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2.3 Europeans Compete in North America

2.3 Europeans Compete in North America. Conflicts in Europe. When the Church rejects Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Luther and others begin their own Protestant Churches This leads to wars between Protest ants and Catholics Conflicts in Europe Religious Conflicts

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2.3 Europeans Compete in North America

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  1. 2.3Europeans Compete in North America

  2. Conflicts in Europe • When the Church rejects Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Luther and others begin their own Protestant Churches • This leads to wars between Protestants and Catholics • Conflicts in Europe • Religious Conflicts • Rulers in several countries left the church and started their own churches • Other areas began to follow John Calvin • King Henry VIII • Wanted to divorce his wife (no heir) • The Church wouldn’t allow him to • Left the church to start the Anglican Church

  3. Conflicts in Europe • Conflicts in Europe • Economic Conflicts • With the religious wars going on Spain couldn’t count on foreign traders • Looked to their own explorers • Like Christopher Columbus • To find new trade routes • Needed the gold from trade to support their armies • Followed mercantilism (see later slide)

  4. Conflicts in Europe • Spanish Armada • The English and Spanish tension • Henry VIII divorced the princess of Spain • England supported a rebellion in Holland (a province of Spain) • English ships raided Spanish ships

  5. Conflicts in Europe • Spanish Armada • In 1588 Spain sent 130 ships to attack England • This is the Spanish Armada • England defended herself with her navy and any and all merchant ships they could • England wins • New the waters better • Faster, smaller, more maneuverable ships • The Armada ran into a storm

  6. Asia Continues to Beckon • The Northern Voyages • New this was not Asia • Began to look for this NORTHWEST PASSAGE • Another Italian, Verrazano, sailed for France • North Carolina to Newfoundland • Mouth of the Hudson R. • New York Bay • Cartier, a Frenchman, explored for France • St. Lawrence R. to Montreal

  7. Asia Continues to Beckon • The Northern Voyages • New this was not Asia • Began to look for this NORTHWEST PASSAGE • Another Italian, Verrazano, sailed for France • North Carolina to Newfoundland • Mouth of the Hudson R. • New York Bay • Cartier, a Frenchman, explored for France • St. Lawrence R. to Montreal

  8. Asia Continues to Beckon • The Northern Voyages • Henry Hudson • 4 voyages, 3 for England 1 for the Dutch • Sailed up the Hudson R. • Discovered Hudson Bay • He, his son, and loyal sailors were set adrift • Other sailors wanted to return home he wanted to keep looking for the Northwest Passage

  9. Mercantilism • European Countries believed colonies existed for the good of the mother country • The more gold (and silver) a country had the more powerful they are • Colonies were a new source of gold • What are the advantages of this? • What are the dangers of this idea?

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