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Student Led Teaching Awards. What are SLTA’s?.
Student Led Teaching Awards
What are SLTA’s? You may have seen a lion and a lamb running about the campus looking for something... They are looking for your input to identify outstanding staff at Marjon! These awards are not only a chance for you to recognise the lecturers who support you and your education but also the feedback can be used to identify what students find helpful, this can then be encouraged across the institution to provide the best possible learning experience for you! Please email your nominations, naming the member of staff, which category you are nominating them for and WHY to SLTA@marjon.ac.uk Closing date for nominations; 4pm Friday 19th April (Please keep nominations to 100-500 words)
The aCAREdemic award • Pastoral care encompasses a wide variety of issues including health, social and moral education, behaviour management and emotional support. Many students face difficulties both personally and academically during their time of study, this award is for those lecturers who go above and beyond to ensure that students are reaching their full academic potential through this support.
The Inspiration Award • This award is for lecturers whose teaching is informative and engages the interests of students, they communicate enthusiasm for their subject and motivate students to set high goals and support them in achieving these goals. Lecturers such as this encourage students to work hard, dream and aspire to do or be something more.
The Innovation Award • Do you know a lecturer who is always coming up with something new? Are they up to date with current research in their field and relay this to you through your education? Do they use technology such as learning space effectively? Do they modify their teaching to ensure the best possible learning experience for their students? If you know a lecturer that fits in to any of these then this is the right category for them.
Outstanding Supervisor Award • This award is for lecturers who are your placement, independent study, or, dissertation supervisors and are fantastic at doing just that- supervising. Outstanding supervisors take the time to engage with your projects and are available if you have any questions. They do not force ideas upon you but instead support you in yours whilst ensuring that you are making informed decisions about a piece of work or project. They are organised and efficient and feedback is prompt, detailed and helps students to improve their work.
Heart of the University Award • University life is more than just about academics, and is supported by more than just lecturers. This award is for members of staff who work in other areas such as Student Support, Catering, and the Shop or even behind the scenes in offices such as Registry. The winner of this award maintains an open and friendly environment for all students. They provide an effective, professional service that respects the need for each individual student’s needs, whilst pro-actively engaging with students to improve the quality of their student experience or the services they represent. Basically this category is for staff who uphold the community feeling Marjon promotes and ensures that each individual student feels welcome, supported and looked after during their time at Marjon. They are the heart of the institution.
Lecturer of the year • The Lecturer of the Year award is designed for lecturers who are not just inspirational, innovative and provide pastoral care; instead it is for lecturers who embody all of these attributes and more to an outstanding level. These are lecturers who ensure that your experience as a student is the best it can possibly be and that your learning is of the highest quality. They demonstrate a dedicated and contagious enthusiasm for teaching and learning and are a role model to those students they teach. We are looking for lecturers who take the time to understand their students, who may give you 40% on an essay but will clearly and concisely tell you how to improve and support you in doing this. The lecturer of the year will be an individual without whom your degree and Marjon would not be the same.
You can write as many nominations as you like! Only positive nominations will be accepted. The nominations will be shortlisted by a panel of student reps, shortlisted nominees and nominators will be invited to an awards evening run in conjunction with the Inspiring Student Awards on 25th April. Get Nominating! Closing date for nominations; 4pm Friday 19th April Any more questions please contact MSU President on zliddell@marjon.ac.uk