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www.smoothdrama.com. - Since 2009. THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER. By Dick Hugger STAFF WRITER. Evolution or De-Evolution?

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  1. www.smoothdrama.com - Since 2009 THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER By Dick Hugger STAFF WRITER Evolution or De-Evolution? Darwin’s theory of evolution is based on the theory that life as we know it has descended from a common ancestor. Darwin further stated “that life has a vehicle that rules it’s outcomes called natural selection which acts to give advantages as far as genetic mutations go”. Keep in mind the theory is based on a slow gradual process. Darwin wrote that , “Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure , though slow steps”. It’s funny how when he quoted his theory he said “she”, because this quote has played out literally and figuratively since the dawn of recorded history and still shapes “her” today. Women have not fared well in the social evolutionary chain of evolvement. This author will claim that socially women have not evolved at all, but have rather stagnated and de-evolved. Date back to your first sociological image of women in history, the caveman era. The depiction is men catching, clubbing and dragging them by the hair back to the cave. Historically women have never been prominently featured or promoted . For example, the virgin Mary who miraculously had a child without male sperm , but she isn’t the savior the son is the miracle huh?? We all know what the word is for the woman who dates around( hoe) as opposed to a man of the same social norms (player/pimp). Bitch/hoe/hooker are all synonymous with female and not the canine variety. Women are viewed as the weaker sex even though they bleed for a week and don’t die, men can’t do that. Women can carry and develop another human being inside them as stated earlier and give birth without dying (the majority of the time). We could be like black widows where as after conception the male is killed by the female and his body is used to feed the offspring, that would suck. But I digress. Has our opinion of our lovely brethren changed one iota? Of course not! Have women really advanced or evolved socially in any way shape or form? I would argue that the stagnation of social evolution is at an epic proportion. Were women bitches, ghetto fabulous , trailer trash hoes perception wise in ancient days like they are now? Think about it and get back at me, peace, I think……. Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com I know I know blasphemy, so let’s get out of religion, even though some religious denominations which shall remain nameless but have problems with molestation coincidentally don’t allow women in their hierarchy… Culturally there are still arranged marriages where the female is given away or negotiated for what goats or a family debt? What used to be called slavery , has a kinder gentler title now, human trafficking. Which as most knows involves stealing and kidnapping most girls and making them prostitutes to please men. How many stories have you heard and shrugged off about women getting their heads cut off, body parts sliced , being stoned, acid thrown in their face or just arrested for having the audacity to even speak to a man. Still need to be convinced about the social Darwinist de-evolvement? Of course there will be those will argue that this is mostly an Islamic issue not a modern western point of view because we love our women and hold them in the highest regards over here right? No double standards here right? Let’s look at it.

  2. THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER www.smoothdrama.com - Since 2009 Humans +1by Depth Charge I gotta Style problem in my soul..If I can't stop I'll lose Control..Now take me to the place where the children died..Where the slaves made graves...And the chicken was fried...We run we run until we meet...We run from men who wear white sheets now...We're just made of pixels on a screen...We could say God is mean..And stuff...But that would be a bit to ruff on..On a Planet where Love is far away.. Making room for Mija in E.D.'s world By Leila Feel Happy Feel: Happy Journal: There's simply not enough hours in my day to serve two Gods. One=is my higher power whom I believe sent his son to die on the cross for me and the= other is one who robs my loved ones of there friend, daughter, wife and worst of all...Mija's beloved mommy. Every meal that consists of more than 500 calories leaves me in an imprisoning state of utter self disgust...therefore I am then forced against my loving-inner childs’ will to the four walls of riding my=pain my self disgust and yes...my food and all of its nutrients. My teeth... no=20 enamel left on lingual surface... my potassium...deathly low, my bones ...=20 nearing osteoporosis. And the list goes on. Which brings me to Mija. As long as she can remember, mommy is gone every two hours for about 30 minutes to an hour. Daily I lose valuable time with her or overlook her mistakes on her homework simply because I am so absolutely consumed with my life in E.D.'s Dreams and the Supernatural By Mr Soul Elsewhere Aye Kid why you gotta Be so BONEY.. Added to the fact that you feel so Lonely.. All the stuff you spittin boy, that's just Bah-Lone-E.. Because the Sad truth is you Living So Phony.. Claim You walk with Jesus.. Man that's just to please us.. We gotta get rite... Pssh* Ha.. Please...Us? When we turn our backs man you probably Tease Us.. But You call yourself a Disciple of JESUS?.. Man I seen your myspace you look like Christian.. But I see your Playlist...Gospel is Missin'.. But you always here on Sundays... But only Holy Some Days... So You Just Lukewarm Man.. At Least Im Know I'm Hotter than a Frying Pan... I'm just Too dang Bold to Be Cold.. I'm just too dang Bold to Be Cold.. And I'm just Too dang Bold to Be Cold.. And I can Never Fit that Christian Mold.. Cuz it's hard to do what I've been Told.. Because you see Christian I'm watching you.. And I'm just doing the things you Do.. But I can see That you wanna Be Me.. So what's the point of changing ME?.. ME I'm Hotter Than A cup Of Tea... But you neither hot or Cold.. God said it's better to just be me... Truth-Full-E.. Look at Your tempaTURE... And if you in the middle you ain't being So PURE... Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com

