1. IPEDS Tools SHEEO/NCES Network Conference & IPEDS Workshop 3/30/04John MilamHigherEd.org, Inc.
2. Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT) Part of the PAS & it’s LIVE! Athttp://nces.ed.gov/ipedspas
Replaces the “Dump a dataset” feature
Replaces the IPEDS Electronic Code Book
Designed as an alternative within the PAS
Includes all IPEDS data; will make derived variables available when finalized
Doesn’t have all the bells & whistles
Quickly creates customized datasets, w/ read programs for SAS, SPSS, & STATA & a customized data dictionary w/ statistics
3. IPEDS Glossary Now available live at:http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary
Almost 500 terms
Simple string search of terms or definitions
View terms by # or letter
See links in definitions to other terms
See related terms
See all listings in PDF format
4. Peer Tool for Novices (PTN) Part of the PAS with the same general interface & “look and feel”
Design to whet the user’s appetite for data, hopefully leading them to use the PAS
Presents a simple, step-by-step process:
1) identify a starting or linchpin institution2) pick peers3) pick the data they want4) view a report
Requires creating derived variables of policy interest; but includes only a subset
5. Peer Tool for Novices - cont. Provides data at institution level, up to 100 schools at a time
Limited options for picking peer schools1) pick by name2) automatic peer generation ala NPEC2) selection criteria
Data are presented in topics, like the taxonomy in ANSWERS
View data online only, 8 variables at a time
Reports for statistics & data, w/ ranking
6. Data Analysis System (DAS) An independent app, not part of the PAS
Let users dynamically generate summary tables for one year of final IPEDS data
Does not provide individual school data, only aggregate estimates
Identical in interface & utility to the DAS-OL applications for postsec sample surveys
Save queries w/ Table Parameter Files (TPFs)
Requires creating derived variables of policy interest; but includes only a subset
7. Data Analysis System (DAS) - cont. Provide sums, counts, & percentage estimates for tables structured with rows and columns
Include by-column specs & spanner specs for groups of IPEDS schools with user-defined filters
Make cuts in continuous variables - to identify ranges of values to form subgroups
Make lumps of categorical variables - to select or regroup the categories
8. Data in IPEDS Tools