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Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others,while others define leadership as "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal". Leadership development refers to any activity that enhances the quality of leadership within an individual or organization. Collaborative leadership is a management practice which is focused on the leadership skills across functional and organizational boundaries. <br>Entrepreneurial leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal using proactive entrepreneurial behavior by optimising risk, innovating to take advantage of opportunities, taking personal responsibility and managing change within a dynamic environment for the benefit of the organisation. Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. A thought leader is an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded . please visite our website http://www.malaysia-training.com/
Leadership Training Courses Programs Leadership Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others,while others define leadership as "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal". Leadership development refers to any activity that enhances the quality of leadership within an individual or organization. Collaborative leadership is a management practice which is focused on the leadership skills across functional and organizational boundaries. Entrepreneurial leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal using proactive entrepreneurial behavior by optimising risk, innovating to take advantage of opportunities, taking personal responsibility and managing change within a dynamic environment for the benefit of the organisation. Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. A thought leader is an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded What is it About? Developing good leadership skills allow people to release more of their potential for more important and productive tasks. This also leads to coaching and guiding the subordinates for shouldering more responsibilities and enriching their jobs. Leadership skills is an art and mastering the art of successful supervision can enable everyone become a highly productive and efficient in their job responsibilities, in todays’ hyper competitive business climate. managers.Without leaders at every level of your organization, your organization may well under- perform. It may miss strategic opportunities, stifle innovation, underutilize your employees, and fall short of its goals in customer service, quality, productivity, and profitability. Managers play a crucial role in success and failure of operation of the mission stated by the leaders. They help in implementation of work by taking timely, correct and complete decision making. Managers have the good skills for proper planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and taking the corrective actions on day to day operation. Overview of Course Training 1)What does it mean to be a Leader in Organization 2)Traits, Behaviours and Relationship 3) Contigency Approaches to Leadership 4) Personality and Leadership
Course Synopis For Learning Modules Information 5) Cognitive Differences 6) Fiedler’s Contigency Theory In Leadership 7) Leadership Of Mind and Heart 8) Leader’s Self Insight 9)Courage and Moral Leadership 10)Followership 11) Motivation and Empowerment 12) Leading Teams 13)Developing Leadership Diversity 14)Leadership Power and Influence 15)Leading Change Blake Mouton Managerial Grid - Balancing task- and people-oriented leadership Leadership Motivation Assessment - Know your motivation to lead Winning Expert Power - Leading from the front Leadership Styles - Use the right one for the situation Emotional Intelligence - Developing strong "people skills" Mission Statements and Vision Statements - Unleashing the power of purpose Team Effectiveness Assessment - How well do you and your team work together? Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing – Optimising Service Belbin's Team Roles - Understanding team roles Successful Delegation - Using the power of other people's help Task Allocation - Pick the right team The GROW Model - Coaching team members to improve performance Mentoring - An essential leadership skill How Good Are Your Motivation Skills? Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors - Learn how to motivate your team Avoiding Micromanagement - Helping team members excel - on their own Conflict Resolution - Resolve conflict rationally and effectively Contents Day One 1) What is tenets Of Leaders in Organization For Quantum Growth 2) Understanding High Performing Leaders 3) Six Key Traits of Leaders/Self Assessment 4) Fielders Leadership Style For Organization Understanding 5) Leadership and Management Grid/Appreciating Individual Differences 6) Contigency Trait in Leadership in Shaping Culture/Situational Leadership 7)Building Quantum in Vision with Transformation Aspect 8)Goal Setting /Self Assessment 9)Innovating Change In A Resistance Environment 10) Forces of Change in Quantum Growth
Day Two 1)Leaders as Team Builders 2)Myers Briggs Traits Index (MBIT)/Self Assessment 3)Factors that Influence Leadership Quantum Growth 4)Boy’s Club Theory Understanding 5)Emotional Intelligence in Leadership/Self Assessment 6)Leadership For Quantum Growth Using Task Allocator 7) Leadership Skills Developing Employees for Quantum Growth 8)Building a Emotional Balance in Performance & relationship/Self-Assessment 9) Building a Leadership Quandrant Quantum Growth with Organization Success 10)Session Roundup and Overview Overall Benefits Emotional Dimension of Leadership Leadership as a Passionate Role Research Perspectives on Leadership The Cruz of Leadership in Planning, Controlling and Communication Identifying the strategies of Effective Managing Eliminate the Setbacks to effective communication Delegation and Mentoring In Leadership Understanding Employee’s Job Behaviour/Tactics of Influencing Leader as a Relationship Builder HRDF CLAIMABLE TRAINING HRDF REGISTERED TRAINING PROVIDER REGISTRATION NO: 690354W Training Inquiries Contact Aaron Suresh Fernandez Training Consultant Email: aaron@malaysia-training.com Leadership Training & Consultancy