Lead Retrieval Standard Form #Field NameContent Description1. Start of Record Identifier Always = TSEA/HCEA OF .012. Prefix Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., etc.3. First Name Standard allows for a SPACE char; thus, two names could be used (i.e.Mary Jane)4. Middle Name Name or initial 5. Last Name Standard allows for punctuation (i.e. O’Leary or Smith-Jones) 6. Suffix Jr., III, Esquire, etc.7. Title Professional Title8. Company/Org. 1 Primary company or organizational affiliation 9. Company/Org. 2 Secondary company or organizational affiliation10. Address 1 Primary mailing address line 2 12. Address 3 Primary mailing address line 313. City City within the mailing address 14. State or Province State or Province within the mailing address15. Zip or Postal Code ZIP or ZIP+4 code or international postal code16. Country Country17. Telephone Country Code International code typically preceding telephone number 18. Telephone 1 Primary voice telephone number. Standard allows any char. String; thus, an extension or international designation19. Telephone 2 Additional voice telephone number20. Fax Fax number 21. E-mail Address Primary e-mail address 22. Internet Address Full Internet address 23. Date Date that the record was captured as a lead - format for this field will be MM/DD/YYYY 24. Time Time that the record was captured as a lead - format for this field will be HH:MM:SS - time is always event-local time25. Event Determined Field Must be a Record ID, Member ID, or any other unique identifier determined by the developer26. Event Code Must be the event name27. Alt-Company/Org1 Alternate company or organizational affiliation 28. Alt-Company/Org2 Alternate company or organizational affiliation 29. Alt-Address1 Alternate mailing address line 1 30. Alt-Address2 Alternate mailing address line 2 31. Alt-Address3 Alternate mailing address line 332. Alt-City City within the alternate mailing address 33. Alt-State or Province State or Province within the alternate mailing address34. Alt-Zip or Postal Code Alternate ZIP or ZIP+4 code or international postal code 35. Alt-Country Alternate Country 36. Alt-Tele. Country Code Alternate international code preceding telephone number 37. Alt-Telephone1 Alternate voice telephone number. Standard allows any char. string thus, an extension or international designation 38. Alt-Telephone2 Alternate additional voice telephone number 39. Alt-Fax Alternate fax number 40. Alt-E-mail address Alternate e-mail address 41. Alt-Internet Address Alternate full Internet address42. *@DEMG& Multiple demographic fields are preceded by a field with the unique character string: @DEMG& 43. *demographic field Demographic information 44. *demographic field Demographic information45. *etc. Demographic information 46. *@QUAL& Multiple lead qualification fields are preceded by a field with the unique character string: @QUAL&