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Corrective Action April 3, 2007. DuPage Regional Office of Education Dr. Darlene J Ruscitti, Regional Superintendent of Schools. Desired Outcomes. Define Corrective Action Understand when Corrective Action is required Unpack the 6 options of Corrective Action Share ROE support.
Corrective Action April 3, 2007 DuPage Regional Office of Education Dr. Darlene J Ruscitti, Regional Superintendent of Schools
Desired Outcomes • Define Corrective Action • Understand when Corrective Action is required • Unpack the 6 options of Corrective Action • Share ROE support
Corrective Action Corrective Action is designated after not meeting AYP for 4 consecutive years. Taking Corrective Action is designed to increase substantially the likelihood that all students enrolled in the school will meet or exceed the State’s proficiency levels of academic achievement in reading and mathematics.
Corrective Action • If a school fails to make AYP by the end of the second full school year after identification (4 years total), the district must— • Notify parents of the school's status • Continue to make public school choice available • Continue to make supplemental services available • Continue technical assistance • Identify the school for corrective action and take at least one of the following actions based on 6 options
Parent Notification Requirements • Tell parents what the identification means • Tell how the academic achievement levels at this school compare to those at other schools in the district and the state • Explain why the school was identified • Tell how parents can become involved. At a minimum, the district must tell parents about the academic achievement level of students at the schools to which their child may transfer • Share specifically how parents can obtain supplemental services for their child with descriptors of providers, their services, qualifications and effectiveness.
Technical Assistance The providers of technical assistance should have experience in: • complex problem analysis • effective, scientifically-based curriculum and instruction • working with teachers to create positive change.
Possible Corrective Actions There are 6 Options • Replace school staff relevant to the failure • Institute and implement a new curriculum • Significantly decrease management authority in the school • Appoint outside experts to advise the school • Extend school year or school day • Restructure internal organization of the school
Option #1: Replace school staff relevant to the failure • The district determines “school staff that are relevant to the failure of the school to make AYP”. • Corrective Action shall not alter or affect the rights, remedies, and procedures afforded to employees under Federal, State or local laws (including collective bargaining agreements). • Transfers and reassignments of staff shall be in accord with all existing contractual provisions and policies • The mere fact that an employee has been working in a school identified for corrective action is not in and of itself sufficient cause for dismissal or denial of consideration for tenure. • If this option is exercised, the district must be able to justify which staff were transferred, the means used to identify such staff, and the rationale used in selecting replacements.
Option #2: Institute and implement a new curriculum. What does it look like? • Inclusive of scientifically researched best practices • Substantially different from what has been used before • Better matched to student need • Closely aligned to Illinois Learning Standards • Supported by scientifically-based professional development • Must include a local assessment system aligned with the Illinois Learning Standards that is clearly designed to monitor progress and provide continuous improvement data for instructional decision-making • Must be able to produce ‘before and after’ documentation that clearly shows that the new curriculum in mathematics and/or reading differs substantially from the old in both content and delivery and is more likely than the old curriculum to result in student success within all subgroups in the school
New Curriculum continued… If based on a published model curriculum or on a curriculum in place at another school., that the curriculum adopted must have a demonstrated record of effectiveness (in schools of similar demographics and has been effective in raising student achievement as measured the ISAT or PSAE.
Option #3: Significantly decrease management authority in the school • This option is intended to reduce a school’s autonomy in several key areas and transfer decision-making authority to the central office (possibly an over-site panel) • The district must document to ISBE that this autonomy has been substantially reduced or eliminated in one or more of the following areas and transferred to another entity: • The authority of the school or principal to hire or assign teaching staff • The authority of the school or principal to obligate or expend funds • The authority of the school staff or principal to determine the curriculum, teaching practices, and curricular materials and assessments • The authority of the school or principal to internally organize its operations, such as assigning or grouping students
Option #4: Appoint outside experts to advise the school • Should be chosen only after the school’s efforts to diagnose and remedy the causes) of the school’s inadequate progress have not succeed. • The recommendations of the outside expert(s) are not to be regarded as ‘suggestions’ • The recommendations must be implemented unless it can be demonstrated that they are contrary to what is indicated by the available data or scientifically-based research • Control is transferred outside of the school • Rejection of an outside expert‘s recommendations solely on the basis of finances is not acceptable • ISBE does not have a list of qualified outside experts and does not intend to establish one unless it becomes a Federal requirement.
