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Community Health Needs Assessment Community Dialogue

Community Health Needs Assessment Community Dialogue. “Realizing Maine’s Health”. Community Health Needs Assessment Report. Androscoggin, Franklin and oxford counties comparison. Access To Care. Cardiovascular Health. Respiratory Health. Respiratory Health. Respiratory Health.

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Community Health Needs Assessment Community Dialogue

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  1. Community Health Needs AssessmentCommunity Dialogue “Realizing Maine’s Health”

  2. Community Health Needs Assessment Report Androscoggin, Franklin and oxford counties comparison

  3. Access To Care

  4. Cardiovascular Health

  5. Respiratory Health

  6. Respiratory Health

  7. Respiratory Health

  8. Cancer HealthIncidence Rates

  9. Cancer Health

  10. Cancer Health

  11. Cancer Health

  12. Diabetes Health

  13. Diabetes Health

  14. Diabetes Health

  15. Pediatric Health

  16. Pediatric Health

  17. Pediatric Health

  18. Community Health Needs Assessment Report Androscoggin County

  19. County Risk Factors Healthcare Challenges Healthcare Assets Lowest percentage of unmet medical needs due to cost. (4.9%) Low percentage of uninsured adults. (10%) Highest percentage of daily aspirin use among adults Age 35+. (41%) Low percentage of male smokers. (20%) Low rate of chronic heavy drinking. (5.5%) • Overweight/Obesity: Low percentage of adults with regular physical activity. (22%) • High percentage with no dental visit in past two years. (27%) • Highest percentage reporting street drug use. (7.%) • Highest teen birth rate of any county

  20. County Disease Incidence & Prevalence Healthcare Challenges Healthcare Assets Low incidence of female breast cancer. • High Prevalence of Heart Disese. (7.3%) • 2nd Highest Prevalence of Hypercholestemia. (34%) • High Prevalence of Adults and Youths with Asthma (12%) • High Diabetes prevalence among 45 – 64 year olds. (16%) • 2nd Lowest A1c measurement annually among diabetics. (77%) • Highest incidence of Hepatitis C and Chlamydia.

  21. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Challenges • High rates of overall hospitalizations and ambulatory care sensitive condition hospitalizations for Ages 0 – 64. • High rates of admissions for Congestive Heart Failure and CABG. • Highest hospital admissions for most mental health conditions and substance abuse conditions. • High rates of overall ED visits and ACSC ED visits for Ages 0 -64. • High rates of ED Visits for respiratory disease including COPD, Bronchitis/Asthma and Pneumonia. • Highest rates of ED use for bipolar disorder, anxiety, and acute drug related mental disorders

  22. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Challenges • High COPD mortality rate. • High mortality rates for bladder cancer. • High mortality rates for females with smoking related neoplasms.

  23. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Assets • Low hospital admissions and ED rates overall for 65+. • Low hospital admission rates for AMI and Emphysema. • Low hospital admission rates for schizophrenia and anxiety. • Low ED visits for alcohol and drug related psychoses. • Low mortality rates for female breast, colorectal, and male prostate cancers. • Low motor vehicle accident mortality rate.

  24. 2011 County Health Rankings A Report Produced by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Androscoggin County

  25. Community Health Needs Assessment Report Franklin County

  26. County Risk Factors Healthcare Challenges • High percentage of uninsured adults. (15%) • High percentage with no medical check-up in past 2 years. (12%) • High percentage reporting unmet medical needs due to cost. (7.3%) • High percentage of former smokes. (36%) • Lowest percentage of current smokers reporting being advised to quit within the last year. (58%) • Lowest percentage of current smokers who have attempted to quit within the last year. (42%)

  27. County Risk Factors Healthcare Challenges • Low percentage reporting flu shot or mist in past year. (35%) • Low percentage reporting blood stool test, prostate exam (PSA), or digital rectal screening. • High teen birth rate. • High percentage with report of past month alcohol use by youths. (40%) • High percentage with report of past month marijuana use. (28%)

  28. County Risk Factors Healthcare Assets • 2nd highest county reporting regular physical activity. (30%) • Lowest rate of chronic heavy drinking. (4.0%) • Low percentage reporting current substance abuse problem. (0.7%) • Low percentage reporting use of street drugs. (4.3%) • Low percentage reporting abuse of prescription medications. (1.0%) • Lowest percentage of youth reporting suicide ideation. (11%) • Lowest percentage of youth current smokers. (17%) • Highest percentage of youth reporting regular physical activity. (50%)

