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WP 11 Sea Level Thematic Assembly Center

WP 11 Sea Level Thematic Assembly Center. O rganisation B reakdown S tructure and Partnership. Coordination CLS. CLS. IMEDEA. DTU. LEGOS. Cal/Val. Cal/Val. Cal/Val. Service. R&D. R&D. R&D. Operation. System Engineering. Development Maintenance. Cal/Val. R&D.

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WP 11 Sea Level Thematic Assembly Center

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  1. WP 11SeaLevelThematicAssembly Center

  2. Organisation Breakdown Structureand Partnership Coordination CLS CLS IMEDEA DTU LEGOS Cal/Val Cal/Val Cal/Val Service R&D R&D R&D Operation System Engineering Development Maintenance Cal/Val R&D

  3. SL TAC main objectives • To integrate the pre-existing SSALTO/DUACS system (CNES/CLS) into the MyOcean System and Service • Address progressively the users needs  covering all the MyOcean regions • To improve the assessment of the SL TAC products Version 2 Version 1 Global Regional Global Med Black Sea West shelve Artic MyOcean Annual meeting , 27-28 april 2010, Exeter

  4. Reminder:SL TAC objectives for year 2 • System&Service and Production: • Priority to the integration into the MyOcean System (PDR, AR) • Finalise the organisation of the Service • Take into account within MyOcean all the existing users • Deliver the V0 and V1 products: NRT black sea, REP global, med, black sea • Be ready to integrate Cryosat 2 (by 2010) and AltiKa (beginning 2011) • Be ready to integrate Jason-1 EoL and Envisat new orbit missions • R&D and CalVal activities • Development of new products: Arctic and West Shelves (version2) • TAPAS (tailored products for assimilation) initiative • Refine the KPI indicators • Synergy with in-situ data • Scientific validation of the SL products MyOcean Annual meeting , 27-28 april 2010, Exeter

  5. Dev. & Maintenance • Implementation the MyOcean Version 1 • Reviews of June (PCDW) and September (AR) • Documentation: PMP, SRD, ADD, SIOPM, etc… • System: • New processing chain for Black sea product generation • New format (netcdf-CF compliant) • Implementation of MIS-Gateway for interfacing with the MyOcean central system • + others evolutions/corrections/improvements MyOcean Annual meeting , 27-28 april 2010, Exeter

  6. Dev. & Maintenance • History of the version before MyOcean version 1 - V9.3 installed (08/07/2010) : new MDT (MDT_CNES-CLS09), new corrections (new LWE corrections, new mean profiles,…)… - V10 installed (november 2010): correspond to the release of MyOcean Version1, and processing of EnVISAT on its new orbit • History of the version since the beginning of MyOcean version 1 : - V10.0.2 installed (01/03/2011) : improvement of the netcdf format, update use of flag (RT/NRT)… - V10.1.0 installed (29/03/2011): change processing of smalltracks in regionalchain,

  7. Dev. & Maintenance • Service: • A Version 1 Service Organisation was set • up: based on existing organisation (AVISO) • significant improvement with a better definition of the different roles • DUACS/AVISO MyOcean To be all together in MyOcean was an opportunity to becomebetter … MyOcean Annual meeting , 27-28 april 2010, Exeter

  8. Users • Main challenge: Transition of the MyOcean V0 users towards MyOcean V1 products and access (web portal , MIS): • - Existing users (AVISO): • We have worked to define a way to count them as MyOcean users and on the harmonisation of the AVISO and MyOcean license • - MyOcean version 0 users: • More work is required to support and accompany the existing MyOcean Version 0 Users in their migration towards MyOcean version 1. • Similarly to the external users, we also need to support the MFCs. • Difficulties: Change the habits  support from us is really needed.