  3. - Since 2009 www.smoothdrama.com THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER By NotRed STAFF WRITER Surveillance on“BLUE DOTS” My firstborn was in Elementary school when a man drove up and cuther off at a street cornerwalking home. He was asking directions and as she leaned into his carwindow he exposed himself…She ran screaming “DIAL 9-1-1!!!”  This is more of a trying time for parents than ever before…SO muchhas been revealed about Gardners’ record that one might begin to wonder WHAT is going on withour tax revenue. If we as parents had NOT talked with my daughter before thishappened, she may NOT have escaped. In fact, we put a “walking buddy” rule in placeafterwards or we picked her up…Anotherparent enrolled both of their children in self-defense courses. Notonly does it give them a sense of empowerment, but it builds self-esteem Of course, there are the “young love" child molesters, where theyBOTH started out underage, and the girls’ parents prosecuted. If there’d been violence INADDITION TO sexual advances on a minor, now THAT’s where the surveillance should be kicked up anotch… For one paroled sex offender a trailer was put up in the middle ofnowhere, only a prison sharing its’ miles of desert…Aren’t the Katrina trailers up for grabs and still vacant ??? I’ve asked a father what he would do if his child went missing,and he said (after seeing twooffenders listed as living on his block) “I’d go straight over andkill the guy”.. taking justice into his own hands would imprison him…  Yesterday I saw a report about a bus stop located directly across thestreet from a listed childmolester, and the school did not know. They are now making phone callsto the parents ofthose who wait there. Should they move the bus stop? ( Moving thepredator would cost more $ ) Then there is the idealistic thought of Corporations helping out,(GPS’s are cheap if you are General Electric) perhaps GIVING to Municipalities that haven’tthe manpower to physically watch them all. Wouldn’t this be a way to make this new-agework FOR us? In Huntington Beach they are putting up sex offenders at extendedstay hotels, because they“don’t have anywhere else to put them”. Makes you want to book afamily vacation .. (?) My opinion? Drop them ALL onto the same Island and leave them. May you rest in peace, Chelsea, Amber, Megan, and all the namelesschildren who havehad the unfortunate experience of either simple molestation or rape toabductions and murders…AND THE BLUE DOTS ON THE MAP ARE THE ONES WE KNOW ABOUT….Notred Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com