  29. County Disease Incidence & Prevalence Healthcare Challenges Healthcare Assets Low prevalence of heart disease. (3.8%) Low percentage of ever being diagnosed with COPD. (2.5%) Low incidence of lung cancer, particularly among females. Low incidence of melanoma. Low report of unmet mental health needs. (3.9%) Low rates of STD/STIs. • High incidence of bladder, cervical and colorectal cancers. • Low receipt of eye and foot examinations by diabetics. • Low participation in diabetes self management courses by diabetics. • High percentage at risk for clinical depression. (9.2%) • Highest percentage reporting being diagnosed with psychiatric disorder other than depression. (15%)

  30. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Challenges • High rates of hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions. • High rates of hospital admissions for CHF, CABG, and COPD. • 2nd highest rate of hospital admissions for asthma/bronchitis among Ages 0 – 17. • 2nd highest rate of hospital admissions for diabetes among Ages 18 – 44. • High rate of hospital admissions for hip procedures and head/brain injury in Ages 65+

  31. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Challenges • High mortality rates for cardiovascular disease including AMI. • High mortality rates for all respiratory disease including lung cancer. • High mortality rates for colorectal cancer. • 2nd highest mortality rate for diabetes. • High suicide mortality rate. • High alcohol related mortality including liver disease. • High motor vehicle accident mortality.

  32. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Assets • Low rates of overall ED visits and ACSC ED visits. • Low ED visit rates for respiratory disease. • Low hospital admission and ED visits for all mental health disorders among all age groups. • Low hospital admission and ED visits for substance abuse diagnoses among all age groups. • Low mortality rates for: • Bladder cancer • Breast cancer • Cervical cancer • Melanomas

  33. 2011 County Health Rankings A Report Produced by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Franklin County

  34. Community Health Needs Assessment Report Oxford County

  35. County Risk Factors Healthcare Challenges • Access to Care: • High percentage of nonelderly adults (Ages 18 – 64) who are uninsured. (18%) • Highest percentage of females with no usual source of medical care. (12%) • High percentage reporting unmet medical needs in past year due to cost. (9%) • High percentage with no dental visit in the past 2 years. (34%) • Health Status: • High percentage report health as “fair to poor”. (23%) • High percentage report 11 or more days lost in past month due to poor health. (11%) • High percentage with 3+ chronic conditions. (17%)

  36. County Risk Factors Healthcare Challenges • Overweight/Obesity: • High percentage with sedentary lifestyle. (24%) • High percentage with obesity. (33%) • Smoking: • High percentage of current smokers. (25%) • Interpersonal Violence: • High percentage of respondents report experiencing interpersonal violence during lifetime. (15%) • Alcohol and Substance Abuse: • High percentage of chronic heavy drinking. (8%) • Higher percentage report use of street drugs in past 30 days. (7%) • High percentage report of a household overdose in past year. (1.5%)

  37. County Risk Factors Healthcare Challenges Healthcare Assets • Youth • High percentage of youth population used smokeless tobacco oevr the past month. (11%) • Low percentage report regular physical activity. (34%) • High percentage of youth are overweight. (17%) • High percentage of youth are obese. (16%) • High percentage of smokers report having tried to qui in past year. (61%) • High percentage of elderly females report having received pneumococcal vaccination. (87%) • Low percentage of reported prescription medication misuse. (0.9%) • Low teen birth rate.

  38. County Disease Incidence & Prevalence Healthcare Challenges Healthcare Assets Low incidence of female cervical cancer. • High prevalence of COPD and youth Asthma. (6.7%, 7%) • High percentage reporting having been diagnosed with cancer in lifetime. (9.3%) • High incidence of lung cancer among males. • High incidence of bladder and colorectal cancers. • High prevalence of diabetes. (12%) • High incidence of Hepatitis C and Gonorrhea. • High percentage with unmet mental health needs. (6%)

  39. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Challenges • Hospital Admissions: • High hospitalization rates for respiratory disease including COPD, pneumonia, emphysema and bronchitis/asthma. • High hospitalization rates for drug related psychoses, high risk pregnancy complications, hip procedures and head/brain injuries. • Emergency Department Utilization: • High overall ED utilization. • High ED rates for bronchitis/asthma among ages 0 – 17 and COPD. • High Mortality Rates for: • Stroke, COPD, diabetes, cancer. • High mortality rates among females for suicide and motor vehicle accidents. • High morality rates for smoking neoplasms among males.

  40. County Risk Hospital Utilization & Mortality Rates Healthcare Assets • Low hospital admission rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions for Ages 0 – 44. • Low hospitalization rates for cardiovascular disease including CHF, AMI and stroke. • How hospitalization for bronchitis/asthma among pediatrics. • Low hospitalization rate for mental health diagnosis. • Low mortality rate for AMI. • Low mortality rates for melanoma and prostate cancers. • Low infant mortality rates.

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