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. If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure. Heat Content. . . (psia). Btu/lb. LINES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. LINES OF CONSTANT ENTHALPY. . HEAT CONTENT INCREASES. . HEAT CONTENT DECREASES. . PRESSURE RISES. . PRESSURE DROPS. . . Pressure. Heat Content.
6. THE SATURATION CURVE Under the curve, the refrigerant follows the pressure-temperature relationship
The left side of the saturation curve represents 100% liquid
The right side of the saturation curve represents 100% vapor
For non-blended refrigerants, one pressure corresponds to one temperature
25. NET REFRIGERATION EFFECT The larger the NRE, the greater the heat transfer rate per pound of refrigerant circulated
NRE is in the units of btu/lb
Cooling effect can be increased by increasing the NRE or by increasing the mass flow rate
The cooling effect can be decreased by decreasing the NRE or by decreasing the rate of refrigerant circulation through the system
26. NRE Example Heat Content at point B = 35 btu/lb
Heat Content at point C = 85 btu/lb
NRE = C B = 85 btu/lb 35 btu/lb
NRE = 50 btu/lb
Each pound of refrigerant can therefore hold 50 btu of heat energy
How many btu does it take to make 1 ton?
27. How Many btu = 1 Ton? 12,000 btu/hour = 1 Ton = 200 btu/min
From the previous example, how many lb/min do we have to move through the system to get 1 ton?
200 btu/min/ton 50 btu/lb = 4 lb/min
We must circulate 4 pounds of refrigerant through the system every minute to obtain one ton of refrigeration
Mass Flow Rate Per Ton
28. NRE and MFR/ton The NRE determines the number of btu that a pound of refrigerant can hold
The larger the NRE the more btu can be held by the pound of refrigerant
As the NRE increases, the MFR/ton decreases
As the NRE decreases, the MFR/ton increases
NRE = Heat content at C Heat content at B
MFR/ton = 200 NRE
Cool, huh?
31. SUCTION LINE The suction line should be as short as possible
The amount of heat introduced to the system through the suction line should be minimized
Damaged suction line insulation increases the amount of heat added to the system and decreases the systems operating efficiency
Never remove suction line insulation without replacing
Seal the point where insulation sections meet
34. HEAT OF COMPRESSION (HOC) The HOC indicates the amount of heat added to a pound of refrigerant during compression
As the pressure of the refrigerant increases, the heat content of the refrigerant increases as well
Heat gets concentrated in the compressor
As HOC increases, efficiency decreases
As HOC decreases, efficiency increases
HOC = Heat content at E Heat content at D
36. TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (THOR) THOR indicates the total amount of heat rejected from a system
Refrigerant (hot gas) desuperheats when it leaves the compressor (sensible heat transfer)
Once the refrigerant has cooled down to the condensing temperature, a change of state begins to occur (latent heat transfer)
After condensing, refrigerant subcools
THOR = Heat content at E Heat content at A
37. SUBCOOLING & FLASH GAS Subcooling is a good thing, right?
Flash gas is a good thing, right?
Are flash gas and subcooling related?
How can we tell?
Stay tuned...
40. SUBCOOLING & FLASH GAS Subcooling and flash gas are inversely related to each other
As the amount of subcooling increases, the percentage of flash gas decreases
As the percentage of flash gas increases, the amount of subcooling decreases
42. COMPRESSION RATIO Represents the ratio of the high side pressure to the low side pressure
Directly related to the amount of work done by the compressor to accomplish the compression process
The larger the compression ratio, the larger the HOC and the lower the system MFR
The larger the HOC, the lower the efficiency
Absolute pressures must be used
43. ABSOLUTE PRESSURE Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + 14.7
Round off to 15, for ease of calculation
Example 1
High side pressure (psig) = 225 psig
High side pressure (psia) = 225 + 15 = 240 psia
Low side pressure (psig) = 65 psig
Low side pressure (psia) = 65 + 15 = 80 psia
Compression ratio = 240 psia 80 psia = 3:1
44. Low Side Pressure in a Vacuum? First, convert the low side vacuum pressure in inches of mercury to psia
Use the following formula
? (30 Hg vacuum reading) 2
High side pressure = 245 psig
High side pressure (psia) = 245 + 15 = 260 psia
Low side pressure = 4Hg
Low side (psia) = (30hg 4Hg) 2 = 13 psia
Compression ratio = 260 13 = 20:1
45. Meet Tammy
55. Tammys 8-Hour Day 9am 10 am Work on 2nd Floor
10am 11am Walk up
11am 12 noon Work on 90th Floor
12 noon 1pm Walk down
1 pm 2pm Lunch
2pm 3 pm Work on 2nd Floor
3 pm 4 pm Walk up
4pm 5 pm Work on 90th Floor
56. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm What if the law firm moves its 90th floor office to the 3rd floor?
