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Science Jeopardy

Science Jeopardy. Hosted by the HMS 7 th Grade Science Teachers. Forces of Motion/ Photosynthesis. Calculating Work. Weathering/Erosion/Deposition. Dichotomous Keys and Watersheds. Ecological Succession. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300.

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Science Jeopardy

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  1. Science Jeopardy Hosted by the HMS 7th Grade Science Teachers Forces of Motion/ Photosynthesis Calculating Work Weathering/Erosion/Deposition Dichotomous Keys and Watersheds Ecological Succession 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

  2. ANSWER:Breaking down of rock by wind, water, ice, or plants. QUESTION: What is weathering A-100

  3. ANSWER: Carrying or washing away of sediments by wind, water, or ice. QUESTION: What is erosion A-200

  4. ANSWER: material (as stones and sand) deposited by water, wind, or glaciers QUESTION: What is “sediment” A-300

  5. ANSWER Galveston is in the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes “ecoregion” of Texas. What catastrophic event caused the increase in beach erosion and loss of habitats for animals such as turtles, seagulls, and pelicans in 2008. QUESTION: What is a “ hurricane” or “Hurricane Ike” A-400

  6. ANSWER: An example of this is, The Mississippi River Delta. Formed by water carrying sediments and dropping them at the mouth of the river. QUESTION:What is deposition A-500

  7. ANSWER: Plants recognize this force even when turned and will grow their stems upward and their roots downward. QUESTION: What is “gravity”? B-100

  8. ANSWER: Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy from the Sun glucose + oxygen QUESTION: What is photosynthesis B-200

  9. B-300 ANSWER: Is when plants grow toward the sunlight or a light source. QUESTION: What is the “phototropism”?

  10. ANSWER: This is the force or pressure that water within the vacuole exerts on the cell wall, pushing it outwards. QUESTION: What is “turgor pressure”? B-400

  11. ANSWER: This image represents the process of QUESTION: What is respiration B-500

  12. ANSWER: Process of change that occurs in an ecosystem as new plants and animals enter. QUESTION: What is ecological succession C-100

  13. ANSWER: Term used to describe a stable (balanced) ecosystem that has completed succession. QUESTION: What is a climax community C-200

  14. ANSWER: Term used to describe an ecosystem that is starting in a new area (ex. land/rock formed by a lavaflow) where life does not exist. QUESTION: What is primary succession C-300

  15. ANSWER: Term used to describe an environment that begins recover quickly after an event like a fire. There is soil & it once had living things. QUESTION: What is secondary succession C-400

  16. ANSWER: Term for the variety of plants and animals in an ecosystem. The greater the _______, the greater the sustainability of an ecosystem. QUESTION: What is biodiversity C-500

  17. ANSWER: These are created and used to organize and classify large amounts of information, like plant and animal species. QUESTION: What is a “dichotomous key” D-100

  18. ANSWER: Water that enters or seeps into the soil QUESTION: What is Groundwater? D-200

  19. ANSWER: Use the Dichotomous Key to identify the Plant species QUESTION:What is Alibiziajulibrissin? D-300

  20. ANSWER: It can contaminate the soil, ground and surface water, and harm plants and animals. It is difficult to clean up. QUESTION: What effect could the oil have on the ecosystem? D-400 Oil and water flows down Ceresco Dam as oil spill clean up continues along the Kalamazoo River in Ceresco, Mich. on Thursday, July 29, 2010.

  21. ANSWER: Identify the species QUESTION:What is Problematicacantrellis D-500

  22. ANSWER: This simple machine would help move a box 10m by reducing the amount of force needed to move the box QUESTION: What is an inclined plane (ramp) E-100

  23. ANSWER: No, because the box didn’t move. QUESTION: What is “Did this man do any work?” E-200

  24. ANSWER: It decreases the amount of force needed to move the rock or pull the fish in. QUESTION: What is “how does a lever and fulcrum make work easier”. E-300

  25. ANSWER: If work = force x distance then how much work is done if you push a 52N box 12.5 meters? QUESTION: What is 650J E-400

  26. ANSWER: The amount of work done QUESTION: 50 N X 30 m = 1500 J (joules) E-500

  27. ANSWER: This experiment is set up to show QUESTION: How gravity/geotropism effects the growth of a plant FINAL JEOPARDY

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