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Efficient Detailed Design Process in Software Engineering

Learn about specifying modules, functional modules, data abstractions, and PDL constructs in software detailed design. Explore examples of algorithm design using stepwise refinement techniques. Enhance your understanding of PDL with practical examples.

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Efficient Detailed Design Process in Software Engineering

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  1. Main f,g,h b,c,e. f,g,h b,c,e Get Validated Input Output Schedule f g h Print Timetable Print Conflict Print Explanation Software Engineering COMP 3400 - System Design • The goal of the detailed design phase is to develop the internal logic of each of the modules identified during the system design phase. • The structured design methodology used during system design did not precisely specify the modules but rather described the modules in a natural language.

  2. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Specifying Modules • Formal methods for module specification are intended to ensure that the specifications are precise and are not subject to interpretation by the coder. • Module specifications should be complete, unambiguous, implementation independent and easy to understand. • One technique used is to provide a very high level prototyping language for specifying and testing module specifications

  3. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Specifying Functional Modules • A functional module can be described in terms of its input and output transform. SORT (L: list of integers) output: for all i, 1 ¦£ i < size(L’) L’[i] ¦£ L’[i+1] and L’ = permutation(L) ¦ input: non null L Sort a list L of integers in ascending order

  4. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Specifying Data Abstractions • Another formal method for specifying modules is referred to as data abstraction. • This technique requires the use of a formal specification language, which is implementation independent but which shares many of the characteristics of a programming language. See figure 5.2 for specifying a queue. • Formal methods for module specifications are cumbersome, not very expressive, and are hard to write and understand.

  5. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Process Design Language (PDL) • Process Design Language (PDL) is a practical way to precisely communicate the meaning of a system or module. • PDL can be thought of as a structured natural language, with some of the precision of a structured programming language and some of the ease of a natural language. • Some amount of automated processing can be done with the PDL design document.

  6. Software Engineering - Detailed Design PDL Example minmax(infile) // Find the max and min of a string of numbers // ARRAY a DO UNTIL end of input READ an item into a ENDDO max, min := first item of a DO FOR each item in a IF max < item THEN set max to item IF min > item THEN set min to item ENDDO END

  7. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Process Design Language (PDL) • Notice that in this example, we have the entire logic for the procedure without the implementation details of a particular imperative language. • To code this procedure the programmer needs to relate each of the statements into a construct in the implementation language. • There is little room for coding “creativity” • A series of PDL designs can be generated in a successive refinement approach.

  8. Software Engineering - Detailed Design PDL Constructs • The constructs of PDL are similar to that of a structured imperative language like Pascal or C: IF condition THEN CASE OF transaction type CASE OF operator type DO iteration criteria statement list ENDDO

  9. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Logic/Algorithm Design • An algorithmis a series of steps that need to be performed to to solve a given problem. • The design of a specific algorithm begins with a statement of the module problem from the System Design Specification. • The use of stepwise refinement techniques and PDL descriptions can be used to gradually convert the module description into a precisely defined algorithm. • PDL permits a series of refinements with varying degrees of precision not available in a specific programming language.

  10. Count the Number of Different Words Get Word List Sort The List Print the Count Input Word List:wl Sorted Word List Word Count Software Engineering - Detailed Design Algorithm Design Example - Counting Different Words • The PDL description of this Data Flow Graph:

  11. Count the Number of Different Words Get Word List Sort The List Print the Count Input Word List:wl Sorted Word List Word Count Software Engineering - Detailed Design Algorithm Design Example - Counting Different Words • 1st PDL refinement of this Data Flow Graph: count (in: file) returns integer var wl: word_list; begin sort (wl); count := different_words (wl); print (count); end;

  12. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Algorithm Design Example - Counting Different Words • Three operations require refinement: • read file into word list (wl), • sort word list, • count different words in word list. • Select one of the three for further refinement. • Refine the reading operation:

  13. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Algorithm Design Example - Counting Different Words • Three operations require refinement: • read file into word list (wl), • sort word list, • count different words in word list. • Select one of the three for further refinement. • Refine the reading operation: read_from_file (in: file, out: wl) begin initialize wl to empty; repeat get_a_word from file add word to wl until end_of_file end;

  14. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Algorithm Design Example - Counting Different Words • Refine the counting operation:

  15. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Algorithm Design Example - Counting Different Words • Refine the counting operation: different_words (in: wl) returns integer var last, cur: word; cnt: integer; begin last: = first word in wl; cnt : = 1; while not end of list cur : = next word from wl; if (cur ! = last) then begin cnt := cnt + 1; last := cur; end; end; return (cnt); end.

  16. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Logic/Algorithm Design • For complex problems many successive refinements may be required. • Design for such problems can proceed depth first or breadth first: • depth first continues refinement of a single operation before other operations are refined, • breadth first refines all operations are refined in parallel. • The structure of PDL programs resulting from this technique are not the same as the structure resulting from the SDM (Structured Design Methodology): • in stepwise refinement sort is subordinate to the main module, in SDM it is subordinate to the input module.

  17. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Verification • The goal of verification in the detailed design phase is to ensure that the detailed design is consistent with system design. • Three validation methods are: • design walkthroughs • critical design reviews • consistency checkers

  18. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Design Walkthroughs • A meeting is held by the designer or design group leader or designated spokesperson. • The detailed design is described in step-by-step fashion. • The feedback is usually informal in nature. • The Design Review is more effective and more expensive.

