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Empowering Your Academics: A Guide to Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Discover the world of undergraduate research at UW and how it can enhance your learning experience. Find mentors, funding opportunities, and share your work at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Learn how research can benefit your academic and professional goals. Are you ready to take your learning to the next level?

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Empowering Your Academics: A Guide to Undergraduate Research Opportunities

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  1. Introduction toUndergraduate Research Presented by: Tiffany Pan, Graduate Staff AssistantUndergraduate Research Program SPA Research Night

  2. UW is a Research Institution What does research look like? Faculty in all disciplines do research but approach it in different ways Last year, UW received over $1,500,000,000 in grants and contracts for research

  3. What does undergraduate research look like? It depends… Working with faculty and other mentors Usually unpaid (option for academic credit) Funding opportunities (e.g. scholarships, work study) Usually ~2-3 quarter commitment Year-round and summer research experiences Sharing your work

  4. Undergraduate Research Symposium • May 15, 2015in Mary Gates Hall • Application Deadline: February!

  5. Why do undergrad research? With research, you can… • Direct your learning experience • Apply your coursework to real-world problems • Learn how to develop researchable questions • Develop problem-solving skills and resourcefulness • Contribute to the creation of new knowledge • Receive one-on-one faculty mentoring • Explore opportunities in a field • Prepare for graduate or professional school • Add an accomplishment to enhance your resume • Reduce the size of the university

  6. Are you ready for research? You need to have: Strong interest in subject Willingness to take intellectual risks Ability to work hard Commitment of time to research Basic skill set within the discipline * Perseverance

  7. How can the URP help? Planning for undergraduate research Identifying faculty mentors and projects Contacting and communicating with faculty Assisting with funding resources Workshops on presentations, abstract writing, poster design Presenting student work at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

  8. What do you LIKE?

  9. washington.edu/undergradresearch/

  10. Other places to find opportunities Department advisers/email lists Department websites Past Symposium participants http://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/symposium/past-symposia/ Professors/TAs/friends/networking!

  11. What do I do when I find something I am interested in? 1a. Do your homework 1b. Prepare your résumé/CV 2. Set up a face-to-face meeting (via a short email) 3. Ask questions! 4. Ask if there are opportunities available (5. Network)

  12. Summer Research Full-time research immersion opportunity Make connections & check out programs for graduate study Often fully funded Deadlines: late Jan/early Feb URP Workshops www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/summer/

  13. $cholarships and Awards forUndergraduate Research Mary Gates Endowment Research Scholarships http://exp.washington.edu/mge/ Library Research Award www.lib.washington.edu/researchAward Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awards www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/students/funding/urcta/ Other funding http://exp.washington.edu/urp/students/funding/

  14. To Learn More… Check out year-round and summer research opportunities on our website: www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/ Attend workshops, info sessions, and 1:1 advising with URP: Winter Quarter Drop-In Advising: Tuesday, 2:00-4:00pm Wednesday, 10:00am -12:00pm Attend (& volunteer for) the Undergraduate Research Symposium! TALK to advisers, faculty (go to office hours!), and friends

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