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WELCOME MEETING FOR STUDENTS OF 1 ST YEAR 2013/2014. WROCŁAW, 30th SEPTEMBER 2013. Wroclaw Medical University. HISTORY The first hospital was founded in Wrocław in the 13th century
Wroclaw MedicalUniversity • HISTORY • The first hospital was founded in Wrocław in the 13th century • Medicine had been taught at the University from 1811 and this tradition has been continued after World War II • In 1950, the Medical Academy consisted of two faculties: the Faculty of Medicine with a Division of Dentistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy with a Medical Laboratory Diagnostics Division
Wroclaw MedicalUniversity • 5 FACULTIES: • Medicine • Dentistry • Pharmacy • Health’s sciences • Postgraduate education
EnglishDivision • ENGLISH DIVISION • The English Division was established within the Faculty of Medicine in 2003 • Two faculties: Medicine and Dentistry • The teaching is conducted in English and the program is identical to that in Polish and adapted to the common European program • Currently almost 500 students
EnglishDivision Head of English Division Andrzej Hendrich,PhD,Assoc.Prof. Vice Dean for Foreign Students
EnglishDivision Vice-Dean for Faculty of Dentistry Wiesław Kurlej, DDS, PhD
EnglishDivision Tutor of the first year of Medicine: dr Zygmunt Domagała Tutor of the first year of Dentistry: dr Marek Syrycki
EnglishDivision Faculty of Medicine Office Staff: Monika Uzar Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk Agnieszka Ziomko Magdalena Kretowicz
EnglishDivision Faculty of Dentistry Office Staff: Jan Wojna Aleksandra Jania
AcademicRegulations Academic Regulations (the most important fragments) Andrzej Hendrich, Assoc. Prof. Vice Dean for Foreign Students
AcademicRegulations § 12 • The didactic classes are conducted, in the form of lectures, classes and seminars. • The participation in didactic classes by the student is mandatory. • The student maywithin one academic year be absent in about 10% of classes that are mandatory in a given subject without justifying it and without the necessity to make up for them. Each subsequent absence in classes with the exception of sections 4 and 5 requires the justification and making up for the classes immediately after the cause of absence ceases to exit.
AcademicRegulations § 24 • The credit periods in the academic year are the winter and summer semesters. • The conditions for obtaining credit by the semester/years students and obtaining credit for the next semester/year are: • obtaining credits from all didactic classes (including the optional subjects and professional internships), • obtaining positive grades from all exams foreseen in the studies plan of a given year and levelling of all potential programme differences, • obtaining the required number of ECTS points foreseen in the studies plan in a given semester/year.
AcademicRegulations § 24 (cont.) • A subject terminates with an exam or credit with a grade or without the grade. • Credit of the winter semester should be effected not later than at the end of the winter semester, and crediting the year (also the summer semester) should be effected not later than September 30. In justified cases the dean can set out a different date. • In the course of each credit or examination the student is obliged to present an index and a chart of periodic achievements, into which the persons conducting the exam or credit examination enter credit or the grade along with the date confirming it with a signature.
AcademicRegulations § 25 • In case when the student does not get the credit for a semester/year, the student can apply for: • conditional credit for the semester or academic year - § 33, • consent to repeating the semester/year - § 34. • After obtaining all entries from credits and exams provided for by the studies plan, the student has the duty to file to the dean's office the student credit book and chart of periodic student's achievements within the terms specified in § 24 section 4 or resulting from individual requirements of the dean.
AcademicRegulations § 33 • The conditional credit is a permission issued by the dean at the request of the student to initiate studies in a higher semester/year with the simultaneous student's obligation to fulfil the conditions necessary to complete a given semester/year. • A student who: • did not pass max. two subjects, • has programme divergences to make up for, can seek to obtain conditional credit. • Obtaining the conditional credit is impossible if: • the student did not pass more than two subjects, • lack of credit or lack of the passed exam regarding the subject which the student did not complete once before. • In cases of not-fulfilling by the student the obligations resulting from the conditional credit the dean can issue a decision on repeating the semester/year or removing the student from the student list.
AcademicRegulations § 34 • The dean, at the request of the student, can express consent to repeat the year/semester in the case of: • not admitting to the exam session, • not completing the semester/year. • The student can obtain an agreement to repeat a year/semester, not more than twice during the entire period of studies - in the case of unified MA studies, and not more than once - in the case of bachelor’s programme (BA) and master’s programme (MA), unless the cause for not granting credit in a subject was a lasting sickness or other ill-fated event. • The student who obtained the consent to repeat the semester/year is obliged to cover the programme differences resulting from the studies plan. • The student who repeats the semester/year is exemptedfrom the subjects in which he/she obtained credit, if the programme of the subject was not altered.
