New Beginnings 3.1.1 Character, Setting, Plot
A "new beginning" is when you move to a new house, a new school, a new job, or even a new country. Sometimes moving to a new place can be exciting because you get to meet new people and make new friends. However, sometimes moving to a new place can be scary and uncomfortable.Have you ever moved to a new place? How did you feel? Why?
nerv - ous I was really nervouson the first day of school. My heart beat fast and I had an upset stomach.
nervous = scared or fearful Nervous is an adjective. An adjective is a descriptive word. Words that end is -ous are adjectives like: curious mysterious delirious serious Can you think of some others?
fum - bled When I walked into the classroom on the first day of school I fumbled and almost fell on the floor.
chuckled Some of the kids in the class chuckled when I fumbled, it made me feel even more nervous.
trudged Slowly, I trudged to my desk feeling really embarrassed.
non - sense I was afraid to tell the teacher because I thought she would think it was nonsense and tell me to forget about it. So I kept quiet.
nonsense = does not make sense non is a prefix, it means not like: nonfat noncontagious nonrenewable nonjudgemental nonbeliever
down - stairs Later that day, when I was downstairs at my house, I told my mother all about my first day of school. She gave me a big hug and said "From here on out it can only get better!"
downstairs = down the stairs or on the first floor Downstairs is a compound word. A compound word is two words stuck together to make a new word. rainbow sometimes football classroom cowboy Can you think of some others?
Vocabulary Words:nervousfumbled chuckledtrudgednonsense downstairs
fumbled a. walk slowly b. laugh quietlyc. do something clumsy
nonsense a. something trueb. something that makes sensec. something that doesn't make sense