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Strenghtening collaboration with Serbia - IPA4 Project expected outcomes. Frédéric Denecker, Programme Management Officer Reitox and International Cooperation Unit Belgrade, 22 November 2012. Building on past and present, towards future. IPA 3 project - experience and outcomes in Serbia
Strenghtening collaboration with Serbia- IPA4 Project expected outcomes Frédéric Denecker, Programme Management Officer Reitox and International Cooperation Unit Belgrade, 22 November 2012
Building on past and present, towards future IPA 3 project - experience and outcomes in Serbia IPA 4 project - specific objectives and expected outcomes Twinning project - streamlining of activities and avoiding overlap
Information available through IPA cooperation Data collection tools: Information map National Action Plan for Drug information system (NAPDIS) Translated EPI Key Indicators protocols Drug situation: First National report Country overview ESPAD survey
Activites under IPA 3 in Serbia • Successful establishment of a working group • for drafting fist national report & documents • Specific support from Cypriot Reitox NFP • Increased visibility of the information from • Serbia • Availability of reference documents in national • language • (EMCDDA protocols on KI, guidelines on harm • reduction,…)
Activites under IPA 3 in Serbia • Regional Reitox Academies on: • Drug-related death indicator (Skopje) • National reporting (Lisbon) • Early Warning system (Tirana) • Exchanges with EU experts at meetings and study • visit to Cyprus
EMCDDA-IPA 4 project • January 2012 – November2014 • Overall budget: € 900.000 • The project is financed through the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) of DG Enlargement of the European Commission • Implemented an coordinated by the EMCDDA, in close collaboration with Reitox Focal Points and EU experts
Areas for future collaboration: Epidemiology GPS (incl. school surveys) - possible methodological support for pilot survey - possible co-financing for data collection - continuous support for ESPAD, dissemination of results PDU - methodological support for further development of PDU (so far only IDU estimation is available) TDI - Increase participation of treatment centres to data collection and sharing protocol DRID - methodological support for data collection and for data analysis DRD - Support to involved institutions to improve data collection
Areas for future collaboration:Policy & interventions- best practices Reitox academy in October “Monitoring and evaluation of national drug strategies” (Riga) Interest on methods for estimates of Public expenditures Prevention Dissemination of information on standards for prevention-focus on indicated and selective Harm reduction Support for monitoring interventions including in prisons; dissemination of the joint EMCDDA-ECDC guidelines on prevention of infections
Areas for future collaboration:Supply reduction and new trends New substances appearing at EU level Domestic cultivation reported in all European countries New indicators being negotiated at EU level
Areas for future collaboration:Building an integrated system Ad-hoc support to National Focal Building Update of the information map Update of the NAPDIS (in view of its official adoption ?) Coordination mechanisms for exchange of data Roadmap for EMCDDA accession
1. Mandatory outputs to be improved with support of EMCDDA feedback: country overview, national report, information map, NAPDIS and EMCDDA Roadmap. 2. Contribution to a regional publication at the end of project 3. Participation at: - Extended Reitox Week (May) - Selected Epidemiological key indicators meetings - Early Warning System experts meeting - Reitox Academy Training activities: - EU affairs (Jan 2013) - National data reporting (Feb-March 2013) - Spring University School (April 2013) - IPA4 project coordination meetings IPA 4: common activities to all beneficiaries
IPA 4: immediate next steps Discussion on joint activities and priorities for cooperation Endorsement of the work programme at national level Re-activation national working group/-s Streamlining of activities with Twinning project
Resources always available Country overviews Annual report Drugnet Europe Statistical bulletin
Looking at the bigger picture Main conclusions from 2012 EMCDDA AR: Europe has a more stable drug use situation (e.g. further signs of falling use and status of cocaine) Complex stimulant market and plethora of powders and pills (i.e. fast moving, volatile market - difficult to control), incl. new trafficking routes and record number of online shops selling ‘legal highs’ Important to improve understanding of health and social impact of emerging trends and to develop measures to reduce demand Investment in treatment and harm reduction has proved successful but still room for progress in prevention, social reintegration, prisons Recession - impact on Europe’s drug problems and responses?