How will this affect Tammys productivity?
Will she do more work? Less?
What the heck does this have to do with air conditioning?
How many licks does it take to get to the chocolaty center of a Tootsie Pop?
57. If Tammys office moves from the 90th floor to the 3rd floor, we get something like this.
58. Tammys 8-Hour Day 9:00 am 10:00 am Work on 2nd Floor
10:00 am 10:05 am Walk up to 3rd Floor
10:05 am 11:05 noon Work on 3rd Floor
11:05 am 11:10 am Walk down to 2nd Floor
11:10 am 12:10 pm Work on 2nd Floor
12:10 pm 1:10 pm Lunch
1:10 pm 1:15 pm Walk up to 3rd Floor
1:15 pm 2:15 pm Work on 3rd Floor
2:15 pm 2:20 pm Walk down to 2nd Floor
2:20 pm 3:20 pm Work on 2nd Floor
3:20 pm 3:25 pm Walk up to 3rd Floor
3:25 pm 4:25 pm Work on 3rd Floor
4:25 pm 4:30 pm Walk down to 2nd Floor
4:30 pm 5:00 pm Work on 2nd Floor
59. Office Comparison 2nd Floor ? 90th Floor
4 hours of work
3 hours of walking up and down the stairs
1 hour lunch
Day ends on the 90th Floor
2nd Floor ? 3rd Floor
6 hours of work
30 minutes of walking up and down the stairs
1 hour lunch
Day ends on the 2nd Floor
60. COMPRESSION RATIO Lower compression ratios ? higher system efficiency
Higher compression ratios ? lower system efficiency
The closer the head pressure is to the suction pressure, the higher the system efficiency, all other things being equal and operational
61. Causes of High Compression Ratio (High Side Issues) Dirty or blocked condenser coil
Recirculating air through the condenser coil
Defective condenser fan motor
Defective condenser fan motor blade
Defective wiring at the condenser fan motor
Defective motor starting components (capacitor) at the condenser fan motor
62. Causes of High Compression Ratio (Low Side Issues) Dirty or blocked evaporator coil
Dirty air filter
Defective evaporator fan motor
Dirty blower wheel (squirrel cage)
Defective wiring at the evaporator fan motor
Closed supply registers
Blocked return grill
Loose duct liner
Belt/pulley issues
63. THEORETICAL HORSEPOWER PER TON Determines how much compressor horsepower is required to obtain 1 ton of cooling
The ft-lb is a unit of work
The ft-lb/min is a unit of power
33,000 ft-lb/min = 1 Horsepower
The conversion factor between work and heat is 778 ft-lb/btu
33,000 ft-lb/min/hp 778 ft-lb/btu =
42.42 btu/min/hp
For example, if we had a system that had an NRE of 50 and a HOC of 10, the THp/ton would be:
66. THp/ton Example If we had a 20-Hp reciprocating compressor and the THp/ton calculation yielded a result of 2 hp/ton, what would the expected cooling capability of the system be?
67. What Affects the THp/ton Number? The Net Refrigeration Effect (NRE)
The Heat of Compression (HOC)
69. MASS FLOW RATE OF THE SYSTEM The amount of refrigerant that flows past any given point in the system every minute
Not to be confused with MFR/ton
MFR/system is the actual refrigerant flow, while MFR/ton is the flow per ton
MFR/system can be found by multiplying the MFR/ton by the number of tons of system capacity, or
70. COOL STUFF As the HOC increases, the MFR/system decreases, and vice versa
As the Compression Ratio increases, the HOC increases
As head pressure increases, or as suction pressure decreases, the Compression Ratio increases
As the MFR/system decreases, the capacity of the evaporator, condenser and compressor all decrease
Lets take a closer look
71. EVAPORATOR CAPACITY A function of the MFR/system and the NRE
The MFR/system is in lb/min, the NRE is in btu/lb and the capacity of the evaporator is in btu/hour
72. EVAPORATOR CAPACITY If the NRE or the MFR/system decreases, the evaporator capacity also decreases
The 60 is a conversion factor from btu/min to btu/hour, given that there are 60 minutes in an hour
Divide the evaporator capacity in btu/hour by 12,000 to obtain the evaporator capacity in tons
73. CONDENSER CAPACITY A function of the MFR/system and the THOR
The MFR/system is in lb/min, the THOR is in btu/lb and the capacity of the condenser is in btu/hour
74. COMPRESSOR CAPACITY A function of the MFR/system and the Specific volume of the refrigerant at the inlet of the compressor
