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FCSE 2012-13. Written assessments. FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION UNIT 1 . MEETING PEOPLE WRITING. You have been given details of a penfriend and you are going to write your first e-mail to him/her. What you say need not be true . DISTINCTION (Level 6)
FCSE 2012-13 Written assessments
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 1 . MEETING PEOPLEWRITING • You have been given details of a penfriend and you are going to write your first e-mail to him/her. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • your name • your age and birthday • your nationality • information about your family • whether you have any pets or not • what you like doing in your free time. • Add information about: • something interesting you have done recently • and what you are going to do tomorrow. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
Example Bonjour, je m’appelle Fred. J’ai 15 ans et monanniversairec’est le 10 novembre. Je suisanglais(e) et j’habite en Angleterre avec monpère et ma mère. Mon pèreestamusant et ma mèreestsympa. J’aiunesoeur qui s’appelle Sue. En plus, j’ai un chat qui s’appelleLoulou. Le weekend, j’aimealler en ville avec mescopains car c’estgénial. Le weekend dernier, j’aijoué au golf maisce weekend je vais faire de la natation.
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 2 . HOME LIFEWRITING • Your exchange partner has been asked to do a survey about life at home in the UK. Write to him/her about your home life. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • who is in your family • which job(s) you do at home every week • a household job you don’t like • who helps most at home • whether you get pocket money or not • what you do at home at the weekend. • Add information about: • what you did at home last night • and something new you would like to have in your home. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
Example Bonjour Simon. Je vaisdécrire ma famille. Dans ma famille, il y a 4 personnes, monpère, ma mère, ma soeur et moi. A la maison, je fais le ménage mais je ne fais pas de linge car c’estnul. Ma soeurfait les lits et moi, je passel’aspirateur. Je gagne 10 livres par semaine et avec mon argent de pochej’achètedes cdscar j’adoreécouter la musiquedans ma chambre les weekends. Hiersoir, j’airegardé la télémais je préfèrejouer à l’ordinateursic’était possible je voudrais un ordinateurdans ma chambre.
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 3 . EDUCATION AND FUTURE PLANSWRITING • You are posting a blog about your school or college. What you say need not be true DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • what your favourite subject is • which subject you don’t like • what you do at lunchtime • whether there is a uniform or not • your opinion of the other students • how you get to school/college. • Add information about: • when you started foreign language lessons • and what you would like to do after school/college. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
Example Bonjour Simon. Je vais au collègeOaklands. Ma matièrepréféréec’est les maths car c’estinteréssantmais je n’aime pas l’anglais. Pendant la pause de midi je mange dans la cantine. Au collège, je porte un uniforme. Je porteune chemise blanche, un pantalon et unecravatebleue. Pour aller au collège, je vais en bus. J’aicommencé à étudier le françaisil y a 3 ans. Après le collège, je voudraisaller au lycée.
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 4 . HOLIDAYSWRITING • You are writing a postcard to your penfriend. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • where you are • your opinion of the place • what the weather is like • what there is to do • an activity you like doing • a description of the food. • Add information about: • what you did yesterday • and where you would like to go for your next holiday. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
Example Bonjour Simon je suis en vacancesà Paris en France. La villeestmagnifique! En ce moment, on peutallerà la plage car il fait du soleil. A la plage, j’aime faire de la natation car c’est super. La cuisine françaiseestdélicieuse. Hier, j’aivisité la tour Eiffel et j’aiacheté des souvenirs. L’annéeprochaine, je voudraisaller en Espagne avec moncopain.
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 5 . TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATIONWRITING • Your penfriend e-mails you a survey about travel. Tell him/her about your experiences and opinions. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • how you get to school/college/work • whether or not you have a car/bike/motorbike etc • which form of transport you prefer when you go on holiday • who you normally go with • how often you travel by train • any transport you don’t like using. • Add information about: • whether you have travelled abroad or not • and where you would like to go (eg if you won the lottery). To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 6 . LEISUREWRITING • You are completing an online application to join a holiday club. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • which sports you play • ! a hobby you like • ! whether or not you are a member of a team/club • ! whether or not you play a musical instrument • ! how much TV you watch • ! what you enjoy doing with your friends at the weekend. • Add information about: • what you did at home during the last holiday • and an activity you would like to do at the holiday club. and where you would like to go (eg if you won the lottery). To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 7 . CELEBRATIONSWRITING • You send an e-mail to your penfriend telling him/her about your school prom. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • when it is • ! a description of the venue • ! who you are going with • ! what you are wearing • ! your opinion of school proms • ! what type of music they normally play. • Add information about: • what you have bought for the prom • and what you are going to do at the prom. • and where you would like to go (eg if you won the lottery). • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 8 . HEALTH AND FITNESSWRITING • You are completing in a medical form for a foreign adventure trip. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • your age • ! how fit you are • ! what exercise you like doing • ! whether or not you have any medical problems/bad habits • ! what you prefer to eat and drink • ! a description of your daily routine. • Add information about: • any adventure activity you have done in the past • and what fitness activity you would like to do on the trip. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
Example Je m’appelle Simon et j’ai 16 ans. Je suis en bonneforme car je fais du cyclismedeuxfois par semaine. Aussi, j’aimejouer au foot car c’estgénial. Quandj’avais 12 ans je faisais du volley et c’étaitamusant. Dans le futur, je voudrais faire de la danse car monami en fait. En plus, je mange bien car je mange du fruit et des légumes car c’est riche en vitamineset je préfèreboire de l’eau car je déteste le coca. Le matin, je me lève à 7 heurespuis je mange mon petit déjeuneret je vais au collège.
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 9 . FOOD AND DRINKWRITING • Your exchange partner would like you to send him/her an e-mail about your food and drink preferences before you go and stay. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • what you normally have for breakfast • ! whether you eat meat or not • ! what your favourite dish is • ! any food you don’t like • ! what you prefer to drink • ! a question about mealtimes in your exchange partner’s house. • Add information about: • whether you have tried any dish from another country or not • and something you would like to cook for his/her family. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 10 . REGION AND ENVIRONMENTWRITING • You are writing about your ideal place to live. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • where your ideal place is • a description of the place • what there is to do there • your opinion of the place • what you do not like there • what the weather is usually like. • Add information about: • the best place you have ever visited • and what you would like to have near where you live. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 11 . MEDIAWRITING • You are writing an article about computers for the magazine at your exchange school. What you say need not be true. • DISTINCTION (Level 6) • a description of your computer (eg size/colour/make etc) • ! what you think of it • ! what you use it for • ! how often you use it • ! whether you prefer the computer or the television for entertainment • ! what your favourite program/game is called. • Add information about: • what computers were like in the past • and what computers will be like in the future (eg size/speed/activities). • !To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).
FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONUNIT 12 . WORK AND CHOICESWRITING • You are writing about a work placement. What you say need not be true. DISTINCTION (Level 6) • You might like to include: • where you are doing your placement • ! what time you arrive in the morning • ! what you wear • ! what task(s) you do • ! something you don’t like doing • ! your opinion of the boss. • Add information about: • another job you have done • and what your ideal job would be. • To achieve a Distinction (Level 6) in this piece of work you must give a minimum of eight items of information, including at least one opinion. You should refer to the past and the future as well as the present. Each item should contain a verb (ideally a different verb).