  9. Production External users Internal use CalVal group Pre-processing and QC Common for global and regional Service to EEA Differenttuningfor global and regional and NRT and REP/DT

  10. Production 1991 01/12/2010 01/09/2010 RT on the fly NRT(RT) DT Reprocessed Every 2 years Input data: reprocessed L2 (common standards)  a total of 55 years of data (T/P, Jason1/2, ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, GFO) • daily basis • J1, J2- ENVISAT • (OGDR, IGDR) • On the fly basis • J1, J2- ENVISAT • (OGDR) 3 to 6 months basis Objective to complete the REP time serieswith more accurate data  J1, J2- ENVISAT (GDR)

  11. Cal/Val activities • A routine monitoring of the state of the altimeter observing system was set during the first year • Continue to refine • the algorithm in order to • better represent the main • events • Delivery of ScCR, ScVR Multi-mission Mono-mission

  12. Altimeterobserving system status • Near Real Time constellation frail due to the extension of the nominal duration of the ENVISAT and Jason-1 missions • Jason-1 extension of life accepted (but will be re-discussed this year) • ENVISATon drifting orbit since november 2010 • Jason-2 : Nominal • Cryosat2 (04/2010): a study has been performed to analyse the potential of data. It was presented during the Croysat2 workshop (feb, ESRIN/ESA)

  13. Cryosat2, an opportunity for MyOcean • - Extractedfrom the presentation“Cryosat2 : • a mission of opportunity for MyOcean and • oceanography, fromtheory to practice “ • - Cryosphere mission  lessaccurate for ocean • Data are not repetitive • lessaccurate (no radiometer, Ku band only) • Mesoscalesampling not optimal

  14. Cryosat2, an opportunity for MyOcean • Main conclusions of the study: •  Cryosat2 data qualityissatisfying • Cryosat2 can help to mitigate the upcoming loss of ENVISAT or Jason1 • Unfortunately Cryosat2 data  will probably be unavailable for ocean applications in 2011 due to budget limitations and clear priority of the mission for cryosphere studies.

  15. Altimeterobserving system status • Altika (India, launch planed not before end of 2011) data are crucial to maintain the level of accuracy of the NRT products (3 altimeters is the minimum to resolve mesoscale in NRT) • HY2 (China, mid-2011): but no data before mid-2012, no information about the data policy (probability that the data will not be available) • Sentinel-3 (end of 2013): but no data during the first 18 month of the mission. • Jason-3 (end of2013) : • GOCE : will indirectely allow to provide new Mean Dynamic topography

  16. R&D and CalValactivities • Development of the regional products • Arctic product (CLS/DTU) • West shelves product (CLS/LEGOS) • TAPAS initiative : Tailored products for assimilation • Improvement of altimetry processing and validation • synergy with in-situ data • multimission processing  delay due to not enough confidence on the stability at long term

  17. TAPAS: New generation of alongtrackproduct • The TAPAS « TailoredAltimeterProducts for data Assimilation Systems » initiative waslaunched in April, 2010 througha workshop gathering the MyOcean MFCs assimilation teams and the SL TAC. • Duringthese 2 days, fruitfulexchanges about the contents of the standard altimeterproducts, theirresolution(filtering) and sub-samplingas well as HF atmosphericalcorrectionsled to a consensus on several DT altimeterdataset to betested in assimilation systems. • Two along-track test datasets based on Delayed-Time products were decided and delivered in 2010 on global ocean: • Version-1 with no filtering, nor sub-sampling (1993-2009) • Version-2 similar to version-1 but with Long-Wave-Errors Correction, Tide correction and DAC provided (2008-2009)

  18. TAPAS V1: higher-resolution TAPAS V1 CLASSIC SLA along Track 163 cycle 221 -Jason1

  19. TAPAS status in 2011 • Good startwith the workshop but difficulties to maintain the energy and the will to work on this transversal R&D activities • Need to have a clear and commonwork plan  To beidentified for MyOcean2 • Objective/wish: to have someresults and hopefullyspecification for an implementation in MyOcean2

