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Identifying Educational Technology Trends and Innovations in Teacher Practice

Analyzing strategies to integrate web technologies in curriculum based on innovative practices. Explore the use of technology in Brazilian education and the need for information sharing among educators.

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Identifying Educational Technology Trends and Innovations in Teacher Practice

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  1. TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS: HOW FAR CAN A TEACHER IDENTIFY THEM IN THE DAILY PRACTICE? AN ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES OF INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CURRICULUM BASED ON THE WORK OF THE BLOG WEB CURRICULUM R. Ribeiro1, M. Mandaji2, N. Camas3 , A. Tercariol4 , R. Silva5 , N. Mengalli6 1 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo(BRAZIL) 2 Universidade Paulista (BRAZIL) 3 Universidade Federal do Paraná (BRAZIL) 4 Unoeste (BRAZIL) 5 SEE-SP (BRAZIL) 6 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo(BRAZIL) Virtual Presentation Paper ID 33552 Brazil Nov. 2013

  2. Abstract This article has as its goal to identify characteristics of innovative practices in reference to the integration of web technologies in the curriculum and the creation of parameters which may serve as basis for other innovative practices, once that standards and practices of technology in education for the web are still not widely discussed amongst Brazilian educators. The panorama of the problem of rescuing those practices, having in mind the context of the use of the Web 2.0 in Web Curriculum, and contextualizing them is the objective proposed. The use of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) in education is not anymore a distant reality for most educators, once actions such as those performed by the Ministery of Education of Brazil (MEC) which took educational laptops to schools and developed professional training for teachers and the growth of distance learning courses for training and development. Considering the scenario, it is fundamental that the teacher has access to information about what other teachers have been developing with the use of technology, what schools make available, which practices are being executed with students, other than using the tools available on the web for the fulfillment of the integration of technology in the curriculum. Keywords: Technology, education, practices, web curriculum, web 2.0 Brazil 2013

  3. INTRODUCTION The use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in education stopped being a distant reality for many educators, once that actions such as those performed by the MEC (Ministery of Education in Brazil) which brought laptop computers to schools and developed programs of continuous professional training for teachers, and also the growth of distance learning university courses in the country, in bachelor degrees and postgraduate programs as well as summer schools. Analyzing the current panorama of technologies in schools, it is fundamental that the teacher gets information about what other teachers have been developing with the use of technology, what schools make available, which practices are being done with the students, as well as how to use the tools available in the Web 2.0 for executing a coherent job in integrating technologies in the school curriculum. Considering this new reality, during the scientific event at Catholic University of São Paulo – Brazil (PUC-SP) I Seminar Web Curriculum, a blog was created. Named “Web Currículo PUC-SP”, the blog had as one of its goals to present information about the event. Afterwards, the blog took the role of a space to publicize information and trends in the areas of Education and Technology, with content being always updated about practices related to education and technology, distance learning and education with the use of Web 2.0 tools. Brazil 2013

  4. Concepts – Trends and Innovation As a starting point for the conceptualization of trends, one can examine the dictionary definition of the term which reads: substantive (latin origin: tendentia) 1 Instinctive and natural disposition towards something; vocational intent. 2 Force which determines the movement of an object 3: change which implies deterioration of the inherited qualities of a population. Brazil 2013

  5. Gathering the Results Final remarks Currently, the insertion of ICT in public schools in Brazil, have had great advancements in the direction of universalizing the access to broadband internet. To Almeida (2010b), the students which today are in schools find themselves immersed in the digital culture and say that they use the computer and the internet in different places which they go to everyday. To Saldanha (2009), young people are researching in the internet in cybercafés, for instance. From this point of view, the search for trends and innovation was built in the Seminars Web Curriculum. In a world branded by an avalanche of information everyday through the revolution of technology and communication, the processes of teaching and learning have gone through deep changes, or, at least, should be converging to them. About 60.000 schools are connected to the internet, today in Brazil, through broadband, in an estimative of the Ministery of Education, which shows that the school have the technological infra-structure, but do not use it for classroom practices. Brazil 2013

  6. REFERENCES Almeida, M. E. B. e Silva, M. G. M. “Currículo, tecnologia e cultura digital: espaços e tempos de web currículo” in Revista E-Curriculum PUC-SP. Número 7. (2011) Available at: http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/curriculum/article/view/5676 Accessed in: 10th Sep. 2013 Almeida, M. E. B. Informática e Formação de Professores. Vol. 1. SEED/MEC, 2000. Blog Web Currículo. Available at: http://webcurriculo.wordpress.com Accessed in: 1st Oct. 2013. Caldas, D. Observatório de Sinais - teoria e prática da pesquisa de tendências. Rio de Janeiro, Senac, 2004. Candeias, E. “Ideias e tendências educativas no cenário escolar. Onde estamos, para onde vamos?” in Revista Lusófona de Educação. Número 7. 2006. Available at: http://www.scielo.oces.mctes.pt/pdf/rle/n7/n7a05.pdf Accessed in: 24th Sep. 2013. Dewey, J. Experiência e educação. São Paulo: Nacional, 1971. Gadotti, M. Perspectivas atuais da educação. Porto Alegre, Ed. Artes Médicas, 2000. Instituto Crescer. Estudo sobre conteúdo de blogs no Brasil. Available at: http://institutocrescer.org.br/geral/estudo-sobre-conteudo-dos-blogs-no-brasil/. Accessed in: 25th Sep. 2013. Mandaji, M. S. O processo de colaboração nos trabalhos de coautoria em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Tese. Doutorado em Educação: Currículo. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2011. Michaelis. Available at: http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/portugues/index.php?lingua=portugues-portugues&palavra=tend%EAncia Accessed in: 03rd Sep. 2013. Muñoz, C. “Informática aplicada projetos” in Anais do II Seminário Web Currículo. PUC-SP, São Paulo, 2010. Palomino, E. A Moda. São Paulo, Publifolha, 2003. Prado, M. E. B. B. Educação a distância e formação do professor: redimensionando concepções de aprendizagem. Tese de Doutorado em Educação: Currículo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP, 2003. Ribeiro, R.A. Nuvem de palavras com a tag podcast no blog Web Currículo. Available at: http://www-958.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/manyeyes/visualizations/tag-cloud-podcast Accessed in: 1st Oct. 2013. Ribeiro, R.A. Nuvem de palavras de textos com a tag redes sociais no blog Web Currículo. Available at: http://www-958.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/manyeyes/visualizations/tag-redes-sociais Accessed in: 1st Oct. 2013. Brazil 2013

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