allwright et al.) What do smokers want? (Loscher, MRBI) Productivity Costs smokers and society (Welte) Statement by Medical Colleges and Deans Irish Women and Tobacco (WHO, Slan, MRBI) Ventilation (James Repace USA) Economic Effects on the Hospitality Industry (TNS- MRBI, Durcan/McDowell,UCD) 准备中的专业报告 OTC Preparatory Expert Reports E.T.S专家报告 吸烟者期望什么? 对吸烟者和社会的生产价值 医科大学和领导们的陈述 爱尔兰妇女和烟草 通风换气 适宜环境工程的经济效益 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
No ‘Acceptable’ level of exposure Effective Ventilation rates are impractical? Ventilation Costs? Level playing pitch? Tobacco industry hospitality programmes Ventilation doesn’t address health effects (Courtesy of Choice; pmoptions) Ventilation 通风换气 暴露没有可接受的水平 通风换气率的效果不切实际吗? 通风换气价值? 烟草厂家能接受的程序 通风换气不能起健康效应 (经选择同意) Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Key messages: • Everyone has the right to live in a clean air environment. • Repeated exposure to environmental smoke causes incurable COPD, asthma, cardiovascular disease and cancer. • Complete elimination of the harmful smoke is the only way to remove the risk. • This applies to tobacco smoke and all other at risk environments. 关键宣传用语 人人有生活在空气清新环境的权利 反复暴露于环境污染导致不可治愈的慢性阻塞性肺病和哮喘、心血管病、肿瘤 彻底清除有害烟尘是消除危害的惟一途径 这些适用于烟草及其他各种危险环境 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Building Compliant Environments 构建和谐环境 • Majority obey the law – smokers and non-smokers • Strong support from key stakeholders - unions, health community, policymakers, rep. orgs. (hotel, restaurant, tourism…) • Intensive compliance building locally - • EHO’s - in partnership with business 吸烟者和非吸烟者大多数服从法律 得到有关部门的强力支持,包括旅馆、餐厅、旅游业 强化依从性,构建地方商业的伙伴关系 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
Compliance very high Prosecutions to date = only 37 现已通行全国 94% of all workplaces included such as.. 93% of hotels; 99% of restaurants; 90% of bars; 97% of other premises After Two Years 两年后 依从性很高 原先彻底执行仅37 全国94%工作场所,包括: 93%的旅馆 99%的餐馆 90%的酒吧 97%的其他场所 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
67% support before the law 89% success – after introduction Support one year on (inc. smokers) 98% believe workplaces are healthier (94% of smokers) 96% think law is a success (89% of smokers) 93% think it is a good idea (80% of smokers) 强力的公众支持——仍在增长 Strong Public Support –Still Growing 有此法律前,支持者67% 其后,89% 一年的支持(包括吸烟者) 98%相信工作场所更健康(包括94%吸烟者) 96%认为是成功的(包括89%吸烟者) 93%认为是好主意(包括80%吸烟者) Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
The Possibility of a Major Breakthrough 重大突破的可能性 Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners
That’s all folks ! Dr. Michael Boland, Irish College of General Practitioners