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Ephesians 4:11-16

Ephesians 4:11-16. Acts 20:17-36. elders  “bishops”  “pastors”. pastors. “elders ”: Spiritual Maturity “bishops”: Spiritual Oversight. Today’s Focus. Acts 20:17-36. Paul called for the “elders” from Ephesus [v. 17]. Paul said that the Holy Spirit had made them

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Ephesians 4:11-16

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  1. Ephesians 4:11-16

  2. Acts 20:17-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  3. pastors “elders”: SpiritualMaturity “bishops”: Spiritual Oversight Today’s Focus • Acts 20:17-36 • Paul called for the “elders” from Ephesus [v. 17] • Paul said that the Holy Spirit had made them • “overseers” (bishops) of the flock of God [v. 28] We’ve Seen • Paul said that God had given them a task: to • “shepherd” (pastor) the church of God [v. 28] Paul is clearly speaking to the same men he called from Ephesus: elders, bishops, and pastors are the same according to the Bible Each term describes a different aspect of their roles Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  4. pastors • “pastors” is from Greek “poimen” • primarily a secular word, denoting a sheep herder • Luke 2:8-20; John 10 • English word “pastor” only appears 1 time in NKJV • all the other uses of “poimen” is “shepherd” or • some aspect of the work of “shepherding” • Jn 21:16 [“tend”]; cp. Lk 17:7; 1 Co 9:7; etc. Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  5. pastors • “pastors” is from Greek “poimen” • primarily a secular word, denoting a sheep herder • by extension describes work, relationship of elders • from the O. T. -- “poimen” translates “raah” Gen 37:2; 46:34; 1 Sam 17:15 – used of actual shepherds Jer 2:8 [“rulers”]; 3:15; 12:10; 23:1-4 – used of leaders Psalm 23; 80:1-3; Isaiah 40:10-11 – used of the Lord No “office”, but many major leaders “pastors” 1st: Jacob Gn 29-31 Joseph Gn 37:2 Moses Ex 3:1 David 1 Sm 17:15 Involves diligence, devotion, compassion for flock Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  6. pastors These men already possessed these qualities BEFORE becoming “pastors” of men Jacob Gn 29-31 Joseph Gn 37:2 Moses Ex 3:1 David 1 Sm 17:15 Involves diligence, devotion, compassion for flock Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  7. pastors • “pastors” is from Greek “poimen” • primarily a secular word, denoting a sheep herder • by extension describes work, relationship of elders • from the O. T. -- “poimen” translates “raah” • from the N. T. -- “poimen” defined by use: Jesus commissioned Peter: Jn 21:15-17 [cp. Mt 9:35-36] As “pastor”, provides “food” of truth for the flock; cp. 1 Pt 4:11; 2 Pt 1:12-15, 19-21; 1 Pt 5:1-4; Acts 1-11; etc. Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  8. pastors • “pastors” is from Greek “poimen” “The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.” O.T. literally, N.T. figuratively • primarily a secular word, denoting a sheep herder • by extension describes work, relationship of elders • from the O. T. -- “poimen” translates “raah” • from the N. T. -- “poimen” defined by use: Jesus commissioned Peter: Jn 21:15-17 [cp. Mt 9:35-36] Jesus described the work: Jn 10:1-13, 27 As “pastor”, knows the sheep, is knownby them, leads them and protects them [cp. Ac 20:28-32; 1 Sm 17:34-35] Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  9. pastors • “pastors” is from Greek “poimen” • primarily a secular word, denoting a sheep herder • by extension describes work, relationship of elders • from the O. T. -- “poimen” translates “raah” • from the N. T. -- “poimen” defined by use: Jesus commissioned Peter: Jn 21:15-17 [cp. Mt 9:35-36] Jesus described the work: Jn 10:1-13, 27 Apostles commended others to the work: Ac 20; 1 Pt 5 “Shepherd the flock…”; guide, feed, protect, comfort Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  10. pastors • “pastors” is from Greek “poimen” • primarily a secular word, denoting a sheep herder • by extension describes work, relationship of elders • Vine’s N.T. Greek: “one who tends herds or flocks • (not merely one who feeds them) ...this involves • tender care and vigilant superintendence.” A Biblical Pastor: compassionately cares for (serves) the sheep, keeping watch when they are most vulnerable, maintaining them for their master’s purpose Acts 20:27-36 elders  “bishops”  “pastors”

  11. elders  “bishops”  “pastors” • What have we learned of the roles of these men? • as “elder”, must be one who has • disciplined and mature spiritual • experience to draw from • as “bishop”, must be one who is • a proven leader at home, one to • oversee, organize and protect • as “pastor”, must be one who is • dedicated to the tender care of • the flock - day or night - so they • can safely return to their master

  12. The “Chief Shepherd” is Jesus Himself Matt 18:11-13 He is seeking for those sheep which are lost John 10:15-18, 25-28 He is “the good shepherd” who has given Himself to save the sheep! He calls to those who know His voice… Would YOU become a lamb of His today?

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