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Edo. Meji. Diviyansh Mangla. Chp 4. We shall establish a trading route which allows foreign ships to go in and out. Yes, my lord. As you wish. Our emperor has ordered us to build a harbor for foreign ships to come and go. Is that clear. Well, lets get working.
Edo Meji Diviyansh Mangla
Chp 4 We shall establish a trading route which allows foreign ships to go in and out. Yes, my lord. As you wish.
Our emperor has ordered us to build a harbor for foreign ships to come and go. Is that clear. Well, lets get working.
Here we are crew. We have arrived at Japan. Are you ready? Yes we are. What are we here for? To convert Japanese into Christians. That’s the spirit. Done, that’s exhausting
Let’s go convert them! As farmers we have very little flat area for cultivation. Living in valleys can be a pain just to grow crops and make a living. Plus, it rains a lot. The north and south are climatically cool. The moderate moist climate gives us a chance to grow fruits and rice.
I’m worried about my people being exposed to Western ideas. I have already seen Europeans developing colonies in areas they explore. I will ensure Japan’s safety and soverginity. Yes sir, I will personally take care of closing all ports but the one in island of Deshima in the Nagasaki Bay.
Sir, over 150 000 Japanese people have been converted to Christianity.
Order all missionaries to leave immediately. Anyone who stays will executed. Yes Sir.
I’m worried about Christians, more about the Christian daimyo would follow their spiritual leaders instead of viewing me as their ultimate authority. To stop this I will pass by series of edicts(legal order to public by an authority).
I am passing on these edicts to ensure Japans soverginity. Closed Country Edict of 1635: • Japanese ships strictly forbidden to travel foreign countries • Japanese not permitted to go aboard, and crossers will be persecuted • Japanese returns from overseas after residing there will be executed • Any westerns teach Christianity or commit crimes, will be behind the bars • No single trading cities shall be allowed to purchase all merchandise brought by foreign ships • Japanese band Portuguese ships, anyone ship disobeying will be executed and ships will be destroyed
Daimyo’s must follow these laws: No unnecessary contact with other daimyo • Report any suspicious activities in neighbouring domains to Bakufu • Don’t allow traitors or criminals to shogun enter your domain • Only once castle per domain • Daimyo must provide detailed maps of landholdings to Bakufu • Daimyo must support public building projects • Daimyo required to spend every second year in Edo • All commoners must register at Buddhist temples • Marriages of daimyo must require Bakufu permission • Travel and shipbuilding are restricted Yes Sir
That’s no good. Sorry to disturb you but, I have some good and bad news for you. Good news is that Japan’s economy is increasing because of the population increase. Bad news is that the Samurais have given up the life of samurai and are pursuing intellectual pursuits, like poetry. The daimyo’s have become patrons of arts because they want to build highly decorated houses and gardens.
Chp 5 Let’s go take a look at our schools. Yes sir.
Class listen up. The emperor will be visiting our class today. We will be on top behavior. To show him our understanding of Japan, you will read out your notes that was for homework yesterday. Anyone who has not completed their homework or is unable to present their work will be given consequences. Understood. Yes, Mam.
Welcome your highness. What brings you to our class all the sudden. I am here to observe from the side what students know about the current Japan and crisis’s within Japan.
Class, shall we begin. Get in your groups, and choose two speakers……… Who wants go first.?
We will go first. Our group has been finding information on what has been motivating the current changes in Japan’s model of organization. Here are the notes we took:
What were the motivations for the radical changes in Japan’s model of organization during the Meiji period? • Not only motivations are a reason. • Our leaders know that holding their isolated position would be weaken and infernally break down. • Outside influences are a major contributor the change occurring in Japan • USA • USA wants to find a possible trading relation, so we can supply them with coal for their steam powered boats, which would end up benefiting us. • US government also wants assistance for accidental shipwreck sailors on the coast, as they are constantly informed by shipwrecked sailors on Japanese shores of the US • Europe and China • Independent traders have been trading with Holland until they lost contact • The Dutch East India Company then decided to trade with the Asians • The Dutch are the only people allowed to set foot on Japanese shores, as well they cannot carry weapons and hide all bibles • Internal Conflict • Bakufu and Samurai are having intense debates towards whether Japan should approve the requests of the US • Japan is now forced to sign treaties over Russia, Britain, France and the Netherland; shoguns feel like they have let down their country and feel humiliated • Civil unrest in the country reduced support for Bakufu
Good work . Kiba your group is up next. That’s all.