AcademicRegulations § 35 • The student can obtain the agreement for leave e.g. in the case of occurrence of important circumstances rendering it impossible for him to take part in classes. • Leave is granted by the dean on the basis of the documented application filed by the student. • The application mentioned in point 2 should be filed to the dean not later than within 14 days from the occurrence of the circumstances justifying the request. • The leave can be granted for the period of one semester (short term leave) or academic year (long term leave). • The decision to grant leaveisconfirmed by the dean with a signature in the student record book and the chart of periodic student achievements. • In the entire period of studies the student can obtain leave twice unless the cause of the leave is a long term sickness or exceptionally important life circumstances.
AcademicRegulations § 27 • The basis for obtaining credit in the subject is attendance during classes and obtaining positive grades from partial work included in a given subject. The confirmation of the credit is the entry in the student credit book and in the chart of periodic student's achievements made by the academic teacher teaching the subject/responsible for the subject. § 28 • The dean admits to the exam session the student on the condition that he completed within the deadline the classes of all subjects in a given semester. • Credit for a subject which terminates with an exam is done on the basis of all credits of all forms of classes conducted within this subject and a positive grade from the exam. • On the student's application the dean can temporarily permit him to take part in the examination session, if he did not complete within the deadline classes from no more than two subjects.
AcademicRegulations § 28 (cont.) • If the student does not obtain positive grades from the required partial work he/she has the right to take an exam from the total of material included in the programme of this subject. The deadline of this exam should be established not later than two days before the planned exam date in that subject. • In the case of not passing the examination mentioned in section 4, the student is not admitted to take an exam in the first term from the subject terminating in an exam.
AcademicRegulations § 28 (cont.) • The student who was not admitted to the first term of the exam has the right to take the preliminary examination allowing him to take the first term examination, however, not later than before the start of the re-sit session. After passing the preliminary examination the student may take the first term re-sit examination. In the case of not passing the preliminary examination the student cannot obtain the credit in that subject. • In case of not passing the examination specified in section 4, from the subject that does not terminate with an examination the dean can conditionally allow the student to enter the session and grant permission for a conditional entry for the next semester, setting out the term of passing the subject.
Health & Safety Before beginning to work with a new chemical reagent each student is obliged to make himself acquainted with a description chart of a given reagent provided by the supplier or producer. In case of emergency one should strictly stick to the regulations provided in the description chart of a given substance or to other available instructions and procedures.
Health & Safety Before any work which may create a possible contact with biological stuff each student is obliged to get acquainted with the Rector’s Regulation No. 3/XIV R/2010 on “Procedures of behaving after occupational exposure to the hazard of infection by HIV, HBV or HCV viruses”.
Health & Safety Infection risk is produced by: breaking the continuity of skin in effect of stitching, scratching, cutting, etc., splashing the mucosa (oral cavity, conjunctiva, vestibule of the nose), skin contact with large amount of contaminated material. Infections can result from a contact with: blood, systemic fluids, vaginal secretion, semen.
Health & Safety Each occupational exposure can be dangerous and requires evaluation of the grade of infection risk. Preventive action taken timely can prevent the risk of infection.
Health & Safety The Rector is obliged to: • organize trainings in the field of hygiene and occupational safety for all students who commence their studies at the university,
Health & Safety • maintain all facilities, equipment and recreation and sport appliances belonging to the university in a condition ensuring their safe and hygienic use. If the site designed for classes or the condition of equipment prove to create a danger for students’ safety, the Rector is obliged not to allow to commence the classes, prohibit their continuation or define the methods and procedures ensuring their safe realization.
Health & Safety • make sure that students who will work in laboratories or in specialized workshops have been properly instructed regarding the rules and regulations of occupational health and safety, in particular: - condition of safe use of machines and other devices, - handling of dangerous and harmful substances, - a proper use of individual protective equipment, - procedures in case of emergency including first aid care.
