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Presentation Slides to Accompany Organizational Behavior 10 th Edition Don Hellriegel and John W. Slocum, Jr. Chapter 7 — Managing Individual Stress. Prepared by Michael K. McCuddy Valparaiso University. Slide 7.1 Learning Objectives for Managing Individual Stress.
Presentation Slidesto AccompanyOrganizational Behavior10th EditionDon Hellriegel and John W. Slocum, Jr. Chapter 7—Managing Individual Stress Prepared by Michael K. McCuddy Valparaiso University
Slide 7.1Learning Objectives for Managing Individual Stress • Explain the concept of stress and stressors and a person’s response to stress • Discuss the relationship between personality and stress • State the primary sources of stress in organizations • Describe the effects of stress on health and job performance • Identify individual and organizational practices for managing stress Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.2The Relationship Between Stressorsand Experienced Stress Influenced by the Person’s: Perceptions Past Experiences Stress Experienced by the Person Stressors from the Environment Social Support Individual Differences Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.3Behavioral Tendencies of theType A Personality • Time urgency • Competitiveness and hostility • Polyphasic behavior • Lack of planning Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.4Characteristics of theHardy Personality • Feeling a sense of commitment • Responding to each difficulty as a challenge and an opportunity • Having a sense of control over one’s life Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.5Sources of Work Stressors and Experienced Stress Work Stressors Influenced by the Employee’s: Workload Perceptions Stress Experienced by the Employee Job Conditions Past Experiences Role Conflict and Ambiguity Social Support Career Development Individual Differences Interpersonal Relations Aggressive Behavior Conflict Between Work and Other Roles Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.6Stressors and Work–Family Conflict Triggers Possible Outcomes Stressors Creates Leads to Work and Family Stress on Employee Work Versus Family Work–Family Conflicts Dissatisfaction Frustration Depression Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.7Stressful Events for College Students High Stress Events Moderate Stress Events Low Stress Events * Academic probation * Death of parent * Change in eating habits * Change of major * Death of spouse * Change in sleeping habits * Death of close friend * Divorce * Change in social activities * Failing important course * Flunking out * Finding a new love interest * Unwed pregnancy * Conflict with instructor * Loss of financial aid * Lower grades than expected * Major injury or illness * Parents’ divorce * Serious arguments with romantic partner * Outstanding achievement Source: Adapted from Baron, R. A., and Byrne, D. Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction, 6th ed. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1991, 573. Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.8Effects of Stress • Physiological effects • Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, sweating, hot and cold spells, etc. • Emotional effects • Anger, anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, etc. • Behavioral effects • Poor performance, absenteeism, high accident rates, high turnover rates, etc. Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.9Health Impacts of Stress • Health problems • Coronary heart disease, back pain, headaches, etc. • Impact on the organization • Increased health insurance costs and lost work days • Over 75% of industrial accidents are rooted in stress • Stress-related workers’ compensation claims Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.10Typical Relationship BetweenPerformance and Stress Too Little Stress Optimum Stress Excessive Stress High (excellent) Level of Performance Low (poor) Low Amount of Stress High Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.11Components and Characteristicsof Burnout • Components: • State of emotional exhaustion • Depersonalization of individuals • Feelings of low personal accomplishment • Characteristics: • Experiences high stress from work-related stressors • Idealistic and self-motivating achievers • Often seek unattainable goals Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.12Individual StressManagement Initiatives • Designed to eliminate or control sources of stress and improve the person’s ability to cope • A person can manage stress by: • Planning ahead and practicing good time management • Having good personal health management practices • Maintaining a positive perspective • Balancing work life and personal life • Learning a relaxation technique Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.13Organizational StressManagement Initiatives • Designed to: • Identify and modify or eliminate work stressors • Help employees modify perception of work stress • Help employees cope with the consequences of stress • Organizations can manage stress by: • Reducing work stressors • Modifying behaviors • Creating wellness programs Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.14Organizational Stress Management Initiatives for Reducing Stressors • Improvements in the physical work environment • Job design • Changes in workloads and deadlines • Changes in work schedules, more flexible hours, and sabbaticals • Increased employee participation Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress
Slide 7.15Organizational Stress Management Initiatives for Modifying Behaviors • Team building • Career counseling and other employee assistance programs • Time management workshops • Job burnout workshops • Training in relaxation techniques Chapter 7: Managing Individual Stress