  4. www.smoothdrama.com - Since 2009 THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER By Eli Mendez STAFF WRITER The Shy Girl's Guide to Meeting Men People usually don’t believe it when they talk to me, but I am very shy when it comes to meeting new men. You see, I can have a good conversation, I look pretty good, listen to what someone has to say and I can tell funny stories. But I’m incapable of starting a conversation with a stranger, they need to make the first move because I just can’t. Having said that, I meet lots of men and constantly go out to dinner, movies, coffee, etc. How do I do it? I have 3 main passive-aggressive ways of meeting guys: 1) Look good and approachable. Last year I changed my hair style three times; first it was my natural curly brown with red streaks, then layered light red with blonde streaks and now it's completely black and straight. To my surprise, the black color has been the one that attracts men the most, they come up and talk to me almost everywhere. But I think it’s because I really like how I look and it shows, so guys are attracted to that. 2) Online. Like I said, I freeze up when it comes to meeting people in person. But online either in a dating or social network site I am bolder and have no problem contacting strangers. Of course, you do need to learn to read between the lines when it comes to online posts and have some security measures like meeting people in public places, letting a friend know where you are going and so on. It helps to develop a thick skin and not take online rejection personally. Because my messages are nice, and I look pretty good in my pics I normally get a good response. And if I don't, it's easier not to care.   3) Guy Friend. This one is tricky, but can give you the best results. I like to go to a popular coffee shop, it is always packed with all kinds of interesting people and for months I would go there, get a coffee, read or work in the computer and leave without meeting one single person. Until one day I met one of the regulars, he is a writer and one of those extremely friendly people who will meet everyone on the table next or behind him. And since I often sit next to him (I’m helping him with his book) he introduces me when he makes new friends; and so far every time I sit next to him I meet someone new. This might not work as well with a gal friend, since a guy is more likely to approach another guy and say hi; as well as check out the hot chick next to him. The tricky part, is that you will need to find someone who is completely not interested in you and you need to make that clear when you are introduced to other men. Otherwise, the hunk you just met might be thinking you are forbidden territory. A ma le relative works very well in this case too, I have a cousin who is a painter and I get to go to his expositions and have met lots of really cool artists thanks to him. So you see, you can be a guy magnet even if you are shy. Good luck on the hunt! Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com

  5. www.smoothdrama.com - Since 2009 THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER By ZEENA STAFF WRITER Subject: BIG SWINGING DICKS!Typically a woman will bond with a man through attraction/chemistry, good conversation, protection, affection and then emotion. When she is ready to sleep with him these same steps come into play. Attraction/chemistry, a feeling of being taken care of, affection and emotion. Physically whatever size the man's penis is, at this point, doesn’t matter,(as long as you can feel it)unless he doesn't know how to use it. Knowing how to use it comes in many ways. Kissing, touching, fondling, this foreplay heats the woman up. When the man enters her it feels good already because he has given her assurance that he has her best interest at heart. This is emotional security for her. This is what she seeks. If he moves his penis around and moves himself creatively he will make her feel really good. This happens through his positions, his strokes, his hands, his mouth and his energy during lovemaking. My experience with a man who has a large penis has typically gone this way. The man is very cocky (a play on words) and full of confidence because he knows he has a big penis and he expects the woman to go crazy on it literally just because of its size. He is quick to get her into bed. He has little foreplay so he lubes her up (without foreplay their isn't alot of heat). He enters her and begins tofuck her hard or pound.It takes alot of blood to make this large penis hard therefore he pounds her fast and hard. It may feel good for awhile but then the woman gets raw and starts to chafe. Or she needs more lube. Or she comes and he is pounding so hard she doesn't feel good anymore so sheendures the fucking waiting for him to come which may take awhile due to the size of his penis. After a few times of this the woman may not look forward to this lovemaking at all. Typically,I have found that men with big penis's have huge egos, are not faithful, feel they deserve to have all the women, are about them and not the woman, fuck hard, demanding in bed, choke you when giving head and are rough lovers. Now this is exciting the first few times you sleep with them (hell anything new is exciting the first few times)but after that it gets old. It becomes work for the woman. You don't want to be raw and sore. Sometimes you just don't want to face that big dick and work so hard to make it come. Sometimes you just want a quickie. Sometimes you just want it nice and slow. A woman gets most of her pleasure in the first 3 to 4 inches of her vaginal canal. The G Spot is on her front uterine wall. That is all about positioning, not size. Her clit is on her labia. That is a huge pleasure spot for her. That has nothing to do with size. Sex is very mental. BIG DICKS more often than not equate to just that: the guy is a BIG DICK. He doesn't treat women with respect because it is all about his BIG DICK. He believes he will be worshiped for this and therefore he doesn't have to give anything else of himself. And don't get me wrong, their are women out there that will do anything for a BIG DICK. But they have other issues in play and often it has nothing to do with the pleasure of lovemaking from any size dick. To be fair and show there are no absolutes in life.....Some women are built for a bigger dick and need it to come amongst other things. And some men that have big dicks are faithful and into their mate. But the rule I have experienced and talked amongst women is 75% of those Big Dicks are just as I described. Just for the record. Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com

