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Comparative Study of Programming Languages: An In-Depth Analysis

Explore the history, paradigms, and evaluation methods of programming languages. Understand grading criteria and references. Enhance knowledge through assignments and team project work.

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Comparative Study of Programming Languages: An In-Depth Analysis

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  1. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 COMP6411Comparative Study of Programming Languages Part 0: Introduction

  2. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Course outline

  3. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Contact Information • instructor: Joey Paquet • e-mail: paquet@cse.concordia.ca • web: www.cse.concordia.ca/~paquet/ • office hours: Thursdays 11:00-13:00, EV-3-221 • lectures: Wednesdays 17:45-20:15, FG-B-055

  4. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Topics (tentative) • History/Genealogy of programming languages: • Actors, Main branches, Paradigms, Evolutions, Differences. • Paradigms: • Procedural (imperative), Object-oriented, Aspect-Oriented, Functional, Reflective, List. • Evaluation methods: • Turing machine, von Neuman architecture • Compilation, Interpretation, Static/Dynamic typing, Runtime systems, Garbage collection, Dynamic memory allocation, Dynamic binding, Dynamic linking, Distributed computing, Parallel computing.

  5. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Grading • [30%] Examination • Single examination. • Covers all course material. • [40%] Programming Assignments • Four programming assignments. • Write programs to solve a problem in different programming languages. • Experience the differences between programming languages. • Individual work. • [30%] Team Project • Teams of exactly 5 students. • Select 10 different programming languages. • Conduct a detailed comparative study of the 10 languages chosen. • Two deliverables: • Technical paper presenting the comparative study (20%) • Oral presentation in class presenting the results of your study (10%).

  6. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 References • R. Sebesta. Concepts of Programming Languages. Addison-Wesley, 10th edition, 2012. • J. Paquet. Course notes for COMP 6411. Concordia University, 2010-2013. • L.B. Wilson, R.G. Clark. Comparative Programming Languages. Addison Wesley. Third Edition, 2000. • S.H. Roosta. Foundations of Programming Languages. Thomson Learning Inc. 2003. • K.C. Louden. Programming Languages, Principles and Practice. PWS Publishing Company. 1993.

  7. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Introduction / discussion

  8. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Introduction/Discussion • What is a programming language? • Why do we have programming languages?

  9. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Introduction/Discussion • What programming languages do you know?

  10. Joey Paquet, 2010-2013 Introduction/Discussion • What are the different kinds of programming languages? • Why different kinds of programming languages? • What makes them different?

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