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how the customers perceive the problem of voltage quality

how the customers perceive the problem of voltage quality. Martin KA Š P Í RE K martin.kaspirek@eon.cz David MEZERA david.mezera@eon.cz E.ON Czech Republic – Czech Republic. The sources of this survey.

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how the customers perceive the problem of voltage quality

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  1. how the customers perceive the problem of voltage quality Martin KAŠPÍREK martin.kaspirek@eon.cz David MEZERA david.mezera@eon.cz E.ON Czech Republic – Czech Republic

  2. The sources of this survey This investigation was done on basis of: • 3 years evaluation of complaints on VQ • Evaluated over 1.500 complaints on VQ • Sum of LV customer is 1.5 million  Real LV customers connected in different PCC

  3. Progress of complaints

  4. What is the reason of this trend? • Worse VQ in LV networks, not in 2007-2010 • Higher requirement of the customers • Higher price for electricity • New electrical appliances in households

  5. The correlation between price for electricity distribution and number of complaints * price is only distribution fee

  6. Structure of compliances according to the topic

  7. Evaluation of all complaints according to EN 50160 Ed. 2

  8. Evaluation of all complaints according to EN 50160 Ed. 2

  9. Evaluation of all complaints according to the type of feeder

  10. Conclusion • The amount of complaints till 2010 is caused by higher expectations of customers motivated by higher prices • The propability of not conforming VQ is 31% • The propability of not conforming VQ in overhead lines is 51% • The highest probability of not conforming VQ is in case voltage fluctuation. Mostly observed impact of VQ • Voltage variations – cause of 25% complaints, 14% of this complaints are justified. 25%x14%x0.01=3.5% of complaining customers have really problem with voltage variations

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