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SECURITY. Life Safety Safety Risk Management Emergency Preparedness Utility Failures / Medical Equipment Hazardous Materials Security. Life Safety. R.A.C.E. Rescue Alarm Confine Extinguish. Life Safety. P.A.S.S. Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SECURITY Life Safety Safety Risk Management Emergency Preparedness Utility Failures / Medical Equipment Hazardous Materials Security

  2. Life Safety • R.A.C.E. Rescue Alarm Confine Extinguish

  3. Life Safety • P.A.S.S. Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep Nearly all of PSMH’s fire extinguishers are the Universal “dry chem” extinguishers.

  4. Life Safety • Emergency Phone Number: 71

  5. Life Safety • Dr. Firestone Code will be announced for all fire drills and incidents. All Team Members must participate. Drills are conducted on all 3 shifts. Do not call Switchboard to ask if the alarm is a drill!

  6. Life Safety • Stay off the elevators! • Know the location of your pull stations and O2 shutoff valves!

  7. Safety Forensic Staff Reporting Safety Issues

  8. Safety • Risk Manager – Jenise Lowe x5182 • Safety Officer – Jay Rolando x2182 • Mgr Facilities Mgmt – x2450 • Facilities & Safety Chair the Safety Committee

  9. Safety • Reporting Safety Issues The PSMH Safety Committee normally meets the 4th Thursday of the month, at 11:00 A.M., in Delaplace B Room, which is located in Human Resources. If you have any safety concerns, you may report them by: 1. Email Jason Roland 2. Call Jason at 2182. If she is not in, please leave a message. 3. Tell your Supervisor. 4. Notify any Security Officer. 5. Send Jason a written note in internal mail. 6. Attend the Safety Committee meeting. OR………..

  10. Safety Report using the Intranet! Using any PSMH computer, go to the intranet and click on this icon.

  11. Emergency Preparedness Disaster Plan Tornado Bomb Threat Infant / Child Abduction

  12. Emergency Preparedness • Policies and Procedures Every Department has a Red & White Emergency Operations Plan. Refer to it to learn your responsibilities in an emergency. Do not call Switchboard to ask about the emergency or what your role is!

  13. Emergency Preparedness • Bomb Threats Keep the caller on the line getting as much information as possible. Call 71 to report the threat. NO OVERHEAD ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE MADE!

  14. Emergency Preparedness • Abduction of infant or child “Dr. Stork” Report to your designated area and observe. Call 71 to report suspicious activity.

  15. Utility Failures / Medical Equipment Facilities Management x2450 Bio-Medical Engineering x2452

  16. Utility Failures / Medical Equipment • Loss of electricity, water, etc. See blue “cheat sheet”. • Report problems with medical equipment. Use Report Line x2052 • Work Orders

  17. Hazard Communications • MSDS Master file in Security • 3E Company 24-7-365 1-800-451-8346 • 3E Website www.3eonline.com can be accessed from Safety & Security website.

  18. Hazard Communications • Hazardous Materials at PSMH Mercury, Ethylene Oxide, Gluteraldehyde (Cidex), Gases/Vapors • Battery Disposal Blue Barrels on 3W, 2W, Central Stores & Security

  19. Hazard Communications • Spills • Call 71 for a chemical spill • Complete a Variance Report • All Nursing Departments have Blood/Body Fluid spill kits. • Contact Housekeeping for Blood/Body Fluid Spills and Mercury spills

  20. Security x2109 On duty 24-7-365 Routine calls, dial x2109 or x8907 Security Emergency, dial 71 Ask for 109 to summon Emergency Response Team

  21. Security • Covert Assistance If you find that you cannot request “Security”, ask for: Mr. Strong

  22. Security • Workplace Violence • Report suspicious activity to Security immediately. • Orders of Protection • Add PSMH to protected area • Give Security a copy along with photo of person you are being protected from.

  23. Security • Register your vehicle on the Intranet!

  24. Security • Escorts Escorts are available 24 hours by calling x2109 or x8907.

  25. Security • Property Protection / Theft Prevention Hospital Staff Patient Valuables / Belongings forms • Lost and Found

  26. Security • Smoking • Smoking is not allowed anywhere of the property – including the parking lots. • Every employee must enforce smoking policy. • Contact Security if you encounter someone being difficult. • Report employees to Security or HR

  27. Conclusion • Thank you! • Welcome to PSMH!

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