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2. The Product Support Journey 2 PRODUCT SUPPORT- Is a key Life Cycle Management enabler,-consists of support functions required to field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of a weapon system. This support strategy is documented in the weapon system acquisition strategy, specifically the LCSP ( Life Cycle Sustainment Plan)
The Journey began in 1998 withy PRODUCT SUPPORT RE- ENGINEERING
- Really was the development of the next generation product support strategy and developed a concept called performance based logistics support,(where the transition was made from a transactional based support approach to a performance based support approach).
With the 2009 Acquisition Reform Act ( Tennant- Analysis of Alternatives at MS decisions, competitive maintained and sustainment throughout a weapons life cycle that included open system architecture, protyping, cost estimation and performance assessment) an imitative called Product Support Assessment was kicked off the look at ways to improve Product Life Cycle Support across the DOD enterprise.
PSA report issued in Nov 09 by Dr Carter- OSD/Services have been off developing and implementing tasks in response to recommended initaitives. PRODUCT SUPPORT- Is a key Life Cycle Management enabler,-consists of support functions required to field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of a weapon system. This support strategy is documented in the weapon system acquisition strategy, specifically the LCSP ( Life Cycle Sustainment Plan)
The Journey began in 1998 withy PRODUCT SUPPORT RE- ENGINEERING
- Really was the development of the next generation product support strategy and developed a concept called performance based logistics support,(where the transition was made from a transactional based support approach to a performance based support approach).
With the 2009 Acquisition Reform Act ( Tennant- Analysis of Alternatives at MS decisions, competitive maintained and sustainment throughout a weapons life cycle that included open system architecture, protyping, cost estimation and performance assessment) an imitative called Product Support Assessment was kicked off the look at ways to improve Product Life Cycle Support across the DOD enterprise.
PSA report issued in Nov 09 by Dr Carter- OSD/Services have been off developing and implementing tasks in response to recommended initaitives.
3. PSAT SUMMARY HIGHLIGHTS Sustainment Quad Chart Fielded
Product Support Manager & Business Case Analysis Guidebooks staffing completed, released April 15, 2011 accessible - http://www.dau.mil/PubsCats/Pages/Guidebooks.aspx
Logistic Assessment Guidebook comments adjudicated - May release planned
Post-IOC Review Guidebook developed- May 2011 staffing planned
DTM 10-015 Requirements for Life Cycle Management and Product Support issued- services working implementation
PSM Rapid Deployment Training posted
Industrial Integration Activates ongoing- multiple fronts
O&S Cost Team - O&S Nomenclature, Cost Guide in development
Joint Supply Chain Architecture Metrics developed, Diagnostics ongoing
Human Capital training/course development in parallel with PSAT development
3 PSAT formally chartered in Nov 10, 3 IPT’s stood up- approximately 144 members
Summary Highlights:
- Sustainment Quad Chart- quick win has been implemented in DABs /DAES since 08 , quad chart allows visibility into sustainment planning- includes Sustainment KPP/KSA
and ownershipcost/O&S funding profiles
- Guidebooks – 4 Guidebooks developed, PSM/BCA just released, LA/Post IOC in development, I’ll discuss PSM Guidebook further
- PSM- NDAA 2010 established requirement for PSM, working with svcs on implementation.
Human Capital – DAU leads PSAT IPT3 leading efforts to develop/field Life Cycle Mangement/Product Support training
Other Efforts – focused on O&S costs, Supply support
Key center of the Universe in Product Support is the product Support Manager position that we just discussed.
As part of PSAT implementation, a Product Support Business Model was developed ( defines roles, responsibilities from the Warfighter, to PM/PSM to PSI and PSP).
This PSBM forms the central foundation for the Product Support Managers Guidebook has been developed and was just released.
Contains 12 IPSE ( old ILS elements), adds sustaining engineering and Product Support Management, these elements form the product support strategy pillars.
Guidebook is a how to approach to Product Support, provides major support activities and tools the PSM can use to drive sustainment outcomes in the different life cycle phases.
