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Roald Dahl. Magda Barańska kl. Ia. Introduction. Roald Dahl. Who is it? You don’t know anything about him? Don’t worry! If you watch this demonstration, you will know a lot of about him. You will can check your knowledge in the end. Author. Contents. Roald Dahl- who was it?.
Roald Dahl Magda Barańska kl. Ia
Introduction Roald Dahl. Who is it? You don’t know anything about him? Don’t worry! If you watch this demonstration, you will know a lot of about him. You will can check your knowledge in the end. Author
Contents Roald Dahl- who was it? Roald Dahl in… His life in pill Do youremember? His books, plays, filmscripts… You can see it! Gallery
Roald Dahl Who was it?
Roald Dahl- who was it? Roald Dahl was born in 1916, died in 1990. He was a british writer, screenwriter and commentator. Dahl was eccentric. He was born in Norwegian family. His family lived in Wales. In 1942 he arrived to Washington. He became a pilot. INTERESTING PIECE OF NEWS!!! He had got more than 2 meters!!!
Roald Dahl- who was it? His first book was „Shot down over Libya”. Today this story is published as „A Piece of Cake.” He wrote a lot of books for kids, teenagers and adults. Dahl wrote a lot of film scripts too.
His life inpill Somehistory…
His life inpill 1916- Roald Dahl was borninWales. 1920 – Died his father November 1939- He joinedthe Royal Air Force. 1942 – Dahl was transferred to Washington July 1953 – Dahlmarriedwith Patricia Neal – American actress November 1990 – Roald Dahldiedattheage of 74.
His… …books, plays, film scripts…
His books, plays, film scripts… Childrenstories… - Thetwists - The BFG - Matilda - TheWitches - TheGremlins Adultstories… - Kiss Kiss - SomeoneLikeyou - Thebest of Roald Dahl - Skin And OtherStories
His books, plays, filmscripts… Plays… - TheHoneys Film scripts… - 36 Hours - YouOnly Live Twice - Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang - TheGremlins - TheNightDigger - Willy Wonka& theChocolateFactory
Gallery- Youmustseeit!
Roald Dahlin… Newspapers, films and…
Roald Dahlin… Newspapers „British screenwriterin Hollywood!!! Roald Dahlwrotethescreenplay for „ChittyChitty Bang Bang”! In cinemasfromMarch 1986!” „The BFG” Roald Dahlwrote his nextbook „The BFG”. In bookstoresinFebruary!
Roald Dahlin… Films „Thebestscreenwriterin Hollywood!” Roald Dahlwrote „Alfred Hitchcock Presents!” Criticssay, thatisthebest film inthisyear!
Do youremember? Checkyourbrain!
Do youremember? Checkyourbrain! Youhavegot7 questins. The first questionisveryeasy. I think, youcansolveit , evenyoudidn’treadanything. Thesecondismoredifficultthan first. Ifyousolvefifth- youare an expert!!! For eachgoodansweryouhavegot 5 points. Writeyouranswers*** and countit, because… Ifyougot 45 pointsormore- sendyourscore to my e-mail. Suprisedarewaiting!!! My e-mail: madzia3008b@buziaczek.pl *** Aftereachquestionyoucanchceckyouranswer.
Questions • Roald Dahl- boy or girl? • Was Dahlscreenwriter? • Dahl’swife was… (name) • His film scripts … (2 films) • His first book …. • He deadin…. • Trueorfalse? • He was bornin Australia. • He was bornin 1916. • He was a pilot. • He was an actor. • His wife was an actress. Checkyouranswers!
Answers Boy Yes. Patricia Neal. 36 hours, ChittyChitty Bang Bang A piece of cake. 1990. -F -T -T -F -T
Youcanseeit! • Roald Dahl- TheOffical Web Sitehttp://roalddahl.com/ • Roald Dahl- Wikipedia, thefreeencyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Dahl • Roald Dahl – EncyclopediaBritannicahttp://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/149746/Roald-Dahl • Roald DahlFans – http://www.roalddahlfans.com/
Yousee?! Youknow a lot about Roald Dahl!