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P artnership for E ducation and research about R esponsible L iving

P artnership for E ducation and research about R esponsible L iving. South American Regional Network June 30 - July 1, Buenos Aires David Chittenden – PERL Daily manager. www.perlprojects.org PERL@hihm.no. Summary. About PERL About Regional Networks Objectives for the meeting.

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P artnership for E ducation and research about R esponsible L iving

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  1. Partnership for Education and research about Responsible Living South American Regional Network June 30 - July 1, Buenos Aires David Chittenden – PERL Daily manager www.perlprojects.org PERL@hihm.no

  2. Summary • About PERL • About Regional Networks • Objectives for the meeting Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  3. About PERL Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  4. About PERL • Network and a project • Over 100 institutions in 40 countries • Education and research about responsible living • EU academic network and international • Hedmark University College, Norway • Consumer Citizenship Network Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  5. Support Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  6. PERL’s mission • To educate individuals to recognise their power as citizens and to make more responsible daily and lifestyle choices • To influence governments, businesses and schools to make better lifestyle choices both available and attractive, and to educate individuals. Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  7. PERL’s approach scientific investigation and an active social learning process (physical, sociological, facts, values) (open, participatory, reflecting, adapting) Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  8. PERL’s approach “…learning which flows naturally into direct community engagement. An exercise in anticipatory democracy” Tøfler A. 1971 Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  9. PERL’s approach Life Cycle Analysis Social life cycle assessment Life quality analysis Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  10. PERL’s approach • build bridges and to collaborate by recognising that people need to determine their own lifestyle changes • based on good information, consultation and the principles of sustainable human development Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  11. Macro-structuralchanges (internationalagreements and standards, nationalpolicies, taxes ,laws, controls, etc ) Infra-structuralchanges (localpolicies, resources, curricula) Research Information Collaboration and co-operation (acrossdisciplines, between producers and consumers, withincommunities) Communication Education Identificationof fundamental principles Examplesofsocialinnovation Collective and individualencouragement Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  12. PERL organisational structure Local support unit International Reference Group Steering Group PERL Core Unit #1 Reflection & implementation #4 Education for responsible living WG leaders WG leaders #5 Communication & multimedia #2 Social Innovation WG leaders WG leaders #3 Enabling Sustainable Lifestyles #6 International Dialogue & Consultation Consultants’ Network WG leaders WG leaders

  13. International context • UN Decade on ESD 2005-2014 • Marrakech Process on SCP • 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP • UN Commission on Sustainable Development • Green Economy, poverty alleviationRio + 20 • Influence policy on Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  14. ESC recommendations • Here and Now! Education for Sustainable Consumption - Recommendations and Guidelines • Roadmap to implement ESC • Core curriculum • Translations • Promotion and case studies Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  15. Applied active research • Global Survey on Sustainable Lifestyles • Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability http://desis-network.org • Promoting New Responses series • Think Tanks • International conferences 2011 and 2012 Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  16. Methods and materials • Social Innovation - Looking for Likely Alternatives, DESIS • Active learning methodologies • Images and Objects • YouthXchange • Adaption, translation, testing, training • Seminars, courses Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  17. About PERL • Active, open and collaborative partners • Values-based & interdisciplinary approaches • Based on experience and research • Social innovation • Teaching methods and materials • Formal, informal and non formal • Curriculum & policy • And ... Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  18. Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  19. About PERL Regional Networks Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  20. About Regional PERL Networks • Based on PERL/CCN ‘model’ • concept - active, critical, conscientious consumer & citizen • model - research, exchange of information, testing, translating, seminars etc. • resource - providing content for core curricula, modules, and teaching materials • point of reference - for other regions and initiatives on consumer citizenship and ESC Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  21. About Regional PERL Networks • Asia/Pacific, Latin America, Africa • Framework for work in region • Representatives of ‘developing’ countries focusing on their needs • June 2010 establishment Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  22. About Regional PERL Networks • Funding to date – UNEP and Sweden • ‘developing’ countries, Task Force on SL • PERL Work Group and Steering Group • Terms of Reference • Coordinator and core members • PERL partners – institution (and individual) • Just beginning – depends on you! Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  23. PERL participation • Think Tank Nov 1-2 2010, London • Nominate 1-2 people (funded) • International Conference, March 14-15 2011, Istanbul • Scholarships for presenting papers and panels • Consultants’ Network • Translations, dissemination, adapting, disseminating, researching, teaching etc. • Projects in region • Train the trainers, research, platform, 10YFP ...

  24. Objectives for the meeting Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  25. Meeting objectives • Establish Network • Meet • Share • Consult • Learn • Inspire • Collaborate • Create … Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  26. Meeting objectives • Strategy and Implementation plan A ‘live’ document, a good ‘first draft’ • Issues/needs of the region • Focus and role of Regional Network • Governance, structure, membership • Priority activity(ies) for region • Funding • Communication and promotion • Meetings and tasks Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  27. Partnership for Education and research about Responsible Living Thanks! www.perlprojects.org PERL@hihm.no

  28. Regional PERL Networks Ideas for action & collaboration • Carry out research • teaching, behaviour, perceptions, policy etc. • Global Survey data, Social Innovation • PERL conferences, PERL Think Tanks • Adapt and use PERL methods & materials • Images & Objects toolkits, LOLA – Looking for Likely Alternatives, courses, seminars Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  29. Regional PERL Networks Ideas for action & collaboration • Local/regional projects • youthXchange, Social Innovation • 10-Year Framework of programmes on SCP • Promoting Here and Now! • Developing implementation capacity • Suggested programme • Production/business, livelihoods, youth/ICT Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  30. Funding • Additional Swedish for 2010 • 11,000 US$ for next meeting • 11,000 US$ for project(s) • Possibility of more in Nov/Dec 2010 • Possibility of UNEP funding • Regional/national funding opportunities? Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  31. Communication/promotion • PERL Website www.perlprojects.org • PERL Newsletter • Regional/local audiences • Languages? • Links to PERL website Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  32. PERL governannce/logistics • Report to funders and Steering Group • CVs, membership etc • PERL Partners – letter signed by institution • ’In kind’ support (PERL budget, meeting rooms) • Cheap flights, public transport, hotels • Reimbursement and audits • All tickets, boarding passes etc Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  33. PERL Work Groups Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  34. PERL Work Groups Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

  35. CCN Achievements • 5 International conferences • Built capacity and capability • Researchers and academics • Curriculum developers, teachers, teacher trainers • Interdisciplinary and values-based • Materials and methods • Seminars, courses • Curriculum analysis and Here and Now! • All funding received and excellent evaluations Partnership forEducation and Research aboutResponsibleLiving

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