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BIBLICAL PASTORAL FORMATION. VERBUM DEI FAMILY-MANILA. Pauline Letters. Letter to the Romans. Why letters?. Materials. Clay Wax Pergamon Papyrus. Papyrus P46. 3 rd century codex Found in Egypt Contains all letters of St Paul Oldest known copy of writings of Paul.
Materials • Clay • Wax • Pergamon • Papyrus
Papyrus P46 • 3rd century codex • Found in Egypt • Contains all letters of St Paul • Oldest known copy of writings of Paul
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Paul’s letter to the Romans • Where is it in our bibles? • Why? • “Of all the letters of Paul, that to the Christians at Rome has long held pride of place. It is the longest and most systematic unfolding of the apostle’s thought.” NAB intro
Paul’s letter to the Romans • 7101 words • Longest letter in existence from antiquity • How long to write it? • Written in year 57/58 A.D. • He had never visited Rome but he wanted to (See Rom 1,13) • First he must visit Jerusalem to give donation • After Rome he will visit …(See 15,24).
Rome community Paul was known at Rome although he did not found the community there. Community well established (1,8) Rome was economic and political centre of the Roman empire but not the centre of the early Church, Jerusalem was.
Structure of ROMANS • 1,1-15 Introduction • 1,16-17 Power of the Gospel • 1,18-4,25 God’s wrath Righteousness and justification in Christ • 5,1-8,39 Effects of justification Baptism, freedom and new life in the Spirit • 9,1-11,36 Salvation of Israel • 12,1-15,13 Demands of upright life in Christ • 15,14 - Conclusions
Romans 1:16-17 For I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: for Jew first, and then Greek. 17 For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith; as it is written, "The one who is righteous by faith will live."
Rom 1, 16-17 Power of the gospel
Rom 1,18-4,25 GOD’S WRATH Justification by faith in Christ
GOD’S WRATH Romans 1:20-21 “Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. As a result, they have no excuse, for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks.”
GOD’S WRATH Embryo destruction Ice babies Test tube babies
Dr Edwards “I wanted to find out exactly who was in charge, whether it was God Himself or whether it was scientists in the laboratory.“ And what did he conclude? "It was us," he smiles triumphantly.
They became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened. Romans 1:21 “It always seems too arduous for human intelligence to realize that in looking at creation, we encounter the impression of the Creator.” Pope Benedict XVI
The wrath of God Are there aspects of my discipleship Lord where you are not happy?
Justification by faith in Christ • Read Rom 3, 21-26 • All have sinned • Justified by grace and faith in blood of Christ
“All have sinned and lack God's glory, and all are justified by the free gift of his grace through being set free in Christ Jesus. God appointed him as a sacrifice for reconciliation, through faith, by the shedding of his blood, and so showed his justness” NJB Romans 3:23-25
Justificationand its effectsaccording to Father Cantalamessa
New life “What can separate us from the love of Christ? Hardship? No. In all things we are more than conquerors… I am convinced that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ” (See Rom 8, 35-39) No means or method will ever match the strength, conviction and vitality of the person convinced by and in love with Christ Jaime Bonet Founder Verbum Dei
Rom 9-11 Salvation of Israel
Romans 12,1-15,13 Demands of upright life in Christ Ethicaldemands
To transmit the love of christ Power Of the gospel Response
”For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent? Romans 10:13-15
Unleash the Power Of the gospel!