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Clout is a virtual digital agency that aims to raise awareness for the Canadian International Learning Foundation (CanILF), a charity that provides education to at-risk areas. With a focus on social media, Clout has developed strategies to engage Canadians and promote CanILF's initiatives.
Clout is a new “virtual” digital agency founded in the summer of 2010 in Ottawa Canada by Charles Crosbie. About Clout
OBJECTIVE: Plant the seeds of a grassroots cause to make the charity a household name. Brief The Canadian International Learning Foundation (CanILF) is a volunteer-run registered Canadian charity which provides education and develops schools in areas of the world affected by poverty, war and disease epidemics (at-risk areas). Their flagship initiative, The Afghan School Project, aims to aid and grow Canada’s school in Kandahar, Afghanistan. CanILF also supports schools in countries such as Uganda, Yemen and Liberia. About CanILF As a new organization, CanILF has a number of ambitions and objectives in its marketing and communications spaces. CanILF’s principal goal for Clout is to raise awareness about the Foundation with Canadians everywhere.
WHAT? Clout saw that social media was an integral part of the solution to raise awareness about CanILF and begin grassroots support for it. Developed strategy, task and road maps for establishing social media presence and activity. Assembled CanILF social media team of Internet administrators and ambassadors. Established a presence for the Foundation across all major social media channels. On-going engagement of Canadians with CanILF’s messaging across all channels. Planting the seeds of a grassroots cause. To view any of the Foundation’s social media profiles, please visit bit.ly/canilf
Clout’s teams help to manage and promote several Facebook assets for CanILF, including: • CanILF’s Group • CanILF’s Page • CanILF’s Application • CanILF’s Causes Profile • The Afghan School Project’s Page • The Uganda Literacy and Education (ULEP) Page FACEBOOK
Photo and Video Albums, The Afghan School Project Facebook Page CanILF’s Facebook Page for the Afghan School Project.
Facebook Page for The Uganda Literacy and Education Program (ULEP)
Photo and Video Albums, The Uganda Literacy and Education Program (ULEP)
Twitter is the cornerstone of our campaigning for CanILF: • Twitter is a bilateral means for CanILF’s staff, volunteers, supporters and donors to stay informed and in communication; • all of the Foundations on-line activities, from updating Facebook Pages and blog posts to uploading a YouTube video, spur automated announcements in our Twitter feed. • CanILF’s twitter account (@CanILF) currently has 3,600 followers and dozens of active supporters. TWITTER
@CanILF’s Followers http://twittercounter.com/compare/canilf/month/followers http://twitter.grader.com/history/canilf
[@CanILF’s Hash-Tag Cloud as at 1 Feb 2010] What are people Tweeting about? http://www.retweetrank.com/CanILF/
How does @CanILF’s Compare? The Salvation Army is a major North American Christian charity with over 100 years of history; it is ten times larger than CanILF. In it’s first six months using Twitter, CanILF earned a larger and more involved follower-base than The Salvation Army. [Source: twittercounter.com]
7 new followers per day • 4:1 “Re-Tweet” ratio • 14 clicks per link • 10 new tweets per day • Exponential exposure rate • Around-the-clock scheduled content • 6 Dedicated Collaborators (using “Co-Tags”) @CanILF Average Activity
Through CanILF’s new base on Twitter, Clout has ensured that users have a around-the-clock stream of scheduled information. Based on their “re-tweet” ratio (wherein supporters relay @CanILF’s messages), Clout has earned an exposure rate of over 100,000 impressions per 50 messages @CanILF generates. @CanILF’s Exposure Rate [Based on avg 50 Tweets – Ow.ly/Twit Stats]
Lists, Twibes, Groups Live-Blogging
FriendFeed Google Buzz All of the Foundation’s social media activities are also automatically announced on networks like FriendFeed, Retaggr and Google Buzz.
MEDIA SHARING Two of the most active areas of Clout’s social media optimization for CanILF are the photo and video spaces. The Foundation’s supporters react best to messaging that can show them the Foundation’s work. Our efforts have resulted in thousands of views of our photos and videos to date; in turn, this has significantly helped to raise awareness about CanILF, as evident in traffic to the Foundations site from photos and videos.
Clout oversees the Foundation’s distribution of photos of their respective initiatives. Flickr.com is CanILF’s principal location for creating and sharing photo albums. Photos
Media Distribution • Clout operates an in-house server to help the team to access CanILF’s catalogue of photos, videos and other assets via: • Web browser • OS-based File Sharing • FTP Server • BitTorrent Networks
Clout’s team is active on most major news and link sharing websites such as Current, Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon. CanILF’ interacts with other users while promoting internal news/announcements (and relevant current events) on all of the sites. NEWS/LINK SHARING
Clout maintains chat services that allows for CanILF to be contacted on virtually every instant messenger services and chat platforms. This increasingly allows for an easy communications channel for the Foundation, students, supporters and the public. INSTANT MESSAGING AND CHAT
“Clout Marketing has established a presence for the Canadian International Learning Foundation throughout the full spectrum of social media. In a remarkably short period of time, Clout has helped the Foundation to reach tens of thousands of potential supporters, establish and grow our Twitter presence to more than 3,000 followers, and dramatically increase traffic to our web site. Clout has also helped the Foundation to integrate social media into our overall donor outreach strategy. Thanks to Clout, our supporters have the ability to interact with us as much or as little as they choose, which helps ensure that they neither feel overwhelmed nor uninformed by the amount of information available. We never imagined that we would have this kind of flexibility in interacting with our donor base. The social media marketing strategies implemented by Clout have generated immediate benefits. Several of our partner organizations have referenced social media when asked how they learned of the Foundation. Further, many organizations respond positively when we note our ability to publicize potential partnerships via our well-established social media presence. Client Testimonial
Social media has become an integral part of our strategy to market the Foundation and raise awareness regarding the needs and accomplishments of our partner schools in the developing world. • Perhaps most impressive has been Clout’s level of professionalism, understanding and communication. Through all stages of the process, I have felt as though they have fully understood the Foundation’s mandate, as well as our immediate and long-term needs. I have the utmost confidence in Clout’s ability to publish material in the Foundation’s name, knowing that they will respect, maintain and improve our reputation, which is perhaps the most valuable asset of any charity. • Clout has played an integral role in the Canadian International Learning Foundation’s growth from a newly established charity to a respected grassroots non-government organization, and will play an equally important role in making us a household name. I would recommend Clout’s services to anyone who is interested in social media, buzz-marketing, and cutting-edge advertising strategies.” • Ryan Aldred, President and FounderThe Canadian International Learning Foundation (CanILF)
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