  19. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Critical Design Review • A review group, consisting of the detailed design author or team, the system design team, the programming team, the quality assurance organization and perhaps the client is convened. • The review is conducted in a manner similar to the requirements or system design review, i.e., each member is prepared and incented to review the detailed design beforehand and reveal detailed design errors. • The meeting is not intended to fix problems, but rather, to identify them. • A list of action items should be maintained for further reporting or a subsequent meetings.

  20. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Critical Design Review Checklist • Does each of the modules in the system design appear in the detailed design? • Can the performance requirements be met? • Are the assumption explicit and acceptable? • Are all relevant aspects of system design in the detailed design? • Is the design structured and compatible with local practices? • Are the sizes of data structures explicit? • Is each statement codeable? • Will the loops terminate? • Is the module too complex? • Are the modules highly cohesive?

  21. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Consistency Checkers • A consistency checker is a special purpose PDL compiler which, rather than producing executable target code, ensures that the modules invoked or used by a given module is consistent with the design • A consistency checker can ensure that any modules invoked or used by a given module actually exit in the design and that the caller interface is consistent with the interface definition of the called module. • Consistency checkers can generate complexity metrics. • The more formal the design language the better its checking and the closer it becomes to a formal programming language.

  22. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Metrics • After the detailed design many important details are known about the software system. Only the implementation details associated with a programming language remain. • Hence, many system metrics can be formulated. • Detailed design metrics include: • Complexity metrics • Data bindings • Cohesion metrics

  23. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Cyclomatic Complexity • Programs with with many conditional statements tent to be more complex than those with few conditional statements. • A simple measure of complexity is the number of constructs that represent program branches like if then else, while do, and repeat until. • A more refined measure of complexity is the cyclomatic complexity measure, which is based on a control flow graph of a programs logic. • A control flow graph is drawn by breaking a program into blocks delimited by control statements. • These blocks become graphical nodes with arcs connecting branchings between blocks. • The complexity can be calculated by counting the nodes, edges and connections in the control flow graph.

  24. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Cyclomatic Complexity • A module with its corresponding flow graph is shown below:

  25. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Cyclomatic Complexity 0 begin 1 i = 1 2 while (i £ n) do begin 3 j = 1; 4 while(j £ i) do5 if A[j] < A[i] then 6 swap (A[j], A[i]); 7 end if 8 end while 9 end while 10 end • A module with its corresponding flow graph is shown below: 0,1,2 3,4 5 • The cyclomatic number is the number of independent circuits in the chart 10 9 7,8 6

  26. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Cyclomatic Complexity 0 begin 1 i = 1 2 while (i £ n) do begin 3 j = 1; 4 while(j £ i) do5 if A[j] < A[i] then 6 swap (A[j], A[i]); 7 end if 8 end while 9 end while 10 end • A module with its corresponding flow graph is shown below: 0,1,2 3,4 5 • The cyclomatic number is the number of independent circuits in the chart = 4 10 9 7,8 6

  27. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Data Bindings • Data bindings attempt to measure the coupling and cohesion among modules. • A potential data binding counts the number of variables between two modules which are within the same scope. This metric represents the potential for coupling of variables by sharing between modules. • A used data binding is a potential data binding where two modules use the same variable. • An actual data binding occurs when a module assigns a value to a variable and another module uses that value. • All of these binding attempt to represent the strength of interconnections between particular modules.

  28. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Module Complexity • After detailed design, the complexity of modules can be obtained. • If a module is very complex it will be difficult to understand, maintain and modify. • If a module is too complex it can be broken down into two or more less complex modules.

  29. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Errors per Module • After a design walkthrough the number of errors per module can be determined. • Assuming a high quality review, a low number of errors implies that the module was well designed. • If the number of errors in module is high it may indicate that there will be problems during the coding phase and careful scrutiny may be required

  30. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Summary • The goal of detailed design is to develop the internal logic of each of the modules identified during the system design. • Methods are available for specifying the logic of a module. • Formal methods exist for specifying modules. • One is the axiomatic specification technique, another is data abstraction.

  31. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Summary • Unfortunately, the formal methods developed to date tend to be a pain and are rarely used in practice. • A more practical approach is to use a pseudo-language specifically designed for specifying modules during the detailed design phase of a project. • This pseudo-language should be practical enough to be usable yet precise enough to be convertible into code without requiring uncontrolled decisions on the part of the code writers.

  32. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Summary • We discussed a language called Process Design Language which is used to describe the detailed design of systems and which is used in practice. • PDL can be used to express the detailed design of modules. • PDL has a formal outer syntax and a flexible inner syntax and vocabulary, giving it a balance between formalism and ease of expression.

  33. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Summary • Several metrics were introduced to evaluate the effectiveness and output of this phase. • We have introduced metrics for evaluating the complexity of modules, the coupling among modules and the quality of modules. • We have discussed verification techniques such as our old friend the design review. • Several automated techniques exist which are based on PDL though the deign review is still the most used.

  34. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Case Study • Design Decisions • PDL of main module procedure • Proc main() • PDL of input module procedures • Proc get_validated_input(file1,file2) • Proc validate_file(file1) • Proc validate_classrooms • Proc validate_dept_courses • Proc validate_lecture_times • Proc validate_file2

  35. Software Engineering - Detailed Design Case Study • PDL of input module procedures • Proc get_ course_index(course_no, course_index) • Proc get_pref_valid(buffer, valid_pref_list) • Proc form_course_rec(course_index,enrol,valid_pref_list) • Proc separate_course

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