Get out of my class, out. I'll deal with you later. We didn’t do it.
How did Japan adapt to changes brought on by the transition from feudal to modern models of organization? • This time Japan has modernized it self and modernize it ‘s worldview • Modernizing of Japan • We are rapidly moving towards industrializing because of the legacy left by the Tokugawa rule • The economy under Tokugawa has prospered • The last shoguns had invited western experts to assist Japan in its engineering and western technology • Modernizing of Japan’s Worldview • Men who have overthrown the Tokugawa Bakufu formed and oligarchy and were in charge • Created and are promoting industrialization • The new young leaders have two key goals: • Modernize Japan, make the economy grow • Renegotiate the unequal treaties • The challenge was to make a competitive in modern world and yet continue to be Japanese
How did the change resulting from isolation in the Edo period compare to changes resulting from adaptation in the Meiji period? • Edo • In the Edo period, change resulting from isolation had blocked all access to the westerns and other societies except Dutch • The Dutch were the only society who were allowed to step foot on Japanese ports • Many of the Japanese intellectuals had given up their duties and had started to do what they want, but would keep their wants in the social class • The social systems began to change • The culture and the cultural aspects of Japan started to revolutionize within the isolation period into a modernized culture • Meji • The change in Japan society resulting from adaptation in the Meji period has many unique effects on this diverse society • One of the biggest change is Japan is moving towards industrialization • The strong political system has begun it’s own revolutionization towards becoming a competitive country in the modern world but still be Japanese
What challenges emerged for the Japanese in maintain traditional culture aspects of their society while undergoing rapid change? • A new government was formed. It’s policy was to keep Japan united and Maintain Japanese traditions, yet make changes to Japanese government, social systems and, economy and become a competitive country in the modern world. The government has sent missionaries to visit major western countries to gather information that Japan could use to begin the modernization of Japan.
Then why didn’t you tell me before. Excuse me, the Emperor had left classroom a while ago.
Ahh.……… I am the emperor assistant and he told me to leave the following message: I am leaving. I was impressed by the knowledge of your students.
Tnn, Tnnnn Chp 6 Have a good day.
Oh yea,, um…. What are we doing today. Reviewing for the final test.. Oh, fine I'll come.
Class sit down. Yes Mam.
Today we are going to have a pop quiz how on did rapid change during the Meji period affect Japan’s worldview.
Name: Sasuke Uzumaki Date:2/4/75 • Pop Quiz • Write short notes on how did modernizing of Japan’s political system reflect a new world? • Japan believes it is strong and capable as any other nation- world leader, not a follower. • The leaders were in favor of developing constitution for Japan: • Constitution will unify Japan • Leaders have agreed on creating a constitution, but are confused on what model should it follow • Now it has become a national issue, but the oligarchy have provided more restrictions • How did Japan change it’s economic system? • Japan has developed a road system, markets, vibrant merchant class, small businesses, and some banking institutions are a step to developing a strong foundation for economic changes • Leaders believe that Japan still needs more industrialization and understood what needed to be done • Japan is restricted by trade agreements it had signed with Western powers • Japan is not allowed to lower taxes on domestic goods or raise taxes on foreign goods • How did Japan change it’s military system to meet political needs? • How did Japan’s new worldview change it’s social system? • How did Japan’s culture change?
Class, you can have your break now. Be back in class in 10 minutes. Yes, I really needed that. Wow, this is a pop quiz and it’s this hard.
Japan did that because, to us the military is part of the political system. We want a strong centralized army of obedient and disciplined solders would strengthen the government. We want colonial power, because countries with colonies are highly respected. We also need a strong military to ensure we can meet our political goals. Our army models follow British Navy and Germany. Success of the military changed the influence and power that it had with other nations in area. Lets quiz each other. How did Japan change it’s military system to meet political needs? Class come back in , break’s over.
If everyone read through the test before, you did not have to the test. It’s just a review. But we will go over How Japan’s culture changed?
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