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Discover key findings from GCC2005 conference on grids, P2P, e-Science, and more. Explore the future of parallel computing and collaborative technologies for global harmony.
GCC2005 and the Harmony and Prosperity of Civilizations Part of GCC2005 Introduction Beijing China December 2 2005 Geoffrey FoxProfessor of Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Pervasive Technology Laboratories Indiana University Bloomington IN 47401 gcf@indiana.edu http://www.infomall.org
Some Statistics • The GCC2005 published papers are • Grids 55% • P2P18% • Semantics/Information Management11% • Performance 6% • Software Egy/Coop Computing 9% • including • e-Science 0% (roughly as some Grids could be called e-Science)) • Parallel Computing < 1% • Cooperative Computing including CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) 1-2 %
Parallel Computing • From CI6016, ~10 petaflop performance computers by 2010 from USA, China, Japan and Europe • Clusters dominate Top 500 • Multicore chips will re-invigorate field over next decade as implies parallelism inevitable for all applications • Could have a workshop or session on this at next GCC2005 • Still dreaming of a better software model • NVIDIA graphics company considers parallel software for multicore critical problem • DoE holds Zettaflops (1000,000Xpetaflops) meeting
Harmonizing and e-digitalconsumer • e-Infrastructure supports linkages between computers, data systems and people with Grids and peer-to-peer networks covered in GCC2005 • We have billions of conventional local or global connections • Phones, web page accesses, plane trips, hallway conversations • e-digitalconsumer (talks at CI6016) analogous to data driven science just as e-Classical Enterprise like Compute Grids • Compare Apple and Sun (or even Dell) stock performance for e-Consumer (ipod) v. e-Enterprise (server)momentum • Harmonizing civilizations across the globe • Conventional Internet technology manages billions of broadcast or low (2-way) links • Grids superimpose managed multiple M-way overlaid organizations with optimized resources and system support • P2P lets this be done by the people ………. • 2008 Olympics will offer a lot of opportunity for harmonizing, cooperation and collaboration between e-Sports fans • GCC2006 onwards could have a focus session on this type of Collaboration or Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Current Internet Interactions • Television and the Web allows individuals to communicate instantly with each other via Web Pages and Headline News acting as proxies – International Harmonizing of civilizations • N resources deposit information and N can view -- Broadcast
M2Interactions • Superimpose M way “Grids” on the sea (heatbath) of clientserver or broadcast ordinary interactions \