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Royal Station Hotel , Newcastle upon Tyne Tuesday, 11 th January 2011

Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne. Realising the Strategic Importance of Languages. Royal Station Hotel , Newcastle upon Tyne Tuesday, 11 th January 2011. Brought to you by:

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Royal Station Hotel , Newcastle upon Tyne Tuesday, 11 th January 2011

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  1. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Realising the Strategic Importance of Languages Royal Station Hotel, Newcastle upon TyneTuesday, 11th January 2011 Brought to you by: Links into Languages North East & Routes into Languages North East

  2. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Realising the Strategic Importance of Languages Professor Eric Cross Dean of Cultural Studies, Newcastle University

  3. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Realising the Strategic Importance of Languages Baroness Jean Coussins All Party Parliamentary Group for Languages, House of Lords

  4. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Realising the Strategic Importance of Languages Richard Hardie Vice Chair, UBS Ltd

  5. Thumbs up, thumbs middle, thumbs down

  6. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Learning Outcomes By the end of the session we will have: • explored ways of thinking differently about language learning in schools • shared examples of our own best practice from curricular organisation to classroom craft • started to develop strategies for our own schools in realising the strategic importance of languages • gained a deeper understanding of the national 'languages landscape'

  7. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Learning Outcomes We will do this by: • using de Bono’s Thinking Hats to partition each aspect of our thinking on this matter • sharing our feelings, worries and doubts as well as the brilliant work we already do • sorting our strategies into quick wins and longer term changes • starting to put down some actions to implement back at school

  8. Learning Outcomes Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne We are doing this because: • The face of languages teaching and learning is changing dramatically and we need to react positively and strategically!

  9. Connect the Learning (3 minutes) Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne • Mark on the feel-o-meter to show how you feel about the current state of languages given the key notes and your own experience Use your red hat when you want to talk about emotions

  10. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Activity – on your own (5 minutes) • On your own, on yellow post-its, jot down the positive features of the current state of language learning • On the pink post-its write down the negative features (you might want to jot these down on your own graphic organiser too.) Use your black hat when you want to be cautious, talk about barriers and negatives Use your yellow hat when you want to be positive – what great things are you already doing?

  11. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Activity – as a group (5 minutes) • Are there any common themes? As a group, discuss if you can group both positives and negatives together under common themes – • “Timetabling is a theme for us – some of us only get 1 hour a week whereas some of us have 10 minutes Spanish every tutorial session through the whiteboards!”

  12. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Activity – in groups (5 minutes) • Green hat thinking splurge – write as many ideas as you can, no matter how “out there” about how best to realise the strategic importance of languages, one idea per green post-it Use your green hat to look at opportunities and ideas. Remember this session is about sharing and gleaning ideas with and from others!

  13. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Activity – in groups (5 minutes) • Create a diamond ranking using one copy of your post-its • At the top, put the idea which will have the most impact down to the least impact

  14. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Activity – in groups (5 minutes) • Now mark on the post-its which ideas are quick win and easy to implement as well as those that are longer term strategy with many implications (it is a good idea to jot these down on your own graphic organiser too.)

  15. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Demonstrate new understanding – in school groups (20 mins) Use your blue hat to look at planning needs – choose your top most impactful and easy(ish!) to implement as well as more strategic ideas

  16. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Review – question time! • Whilst you are working on your planning, note down any burning questions you may like to ask the panel in the question time session. Make sure they are noted down with your name and question and given to the facilitators. • Review this with your whole group at the end of the session.

  17. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Panel – Burning questions • Dr Liz Andersen • Head of Modern Languages, Newcastle University & University Council of Modern Languages • Baroness Jean Coussins • Peer of the Realm & Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group for Modern Languages • Richard Hardie • Vice Chair UBS Ltd • Bernadette Holmes • President Elect of the Association of Language Learning • Dr Michael Wardle • Deputy Headteacher, Framwellgate & additional inspector for Ofsted

  18. Follow us: @languagelinkne Twitter hashtag: #linksne Live feed: http://bit.ly/linksne Close & Thanks Many thanks to everyone for coming and/or logging on! For all event documentation, copies of presentations and handouts, please visit the event pages www.linksintolanguages.ac.uk/events/2210

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