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Ending institutional care and the shift to community based living for all The European Structural and Investment Funds Alexandra Hillen-Moore. Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUI Galway.
Ending institutional care and the shift to community based living for all The European Structural and Investment Funds Alexandra Hillen-Moore. Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUI Galway.
New legislative framework for the 2014-2020 funding period:The Regulations and Guidance documents clearly embrace the view that the transition from institutional care to community based living and services responds to rights - not just needs - and is mandatory. the result of concerted advocacy across Europe over many years…
Human Rights argument(International and EU)- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights- UNCRPD (Council decision 2010/48/EC)- Convention on the Rights of the Child Cost-benefit argument- Europe 2020 ‘smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ >> promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination- Better use of taxpayers money (poor policy > poor outcomes > scarce resources wasted)2007-2013 Funding use: refurbishment/new buildings
1/3 EU Budget : EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 ‘The largest development programme under a single policy architecture’ The reforms agreed for the 2014-2020 period are designed to maximise the impact of the available EU funding. GROWTH OVERALL EU 2014-2020 BUDGET €1 082 billion 67.5% 32.5% Other EU policies Agruculture Research External Etc. COHESION POLICY €351.8 billion Sustainable Smart Inclusive €730.2 billion Cohesion Policy delivers Europe 2020 Strategy
Cohesion policy has a legal foundationPreamble to the Treaty of Rome (1957): necessity ‘to strengthen the unityof their economies and to ensure their harmoniousdevelopment by reducing the differences existing betweenthe various regions and the backwardness of the lessfavoured regions’. Article 130a The Single European Act (1987): promoting the “overall harmonious development” of the Community and “strengthening economic and social cohesion”, particularly by “reducing disparities between the various regions and the backwardness of the least favoured regions”Article 130b “the community shall support the achievement of these objectives by the action it takes through the structural funds”Article 174 Treaty of Lisbon (2007): ‘economic, social and territorial cohesion’
The European Union is diverse … GDP/capita
The method/process: Europe 2020 targets are translated into Funding priorities in the CSFPartnership > Programming > bodies to implement and manage > projects > monitoring > reporting*Partnership and multi-level governance at all stages*Public authorities, economic and social partners + relevant bodies representing civil society, NGOs and bodies responsible for promoting social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination Common Strategic Framework Partnership Agreements Operational Programmes Management of programmes/Selection of projects Monitoring/Annual reporting
Implementation, management and monitoring Cohesion Policy A Managing Authority to implement + manage the operational programme, selects projects, produces an annual implementation report by May 31st each year. overseen by a Monitoring Committee – must include partners - review implementation of Programmes, progress to objectives, makes observations to MA A Certification Authority to verify the statement of expenditure and the payment applications before their transmission to the Commission. An Audit Authority for each operational programme – functionally independent from MA and CA to supervise the efficient running of the management and monitoring system. All bodies must be set up before first interim payment can be made
EU Cohesion Policy: The key elements of the reform Link with EU 2020 Stategy. Coordinated use of five European Structural & Investment Funds. Target resources at key growth sectors. Set clear objectives and measure results. Ensure the right conditions for investment. Enhanced role for the European Social Fund. Stronger role for partners in planning, implementation and control. Integrated approach to territorial development. Stronger economic and social policy coordination Place based approach to growth and development
European SemesterFramework for steering and monitoring MS economic + social reforms to reach Europe 2020 November >> AprilAnnual Growth SurveyCountry ReportsNational Reform ProgrammesCountry Specific RecommendationsInform current/future use of the funds…
New legislative framework 2014-2020Overarching:Common Provision Regulation 1303/2013 (general provisions applicable to all funds)Complemented by Fund Specific Regulations: ERDF Regulation 1301/2013ESF Regulation 1304/2013(specify the investment priorities and type of activities each fund should support)
PrinciplesAdditionality – funds are not to replace national finances (co-financing: Union + National)Complementarity – needs of Member States (European Semester)Subsidiarity - decisions to be taken as close to the local level/citizen as possible Partnership with local authorities, economic and social partners, civil society and bodies responsible for promoting social inclusion, non-discriminationReducing the administrative burden on beneficiariesCoordination – ESF/ERDFSound Financial Management
Investing in all EU regions - Solidarity ALL EU REGIONS BENEFIT € 182 billion for less developed regions GDP < 75% of EU-27 average 27% ofEU pop. LEVEL OF INVESTMENT €35bn ADAPTED TO for transition regions GDP 75-90% of EU-27 average LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT 12% ofEU pop. €54bn for more developed regions GDP > 90% of EU-27 average 61% ofEU pop. 50.5% 9.9% 15.1%
11 thematic objectives Research and Innovation Combating climate change Employment and Mobility Information and Commu-nication technologies Environment andresource efficiency Social inclusion Competitiveness of SMEs Sustainable transport Better education, training Low-carbon economy Better publicadministration 1 5 8 2 6 9 3 7 10 4 11
Investment PrioritiesFund Specific Regulations EuropeanSocial Fund European Regional Development Fund Social inclusion Article 5 TO 9: Social Inclusion • Investing in health and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services. • Recitals: • CBS should cover all forms of in-home, family-based, residential and other community services which support the right of all persons to live in the community, with an equality of choices and which seek to prevent isolation or segregation from the community Article 3 TO 9: social inclusion • Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation, and improving employability. • Socio-economic integration of marginalised communities such as Roma • Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high quality services, including health care and social services of general interest Recitals: • The ESF should promote the transition from institutional to community based care. The ESF should not support any action that contributes to segregation or to social exclusion
Better focus on results Indicators CLEAR Aims and Targets Reporting TRANSPARENT Monitoring Evaluation MEASURABLE Performance reserve 6% funding allocated in 2019 to programmes and priorities which have achieved 85% of their milestones.