Outline- Life Cycle Management Tools, Metrics, Logistic Assessment, Business/Variance Analysis, Supply Chain Management, LCSP. Product Support package Update
PSAT formally chartered in Nov 10, 3 IPT’s stood up- approximately 144 members
Summary Highlights:
- Sustainment Quad Chart- quick win has been implemented in DABs /DAES since 08 , quad chart allows visibility into sustainment planning- includes Sustainment KPP/KSA
and ownershipcost/O&S funding profiles
- Guidebooks – 4 Guidebooks developed, PSM/BCA just released, LA/Post IOC in development, I’ll discuss PSM Guidebook further
- PSM- NDAA 2010 established requirement for PSM, working with svcs on implementation.
Human Capital – DAU leads PSAT IPT3 leading efforts to develop/field Life Cycle Mangement/Product Support training
Other Efforts – focused on O&S costs, Supply support
Key center of the Universe in Product Support is the product Support Manager position that we just discussed.
As part of PSAT implementation, a Product Support Business Model was developed ( defines roles, responsibilities from the Warfighter, to PM/PSM to PSI and PSP).
This PSBM forms the central foundation for the Product Support Managers Guidebook has been developed and was just released.
Contains 12 IPSE ( old ILS elements), adds sustaining engineering and Product Support Management, these elements form the product support strategy pillars.
Guidebook is a how to approach to Product Support, provides major support activities and tools the PSM can use to drive sustainment outcomes in the different life cycle phases.
Outline- Life Cycle Management Tools, Metrics, Logistic Assessment, Business/Variance Analysis, Supply Chain Management, LCSP. Product Support package Update
4. Product Support Manager Responsibilities Life Cycle Management and Product Support FY 10 NDAA Sec 805, establishes the PSM position for major weapon systems who shall accomplish six major tasks:
Develop and implement a comprehensive product support strategy
Conduct appropriate cost analyses to validate the product support strategy (BCA)
Assure achievement of desired product support outcomes through product support arrangements (PBL)
Optimize implementation of the product support strategy (i.e. balance warfighter effectiveness and affordability - PBL)
Periodically review product support arrangements between PSIs and PSPs for consistency with the overall product support strategy
Prior to changing the product support strategy or every five years, revalidate the BCA / product support strategy
4 FY2010 NDAA Section 805 of public law 111-84 language called for the SECDEF to:
- Issue comphrensive guidance on life cycle management and the development/implementaion of product support strategies for major weapon systems.
Each major weapon system be supported by a PSM, chart shows major responsibilities for Life Cycle Management( integration of Acquistion and Sustainment) and Product Support.
DTM signed October 7, 2010, implementation ongoing
The DTM includes designating a PSM for all ACAT 1 & 2 programs, KLP , the duties and responsibilities for the PSM, and training and experience requirements.
DTM expired April 20, 2011, 320day extension granted- expires ( Feb 2012)- service implementaion on going, DoDI 5000.6 update by 30 Dec 2011-corrects DTM attachment 3 ( KLP for MDAPS), DoDI 5000.02 update march 5, 2012, DAG updates.FY2010 NDAA Section 805 of public law 111-84 language called for the SECDEF to:
- Issue comphrensive guidance on life cycle management and the development/implementaion of product support strategies for major weapon systems.
Each major weapon system be supported by a PSM, chart shows major responsibilities for Life Cycle Management( integration of Acquistion and Sustainment) and Product Support.
DTM signed October 7, 2010, implementation ongoing
The DTM includes designating a PSM for all ACAT 1 & 2 programs, KLP , the duties and responsibilities for the PSM, and training and experience requirements.
DTM expired April 20, 2011, 320day extension granted- expires ( Feb 2012)- service implementaion on going, DoDI 5000.6 update by 30 Dec 2011-corrects DTM attachment 3 ( KLP for MDAPS), DoDI 5000.02 update march 5, 2012, DAG updates.
5. Product Support Manager Implementation Status Air Force: March 9, 2011
Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) and Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) working implementation plans
PSM shortfalls
Classification challenges exist for both commands
LCL Level III certification challenges
SAF/AQ Guidance (AFI 63-101) issued: March 11, 2011
Navy: March 20, 2011
Anticipates completing PSM identification mid-April 2011
Issuing departmental guidance by end of April 2011
Army: March 24, 2011
Completed PSM identification March 30, 2011
Issuing departmental guidance in May 2011
Planning to host 2-day PSM meeting
Marine Corps: April 4, 2011
PSMs assigned
Establishing an Enterprise IPT 5
6. PSAT- Goal Optimize Product Support throughout the Life Cycle 6