  6. www.smoothdrama.com - Since 2009 THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER Constitutional Issues Why I feel prostitution should be legalized The worlds oldest institution prostitution, still is illegal everywhere but Nevada why? I can sell my expertise doing consulting, sell my wisdom giving speeches, hell even sell my blood. But I can’t sell my dick? The question is why? It’s mine and if someone wanted to pay me for the of using it, I should be able to be compensated legally. Sex is not evil , some of us who do it right think it’s all good. Legislating morality in this humble authors opinion is infringing on the separation of church and state period. Sports figures and other entertainers use their body parts for profit to thrill the masses and so should hoes. With legalization hoes might even get to unionize and move toward improving the deplorably despicable conditions that beset prostitution. Isn’t that what we all want? Or do we stick to the status quo which benefits who? Besides it’s my dick, I should be able to do with it what I want as long as no one gets hurt right?? Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com Dumb Asses of the month All the jackasses out here shooting up congressional offices, dropping coffins off on their lawn and protesting the new Health Care Plan because they say it will cost too much to help your fellow Americans. That’s that kinder gentler shit the past administration was talking about right there….. Haters of the month Big shout out to my homey Governor Bob McDonell and his homies and backers the Sons of the Confederate veterans who declared April Confederate History Month in Virginia. Yeah that’s hot right there, celebrate the hate that hate produced! The confederacy had such a rich and vibrant humanitarian history and now it’s legacy shall live on and be celebrated joyously! Rejoice , it’s party time down South! Do I need to say anymore? Issues Medical Fraud Costs The Nation $100 Billion Annually—or More SOURCE: MOTHER JONES, March/April 1995, “Medscam”; Author L.J. Davis SYNOPSIS: The United States’ $1 trillion annual health bill is 14 percent of the gross domestic product, making the medical industry the largest business in the land. Of this sum, a staggering amount is stolen. According to the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, the yearly swag totals between $31-$53 billion; according to the authoritative General Accounting Office, the annual take is $100 billion; according to other investigators the amount is as high as $250 billion. In fact, an extensive Mother Jones investigation discovered no one really knows how much money is stolen from the medical system every year—and, possibly even worse, no one has any way of finding out.Where is the Tea party on this? Republicans, Democrats, anyone? Now we just talked about the dumbasses kicking/screaming/shooting over healthcare, seems to me if we cut the fraud out it’ll be wayyyy more affordable…… By Dick Hugger STAFF WRITER

  7. www.smoothdrama.com - Since 2009 THE WEB’S FAVORITE ONLINE NEWSPAPER Movie Reviews Hot Tub Time /Machine Wanna talk about hilarious, this movie fits that description to a tee. It starts with three friends and a young companion go on a trip down memory lane . Unfortunately after a night in the jacuzzi the companions find themselves transported back in time to the year 1986 much to their intial display and the fun begins. Done very well this movie asks the question, what lengths would you go if given the opportunity to change things in your past? I give this movie 4 dicks out of 5. By Dick Hugger STAFF WRITER Clash of the Titans Went into this one excited as hell and left out like yes the action was good the story was good but it felt like something was missing. Now of course changing the basic tenets of the story didn’t help. It went from wanting to save the princess and fighting against his relative? In the original to a war being raged by the gods for supremacy and man’s prayers. This movie lacks for nothing, special effects awesome, action, on point but passion and a sense of purpose, kinda missing. I give it 3 dicks out of 5 . What I believe in…… Freedom of speech, unfortunately it’s watch what you say nowadays…. You get more flies with honey than shit…. Making people happy… Making people think… Hard core hip hop lyricists…. Human rights are just as important as animal rights, right? Revolution is a state of mind… Giving hugs unless you have the dragon… Jesse Jackson is a tool of the establishment Gang bangers as a tool of the establishment or they would have been wiped out like the Black Panthers…. Pledging allegiance to the flag is idolatry Not drinking the koolaid Got an opinion or want to submit an article ? Dick@smoothdrama.com

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