Calculated in cubic feet per minute, ft3/min
75. COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE (COP) The ratio of the NRE compared to the HOC, assuming a saturated cycle
If the cycle is not saturated, add the suction line heat to the HOC
If the HOC remains constant, any increases in NRE will increase the COP
If the NRE remains constant, any decrease in HOC will increase the COP
The COP is a contributing factor to the EER of an air conditioning system
COP is a unitless value
76. COP EXAMPLE #1 Heat content at point B = 35 btu/lb
Heat content at point C = 104 btu/lb
Heat content at point D = 104 btu/lb
Heat content at point E = 127 btu/lb
NRE = 104 btu/lb 35 btu/lb = 69 btu/lb
HOC = 127 btu/lb 104 btu/lb = 23 btu/lb
COP = 69 btu/lb 23 btu/lb = 3
Notice that the 3 has no units
77. COP EXAMPLE #2 Heat content at point B = 35 btu/lb
Heat content at point C = 105 btu/lb
Heat content at point D = 110 btu/lb
Heat content at point E = 140 btu/lb
NRE = 105 btu/lb 35 btu/lb = 70 btu/lb
HOC = 140 btu/lb 110 btu/lb = 30 btu/lb
SL superheat = 110 btu/lb 105 btu/lb = 5 btu/lb
COP = [70 btu/lb] [30 btu/lb + 5 btu/lb] = 2
78. ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO (EER) A ratio of the amount of btus transferred to the amount of power used
In the units of btu/watt
The conversion between btus and watts is 3.413
One watt of power generates 3.413 btu
For example, if a system required 50,000 btu of heat, 14,650 watts of electric heat (14.65 kw) can be used
79. ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO (EER), Contd. The efficiency rating of an air conditioning system is the COP
For each btu/lb introduced to the system in the suction line and the compressor, a number of btus equal to the NRE are absorbed into the system via the evaporator
To convert the COP to energy usage, we multiply the COP by 3.413
80. EER EXAMPLE The NRE of a system is 70 btu/lb
The HOC of the same system is 20 btu/lb
The COP is 70 btu/lb 20 btu/lb = 3.5
The EER = COP x 3.413
EER = 3.5 x 3.413
EER = 11.95
81. SEASONAL EER (SEER) Takes the entire conditioning system into account
Varies depending on the geographic location of the equipment
Ranges from 10% t0 30% higher than EER
So, if the EER is 10, the SEER will range from 11 to 13
82. From the P-H Chart, We Can Find Compression Ratio
MFR/ton THp/ton
Evaporator Capacity
Condenser Capacity
Compressor Capacity
EER of the System
83. An R-22 A/C System Condenser saturation temperature 120F
Condenser outlet temperature 100F
Evaporator saturation temperature 40F
Evaporator outlet temperature 50F
Compressor inlet temperature 60F
Compressor Horsepower: 4 hp
103. Properly Operating System Heat Content A = 40 btu/lb
Heat Content B = 40 btu/lb
Heat Content C = 109 btu/lb
Heat Content D = 111 btu/lb
Heat Content E = 125 btu/lb
High side pressure = 267 psig
High side pressure = 282 psia
Low side pressure = 70 psig
Low side pressure = 85 psia
Compressor Hp = 2.5 Hp
Specific Volume = 0.7 NRE = 69 btu/lb
HOW = 14 btu/lb
HOC = 16 btu/lb
THOR = 85 btu/lb
Comp. Ratio = 3.32
MFR/ton = 2.9 lb/min/ton
THp/ton = 0.96 Hp/ton
COP = 4.3
MFR/system = 7.58 lb/min
CAP/evap = 31,381 btuh
CAP/cond = 38,658 btuh
CAP/comp = 5.3 ft3/min
EER = 14.68
SEER = 16.15 19.1
105. Clogged Cap Tube System Heat Content A = 39 btu/lb
Heat Content B = 39 btu/lb
Heat Content C = 112 btu/lb
Heat Content D = 118 btu/lb
Heat Content E = 134 btu/lb
High side pressure = 226 psig
High side pressure = 241 psia
Low side pressure = 59 psig
Low side pressure = 74 psia
Compressor Hp = 2.5 Hp
Specific Volume = 0.9 NRE = 73 btu/lb
HOW = 16 btu/lb
HOC = 22 btu/lb
THOR = 95 btu/lb
Comp. Ratio = 3.26
MFR/ton = 2.74 lb/min/ton
THp/ton = 1.03 Hp/ton
COP = 3.3
MFR/system = 6.63 lb/min
CAP/evap = 29,039 btuh
CAP/cond = 37,791 btuh
CAP/comp = 5.97 ft3/min
EER = 11.26
SEER = 12.39 14.64
108. Contact Information... Eugene Silberstein
Suffolk County Community College
1001 Crooked Hill Road
Brentwood, NY 11717
(631) 851-6897
E-mail: silbere@sunysuffolk.edu