  20. Arcticproducts • Context : • Lower data quality(unperfect corrections, no reference missions (<66°) • Low data coverage(Envisat, ERS and GFO missions onlynorthward of 66°, no data northward of 82°, Seasonally variable seaicecoverage) • Study has been done to define a regionalprocessing • change in geophysical corrections • Use of MSS DNSC08 (vs CLS01V1) • - Use of TPX07.2tide model (vs GOT00v2) • regional estimation of the mission • bias MyOcean Annual meeting , 27-28 april 2010, Exeter

  21. Arcticproducts • A long time series has been generated (1992-2009) • - specifications will be used for the NRT implementation

  22. Arcticproducts - Assessed by DTU - Quality Control Arctic Tide gauges used for the QC of the SL TAC products. Comparisononweeklytimescalesin Difficult Icecovered region. A lowerlatitudeshighcorrelation > 0.90 is found for MyOcaen products (excellent)

  23. (IMEDEA) • JASON-1/2 • Tide gauges SSH corrected by HIRLAM • (20 days Filtered Along-track altimetry (NRT) VS TG Good TG-altimetry agreement (corr >0.8 with J1/J2)... OPTIMAL INTERPOLATION Several tests (Grid definition, Spatial / temporal correlation scales, error covariances …)

  24. Comparisonwihgliders (IMEDEA) • Objective: • Develop a methodoloy of comparison between altimetry and Glider for cross validation and mesoscale characterisation • ENVISAT; JASON-1/2; JASON-1 (new orbit) • Intensive observational program of 14 glider missions in the Balearic Sea, along altimetric tracks ( July 2007 - June 2010 • Results: illustration Jason-2 vs Glider CB Main surface currents with various retracking with various corrections VerygoodGlider-altimetrycurrentagreement (corr>0.8)... … butdifferencesdependingonretracking and correctionsused (Sensitivitytoretracking : 3.2 cm/s rms, tocorrections : 2.0 cm/s rms) References Bouffard et al., JGR 2010. Bouffard et al. Prog. Ocean. submitted.

  25. Westward increase of observed lengths and amplitudes Eastward increase of climatological Rd and nb. of eddies Nb.ofeddies amplitudes Greatest values of Rd in the Bay of Biscay around 45°N Maps lengthscale limit InternalDeformation Radius (Rd). Chelton et al, 1998. scales West Shelvesproducts Characterisation of mesoscalesdynamics • LEGOS regional/coastalaltimetry data : • specificallytunedregionaldataset, (CTOH/X-track , Roblou et al.,2010] • Period [2004-2005] 4 satellites • 1- MesoscalevariablityfromWaveletAnalysisdone on alongtrack data • 2- Spatial evolution of mesoscaledynamics • offshore onshore transition on the properties 20 50 0 0 160 110 60

  26. West Shelvesproducts Feasability on fine scalemapping 1) use of the results of the scale analysis shown in section 1a, 2) the improved data provided by the X-TRACK coastal processing software.

  27. Futur work and Challenges • On going activities System/Service/Production: • maintenance/evolution/correction, delivery the version 1products • Service: • - Priority to the Users support for the migration towards version 1 (include MFCs) • System: • - Prepare and implement the Version 2: Arctic and west shelves products • - Continue to be on the desk to optimise the use of the available altimeter missions • R&D: • - Improve the coordination within the SLTAC and between TAC and MFC • - TAPAS outcome  specification for implementation during MyOcean2 • - Synergy between altimetry and in-situ : comparison and combination (tide gauge) • Risks: • - loss of altimeters (ENVISAT, Jason 1)

  28. Calendar • Past • Tapas meeting (april 2010) • MyOcean science days • Reviews (PCDW, AR) • Participation to different meetings(EGU, etc…) • Future • Internal SL TAC meeting (june2011, Palma) • Status on the R&D activities and choice of the specifications • for Arctic and West Shelves NRT implementation • TAPAS meeting (TBC) • Acceptance review for version 2 (september 2011)

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