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Maximizing Mathematical Expertise: Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practice

Learn about the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) and how to effectively integrate them into classroom activities. Explore tools and strategies to develop students' problem-solving skills, mathematical reasoning, and precision. Discover the importance of building student expertise in both content and practice standards.

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Maximizing Mathematical Expertise: Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Standards forMathematical Practice

  2. Overview • Introduction to the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) • Integration of SMPs • Tools you can use

  3. Introduction • “The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important ‘processes and proficiencies’ with longstanding importance in mathematics education.” (CCSS, 2010)

  4. Standards for (Student) Mathematical Practice 1. Make sense of complex problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. (CCSS, 2010)

  5. Grouping the SMPs (McCallum, 2011)

  6. Integration of SMPs • Not “Problem Solving Fridays” • Not “enrichment” for advanced students • Most lie in the process of arriving at an answer, not necessarily in the answer itself • Every lesson should seek to build student expertise in Content and Practice standards

  7. Standards for Mathematical Practice in a Classroom McDonald’s Claim Wikipedia reports that 8% of all Americans eat at McDonalds every day. In the US, there are approximately 310 million Americans and 12,800 McDonalds. Do you believe the Wikipedia report to be true? Create a mathematical argument to justify your position. (Briars, Feb 2011)

  8. Standards for Mathematical Practice in a Classroom Traditional U.S. Problem Which fraction is closer to 1: or ? Same Problem with SMP integration is closer to 1 than is . Using a number line, explain why this is so. (Daro, Feb 2011)

  9. Tools You Can Use • Standards for Mathematical Practice • Inside Mathematics • Linking Content and Practices (Arizona)

  10. Tools You Can Use • Standards for Mathematical Practice • Inside Mathematics • Linking Content and Practices (Arizona)

  11. Indiana CCSS Webpage

  12. Indiana CCSS Webpage

  13. Indiana CCSS Webpage

  14. Standards for Mathematical Practice

  15. Tools You Can Use • Standards for Mathematical Practice • Inside Mathematics • Linking Content and Practices (Arizona)

  16. Inside Mathematics

  17. Tools for Educators

  18. Tools for Educators

  19. Tools for Educators

  20. Classroom Video Visits

  21. Classroom Video Visits

  22. Classroom Video Visits

  23. Classroom Video Visits

  24. Classroom Video Visits

  25. Tools You Can Use • Standards for Mathematical Practice • Inside Mathematics • Linking Content and Practices (Arizona)

  26. Linking Content and Practices (AZ)

  27. Linking Content and Practices (AZ)

  28. Linking Content and Practices (AZ)

  29. Tools You Can Use • Standards for Mathematical Practice • http://www.doe.in.gov/commoncore • Inside Mathematics • http://www.insidemathematics.org/ • Linking Content and Practices (Arizona) • http://www.ade.az.gov/standards/math/2010MathStandards/

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