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Brand Building for Healthcare Institutions: Strategies for Success

Learn the essential steps to build a strong brand for healthcare institutions for enhanced loyalty and profitability. Crafting brand associations, engineering attributes, and effective communication are key. Loyalty pays off in increased profits and customer retention. For comprehensive brand strategies, start from the beginning.

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Brand Building for Healthcare Institutions: Strategies for Success

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  2. Conclusion • Brand building makes sense • Start from the beginning • Craft Brand Associations • Engineer Brand Attributes • Create Brand Awareness • Consistently deliver the Brand Promise • Apt Brand Promise Communication is a must • Brand Loyalty pays www.vivekshukla.com

  3. Why Cut Practice is a Bad Idea[Illegal and Unethical] GP has no loyalties www.vivekshukla.com

  4. Why Cut Practice is a Bad Idea[Illegal and Unethical] Cuts eat into your profits www.vivekshukla.com

  5. Why Branding is a Good Idea A strong brand stands to gain at all fronts www.vivekshukla.com

  6. Branding- An Alternative www.vivekshukla.com

  7. Branding- Where to start When you read, you begin with ABC, When you Brand you begin with- ??? www.vivekshukla.com

  8. Brand Essence A single thought that captures the soul of a brand - David Aaker www.vivekshukla.com

  9. Brand Essence Customer Company Essence Competitors www.vivekshukla.com

  10. Brand Associations www.vivekshukla.com

  11. Brand Associations www.vivekshukla.com

  12. Brand Associations www.vivekshukla.com

  13. Brand Associations www.vivekshukla.com

  14. Brand Associations www.vivekshukla.com

  15. Brand Attributes www.vivekshukla.com

  16. Brand Awareness www.vivekshukla.com

  17. Emotional Bonding = Wallet Share High share of wallet Subjective & emotional, consumer loyalty Bonding Advantage Works better, better price, more popular Performance Can it deliver www.vivekshukla.com Relevance Want to use, right price ? Presence Aware Low share of wallet

  18. Brand Promise Communication www.vivekshukla.com

  19. Brand Communication External communication is most expensive and will be a waste if done in haste www.vivekshukla.com

  20. Delivering the Brand Promise www.vivekshukla.com

  21. External Communication Strategy www.vivekshukla.com

  22. www.vivekshukla.com

  23. www.vivekshukla.com

  24. www.vivekshukla.com

  25. Brand Loyalty Retained customer gives almost double the profit www.vivekshukla.com

  26. Brand loyalty 5% Increase in retention can increase the operating profit by up to 20% www.vivekshukla.com

  27. Customer Life Cycle Fully retained customer not only maximizes revenue, but also get you more customers www.vivekshukla.com

  28. THANK YOU mail@vivekshukla.com www.vivekshukla.com

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