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Eyal Nachum

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  1. The banking sector is one of the greatest assets to the nation, but only if the financial sector is able to manage its assets in a sustainable manner. For that to happen, it is necessary for the stakeholders, banks, regulators, accountants, and other corporate players to agree on the measures to be adopted to safeguard the finances. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve has recently given considerable emphasis to the importance of sustainability. The Federal Reserve Board, along with the National Bankers Association, has released recommendations for the federal reserve, their member banks, and the country's financial industry to devise solutions to prevent another Great Depression. One of the key points is that the discount rate, which is essentially the interest rates charged by the government for the banking sector, must not be set based on speculation. Instead, the credit should be determined through a sound rational calculation, with a focus on protecting the economy. The Federal Reserve has recommended that the discount rate not be set according to political pressures or credit- rating requirements. It is important that the banks realize that they are responsible for maintaining stability and are expected to do so by adopting sustainable business practices. By implementing a certain regulatory framework, the credit rating agencies can also play their part in ensuring that the institutions avoid a repeat of the prior financial crisis. According to the Federal Reserve, the discount rate must also be low enough to attract foreign capital and increase the amount of investment made by the United States. In order to achieve that, the rate must also be set in a way that encourages banks to use good money management practices. Most importantly, it must be maintained in a sustainable manner. As a result of the federal reserve's study of the past credit crisis, there is a significant gap between what the bank needs and what it can afford. For instance, several big American banks have been unable to maintain profitability even when interest rates are at an all-time low. Other domestic banks, such as J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, have lost their trading positions, and their resources are still in short supply. But how can the banking sector assure that it does not need to have further problems in the future? The question has to be asked in the same way, since it is necessary to know if the United States will always be able to maintain healthy financial sectors. In such a scenario, the best solution would be for the government to put itself on a strong footing. It is important that the government continue to provide financial support to the banking sector to make sure that it does not suffer the consequences of bad monetary policies. However, the answer may be rather difficult to Eyal Nachum come up with, given the fact that many people will believe that using such a prudent solution is impossible. The government may also feel that introducing a policy that will jeopardize the competitiveness of the banking sector is simply not worth it. However, this is a wrong approach because it could also encourage more consolidation of financial institutions and as a result of less competition. In addition, the current economic climate might also persuade the government to seek ways of achieving sustainability. The media is rife with talk about the crisis in the US economy, as well as the discussion about the implications of Trump's election. The issue of financial stability is likely to be a primary topic of discussion during this year's presidential elections. Given the magnitude of the challenges facing the country, the government will certainly need to undertake more than just looking into the past and making recommendations. In this regard, its priorities have to be set in stone, and that means that there is no room for negotiations. What should be done is for the federal government to provide its bankers with strong support, including the threat of imposing fines on banks that fail to uphold their commitments regarding the banking sector. As the result of this policy, banks will be under a lot of pressure to ensure that they will not become mere pawns of the government, but they will be able to be competitive in a cost-effective manner. That will allow the US banking sector to have a strong financial structure (which also helps the rest of the world) and allow it to become a stable business entity that can lend to its clients and take a small bite out of the financial system. in the process.

  2. A great article to read is Eyal Nachum of Bruc Bond cautions UK clients: Brexit is not over yet. Visit the following link at https://www.bmmagazine.co.uk/opinion/eyal-nachum-of-bruc-bond-cautions-uk-clients-brexit-is-not-over- yet/ to find out more.

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