An outside expert may be… • A retired school administrator • A practicing administrator from another district • A college or university professor within an appropriate discipline • A current or retired staff member from an educational service agency such as an ROE or from a regional System of Support (RESPRO) • A consultant with an appropriate professional institution or organization • Other individuals with commensurate, documentable expertise and experience
A district must be able to demonstrate and/or document to ISBE… • That the individual selected as an outside expert has a proven track record of assisting in the significant increase of student achievement at schools with similar demographics • The school is able to maintain sufficient professional detachment and decorum as an outside expert in the new role • By board resolution or other means, its commitment to implementing the recommendations of the expert in an expeditious manner A district cannot delay more stringent sanctions by simply changing the experts or rejecting their recommendations unless the recommendations are clearly unreasonable, unsubstantiated, counter-indicated by data, or contradicted by scientifically-based research
Option #5: Extend school year or school dayMust be within the statutory parameters set forth in the School Code • Not practical for many districts due to collective bargaining agreements • No state or federal funding is available to support a longer school year • District must be able to show that the proposed extension is of sufficient length to clearly afford all students in the school identified for Corrective Action a substantial extended learning opportunity in terms of: • Additional, expanded or enriched curricular content or clearly enriched and deepened curricular content • Additional opportunity to demonstrate mastery of curricular content through standard and alternative assessments • A minimum of the time represented by the addition of ten regular teaching days of the current length is suggested • The time extension must include all students • A summer or inter-session program would not qualify as an extension of the school year unless attendance as mandatory for all students who were enrolled at the end of the regular school year
Option #6: Restructure internal organization of the school • Districts choosing this option should consult with ISBE’s System of Support or Accountability Divisions before implementing the proposed reorganization initiative. • Must be able to demonstrate and document that a substantial reorganization of the school has taken place • Must be able to demonstrate and document that the proposed internal reorganization responds to data-based student needs • Must be able to demonstrate and document that there is a high probability that the proposed internal reorganization will result in higher levels of student achievement
Examples of a substantial reorganization • Organizing a large school into district areas or centers with differentiated curricula or thematic orientations, or establishing schools within an existing school • Adopting some form of block scheduling and formalized team teaching • Adopting a new internal administrative structure where administrative and supervisory responsibilities are shared among properly qualified staff • Altering the opening and closing hours of the school to allow students to attend classes in the early morning, late afternoon, and evening • Reducing the school week in conjunction with perhaps extending the school day or year • Adopting a partial or full implementation of the “school without walls” concept • Converting a substantial part of the school's entire curriculum to e-learning accessible to students at their homes or at the school
Multiple schools in CA in same district • If a district has more than one school in Corrective Action, the Corrective Action option can be different for each school • It must be a formal action of the district, either by a written order by an authorized district administrator or board action
IIRC -- Section IIIDevelopment, Review and Implementation E. District's Responsibilities • Corrective actions taken by a district for a Title I school that failed to meet AYP for a fourth annual calculation (Corrective Action Status) should be aligned with the strategies and activities of this plan. The district must take at least one of the following actions in such a school per NCLB, Section 1116(b)(7)(C)(iv) • District Responsibilities - Specify the services and resources that the district has provided to revise the plan and other services that the district will provide toward implementation of strategies and activities. • District technical assistance should include data analysis, identification of the school’s challenges in implementing professional development requirements, the resulting need-related technical assistance and professional development to effect changes in instruction, and analysis and revision of the school’s budget (NCLB, Section 1116). • Identify corrective actions taken by the district if applicable.
Reflect & Evaluate • What did we do today to help you define Corrective Action? • Are you able to explain Corrective Action to your stakeholders? • Did we successfully unpacked the 6 options of Corrective Action to make them understood? What else do you need to know? • Are you able to make an informed decision about which Corrective Action option best fits your school? • What supports from the ROE would you like?
Web Resources • http://www.learningfirst.org/publications/nclbguide/ • http://www.adi.org/parentguide.html • http://www.isbe.net/sos/pdf/sip_guide.pdf • SIP Approval Checklist • SIP Monitoring Prompt
Thank you for your dedication to improving learning opportunities for all students. CONTACT INFORMATION RESPRO -- DUPAGE jfrontier@dupage.k12.il.us Phone: 630-495-6080 The mission of the DuPage Regional Office of Education is to collaboratively build and sustain a high quality County educational community for all youth.