Stronger role for partners in planning & implementation European Code of Conduct on Partnership A common set of standards to improve consultation, participation and dialogue with partners during the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages of projects financed by all European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). Partners: public authorities, trade unions, employers and NGOs and bodies responsible for promoting social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination. Monitoring Committee
Necessity of pre-conditions for effective EU investment to ensure that all institutional and strategic policy arrangements are in place, creating favorable investment conditions, before funding is released to the Member States. the appropriate regulatory framework, effective policy frameworks (strategies), and sufficient administrative/institutional capacity. Types of ExAC: Thematic ExAC linked to the thematic objectives and investment priorities of Cohesion Policy General ExAC are linked to horizontal aspects of programme implementation Fulfilment deadline 31st December 2016 .
Thematic ex ante conditionalities “existence and implementation of a national strategic policy framework for poverty reduction aiming at the active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market”Criteria for fulfilment:- Evidence base to develop policies- Measures for achievement of poverty/inclusion targets in NRP - Involves relevant stakeholders in combating poverty- Depending on the identified needs, includes measures for the shift from institutional to community based care- Support for submitting project applications and implementing/managing projects if selected
General ex ante conditionalitiesHorizontal aspects of programme implementationapply across all ESIF: non-discrimination, gender, disability, public procurement, State Aid, environmental, statistical systems and result indicators.Corresponding criteria of fulfilment
Current status:75% ex ante conditionalities fulfilled750 Action Plans adopted for fulfilment by 31st Dec 2016must fulfill to receive payments
Enhanced role for the European Social Fund For the first time a minimum share of the cohesion policy budget is earmarked for the ESF: 24.8% A minimum share of the ESF must be spent on measures supporting social inclusion Risen from 20% to 25.6% Social inclusion (Union+National) € 62.5 bn
ESF thematic concentration Thematic concentration of each OP on up to 5 investment priorities for employment/mobility, education/training, social inclusion & institutional capacity. Transitionregions Less developedregions More developed regions 70% 60% 80%
€4.5 bn ERDF investments planned in social infrastructure >> support targets community based social services for vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities including psychosocial disabilities, children, elderly)Social inclusion results expected:2.6 million inactive people supported2 to 2.5 million disadvantaged people benefitting41.7 million people will benefit from improved health services (eHealth)context of current crisis: ESIF can support refugees and asylum seekers - facilitate access to labour market, promote social inclusion, education, training, housing, one stop shops, counselling…
Support Initiatives from the Commission for better implementation and management of the Funds Boosting administrative capacity – training sessions, exchange visits for managing authorities, certifying and audit authorities TAIEX REGIO PEER 2 PEER: exchanges of regional experts Expert Database (public Officials willing to share expertise) Integrity Pacts: safeguard EU funds from fraud, corruption, mismanagement *Taskforce for Better Implementation* Tailored support to 8 countries who struggle to effectively and efficiently spend their allocation of funding: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania RegioStars awards – identify good practice and innovation in Regional Development – Inclusive Growth category
Linkswww.communitylivingforeurope.orgRegional Policy: InfoRegiohttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/http://ec.europa.eu/contracts_grants/funds_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/how/improving-investment/Funding Data: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/ Programmes:http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/atlas/programmes/European Social Fund:http://ec.europa.eu/esf/main.jsp?catId=62&langId=enManaging Authoritieshttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/atlas/managing-authorities/EU Semester Documents http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/making-it-happen/country-specific-recommendations/index_en.htmEuropean Expert group on the transition from institutional to community based care – Toolkit and Guidelines for the use EU funds available: http://www.deinstitutionalisationguide.eu/