Health & Safety OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENTS • Know the rules and principles of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) binding for students on the premises of the university • Take part in trainings and courses on OHS • Take care of individual protective outfit and use it properly • Keep order in place of instruction and student dorm • Abide by the fire protection rules
Health & Safety • Immediately inform the teacher about incidents during classes and warn other persons about any risks • Should the conditions during classes do not conform to OHS and fire protection rules or create a direct danger to health and life of students or other persons, the student has the right to refuse to take part in classes, immediately informing the teacher about his/her observation
Health certificate • All students are obliged to possess a valid health certificate and deliver it to ED office until 31st of October2013. The medical examination should be done in the outpatient clinic by occupational physician at the address: Centrum Medyczne Medrun Krasińskiego Street 9 • Phone No. for registration and information: 0 801 462 988
Please fill in your referral „SKIEROWANIE” now • On referral please write: • …YOUR NAME AND SURNAME… • as (imię i nazwisko) • …..YOUR DATE OF BIRTH………. • as (data urodzenia)
How to complete index • UNIWERSYTET MEDYCZNY im. PIASTÓW ŚLĄSKICH WE WROCŁAWIU __________________________________________________________________________ • Imię i nazwisko………YOUR NAME AND SURNAME....................……………………. • Rok studiów……YEAR OF STUDIES….Rok akademicki…..ACADEMIC YEAR……
Payment The deadline for the payment can be prolonged for one month, but interest will be calculated for the prolonged period. Tuition fee can be divided into: • annual instalment – onepayment before academic year till the 15th of September • semester instalments – twopayments before winter semester till the 15th of September and till the 15th of February For paying after the deadline, there is interest calculated at the end of academic year.
Payment The request form for extension of the deadline for payment of the fee or division of the fee is in Study regulation on our website. of the deadline for payment of the fee or division of the fee is in Study regulation on our website.
Payment Tuition fee should be transferred to individual number of account, which is given in Certification of Enrolment and agreement. Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiuaddress: Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wrocław, Poland BANK ZACHODNI WBK SA 35 ODDZIAŁ WROCŁAWPL XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX SWIFT code: KRDBPLPW
Payment • The title of the bank transfer should include: • name • surname • faculty e. g. medicine, dentistry • the title of the payment e. g. the first semester, the first year
NOSTRIFICATION Wrocław, 30 September 2013
Nostrification • High School Certificates According to the REGULATION OF THE POLISH MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCEof 6th April, 2006,on the Nostrification of School Certificates and Maturity Certificates Obtained Abroad each student is obliged to obtain the recognition of the secondary schoolcertificate (so called “nostrification”)before the end of the first semester of studies.
Nostrification • In order to complete the procedure of nostrification a student has to submit the following documents to the Regional Educational Superintendents’ Office of Lower Silesia (Dolnośląskie Kuratorium Oświaty, Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 50-951 WROCŁAW)
Nostrification • Application for nostrification (can be filled in at ED Office). • Original high school diploma presenting the course of education (i.e. list of subjects, grades obtained and number of hours in each subject). The certificate must be legalized or provided with an apostille (more information on www.hcch.net ). In exceptional cases a copy can be submitted but such copy must be legally confirmed by a notary office for the conformity with original document, and the original must be shown when submitting the documents. Confirmations done by schools or other institutions will be not accepted.
NOSTRIFICATION (cont.) • A written confirmation from an authorized institution in the country, where the school certificate has been issued, stating that this certificate entitles its owner to apply for studies at university level to all universities in this country (unless such statement is included in the certificate). • Translations of the all the above mentioned documents into Polish language confirmed or done by a sworn translator which has been acknowledged by the Polish Ministry of Justice (a list of translation offices with addresses is available on the website www.ms.gov.pl ).
Nostrification • A confirmation of registration for temporary stay in the region of Lower Silesia or a declaration that a student is not registered under any address in Poland (this can also be done at ED Office). • A declaration that this school certificate had not been submitted for nostrification in any other Regional Educational Superintendents’ Office in Poland (can be filled in at ED Office). • Photocopy of the passport or other document with a photo, confirming the identity of its owner. Students holding IB or EB high school diplomas do not have to submit them for nostrification.
Student’s ID card • Each new student is obliged to deliver his electronic photographs in order to get a student’s ID card. • -in size of 300 x 375 pixels, • - in JPG format, • - resolution - not less than 300 dpi, • - max size of file with picture - 60 kb
Student’s ID card NO PHOTO – NO ID CARD!
Health Insurance • HEALTH INSURANCE • Students are recommended to buy an insurance policy prior to the arrival in Wrocław for a period of 12 months or obtain it atNational Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia)
Health Insurance • Required documents: • Valid Student's ID card • Passport or Temporary Stay Card • Confirmatiom from the University student's office about the duration of studies
Insurance • INSURANCE • Personal casualty insurance and civil liability policy is necessary • It will also include student internships in Poland and abroad • Insurance costs 50 PLN per year plus extra for apprenticeship (depending on a country)
Insurance • Insurance is paid in English Division office • Student must report in which country he plans to do apprenticeship before summer
www.ed.umed.wroc.pl Please visit English Division webside for current information