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Training/User Readiness Recommendations for Training/education related to the Proving Ground. Etiquette of engagement. Share relevant information and experiences. Everyone’s input is equally valued. Discussions and criticisms will focus on interests, not people. No idea is bad.
Training/User ReadinessRecommendations for Training/education related to the Proving Ground
Etiquette of engagement Share relevant information and experiences. Everyone’s input is equally valued. Discussions and criticisms will focus on interests, not people. No idea is bad. Share “air time.” Respect each speaker. Only one conversation at a time… All members are expected to participate in all phases of the process. Signal when we are going off-track. Off-target discussions are limited to five minutes and then put in the “parking lot”.
What is available now? Listed/linked on GOES-R Home page • Proving Ground Overview • GOES-R 101 (SHyMet) • Satellite Meteorology for Grades 7 – 12 • GOES-R: Benefits of Next-Generation Environmental Monitoring (COMET) • GOES-R Trifold flyer • Fact sheets: 1) Aircraft Flight Icing Threat, 2) Cloud and Moisture Imagery, 3) Cloud Products, 4) Enhanced-V and Overshooting Top Detection, 5) Fire Detection and Characterization + Hurricane Intensity Estimation, 6) Hydrology Products, 7) National Hurricane Center 2010 Experiment, 8) Proving Ground, 9) Proving Ground Partners, 10) Snow Cover, 11) Turbulence, 12) Visibility, 13) Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height
What is available now? (2) Listed/linked on PG pages: CIMSS • Convective Initiation (description + ppt + VISIT) • Overshooting Top & Enhanced-V (description + ppt + VISIT) • Nearcasting (VISIT) • WRF Simulated Radiances (description + WES and study guide) • ABI Weighting Function Examples CIRA • Descriptions for all products in the Product List • Synthetic Imagery for Severe Weather (VISIT) • Synthetic Imagery for Orographic Cirrus (VISIT) • Volcanic Ash Parts 1 and 2 (embedded content/ SHyMet) • WV Imagery Analysis for Severe Weather (embedded/VISIT) • Regional Satellite Cloud Composites from GOES (embedded/SHyMet) SPoRT • Pseudo Geostationary Lightning Mapper • Total Lightning Products Part I: What is Total Lightning? (web module) • Total Lightning Forecast Algorithm (ppt) • Hybrid Imagery – A near real-time proxy to ABI Imagery using MODIS and GOES (web module)
What is available now? (3) Pre-experiment training (ppt) • Hazardous Weather Testbed • National Hurricane Center Testbed • Others? Blogs, blogs, blogs • CIMSS Satellite • CIRA/RAMMB GOES-R Proving Ground • The Wide World of SPoRT Other • Teacher workshop at COMET summer 2011
What are the education/training/outreach performance needs? Objective: Inform about GOES Audiences: education K-graduate training on the job (national and international) outreach administrators/general public Scope: Timeline:
What are the education/training/outreach performance needs? Scope: • We assume there is a basic knowledge/understanding • Priority – impact now • DGLM is an example of a product with limited reach, MODIS datasets can have a broader impact today • Recognize variability between offices • Recognize multiple users and multiple formats (within and outside NOAA) • Otherwise risk not serving the user community as a whole
What are the education/training/outreach performance needs? Timeline: Training evolves with the product(short-range (early adopters, early product testing), medium-range (product evolving), long-range (operational readiness, transition to operations) Will be affected by data delivery, processing, and visualization system evolution (AWIPS, SBN, comm. bandwidth)
List Proving Ground Successes & Best Practices for full training development/deployment/distribution • What are the PG successes? • One on one collaboration in the testbeds and followup • Testbeds, WFO, NWSRH, CI • Feedback – improvement in products and services • Human factor perception • Training on NOAA LMS • Examples of ongoing successes: • PGLM, CI, synthetic imagery (include elements of each of 4 points above) • Alaska – mgmt support and user acceptance – volcanic ash products • Accommodate different data formats for ease of use.
List Proving Ground Successes & Best Practices for full training development/deployment/distribution • Best practices: • Establish contact between organizations via testbeds, conferences, workshops, word of mouth, etc. • Establish a “user/learner” advocate (single point of contact) • Keep trainer (w/ dev and end user) in the loop • Beginning early on and during each stage of the process • Organization (based on audience and topic) and “portal” for materials (PG page, Meted, LMS) • A variety of resources exist- where it the gap between resources and users/learners
List Proving Ground Successes & Best Practices for full training development/deployment/distribution • Best practices: • Make it relevant, convenient, and timely (for access by those not directly participating in PG for example) • And frame discussion/training in a positive way, tie into special events by better using what we have today, e.g. underutilized observations • Training brings in other partners – both national and international • Share training best practices • Content display, instruction design
List Proving Ground Successes & Best Practices for full training development/deployment/distribution Recommendations: Indicate “status” of product or technique (is it experimental, developmental, or operational) Indicate/highlight connection to program (GOES, GOES-R, POES, etc.) Use common phrasing/vocabulary Communication and collaboration amongst trainers Community building Need for integration in training-user community Make sure content is related to PG Buyin from NWS region SSD chiefs Help ensure, recommend an efficient and streamlined process for research to operations
What specific items & drivers from NOAA Testbeds, PGs, Field Evaluations, NASA need to be tracked/addressed ? • Make sure training is short, basic and addresses a need (product, technique) • Make user feedback (comments, discussions, reports) available • Build community with social media, and other collaboration mechanisms (e.g. monthly live VisitView briefings, meetings involving a focus group, group of interest). Challenge or success of the month. • Consider when does a product or technique move from testbed to other offices (testbed or PG, to NWS operations PG, to offices (WFO’s, National Centers)
What specific items & drivers from NOAA Testbeds, PGs, Field Evaluations, NASA need to be tracked/addressed ? Recommendation: Recognize transition issues, recommend an efficient and streamlined process for research and development to operations (e.g. PSDI which addresses the currentGOES observing system)
Use cases and simulations to talk with stakeholders, will vary by location • WDTB exercise • Role playing exercises (references – AMS conferences, severe weather, hurricane) • COMET has a virtual classroom with breakout areas to facilitate role playing • Resources and Examples: • NWS Operations PG • WDTB Norman, OK • COMET • FAA • NASA • DoD • FEMA How can Next-Generation Simulations/ Collaborative Exercises be used with partners & customers ?
How does PG engage / partner with organizations that have existing simulation capabilities? • PG can bring exciting weather to a simulation • Consider both short and long-fuse events (e.g. volcanic eruptions, MS river flooding, landfalling hurricane threats, severe weather outbreaks) How can Next-Generation Simulations/Collaborative Exercises be used with partners & customers ?
Recommendation/Action: • Participate in existing simulations (hurricane event, west Texas fires • Generate ideas to include satellite data (Geo and Leo) How can Next-Generation Simulations/Collaborative Exercises be used with partners & customers ?
NPP and JPSS • Leverage and integrate with PG activities • Leverage activities for data fusion • Recommendation: • Bring existing PG and Leo communities together via a one day workshop, possibly virtual • Success example – GOES-R virtual workshop by Frank Alsheimer (Nov 2010) • Leverage existing and international partnerships: • NOAA-EUMETSAT bilateral polar system agreement Cooperation between NOAA and other polar-satellite operators • WMO - CGMS/Vlab/GEO and individual countries What is going on for other platforms ?