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Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee: Regional Ocean Governance. Mark C. Holliday, Ph.D. Office of Policy. Objective/Purpose:.
Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee:Regional Ocean Governance Mark C. Holliday, Ph.D. Office of Policy
Objective/Purpose: The purpose of this session is to identify & discuss issues most important to NOAA in anticipation of a future based on regional ocean governance, and to identify the steps or actions needed to prepare for those outcomes.
Background/Context • Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Report (April 2009) • - There is still work left undone • - Recommendations to Obama Administration • New NOAA Administrator • - CEQ/White House leader for the Oceans • - Goal: Fulfill missing elements of ocean policy & governance
Summary of Ocean Priorities: April 2009 JOCI Recommendations • Improved Governance • President by Executive Order should establish a National Ocean Policy and a high level ocean advisor • Congress should pass a comprehensive ocean policy and framework that— • Advances marine spatial planning • Provides Federal support for regional governance • Codify and strengthen NOAA • Establish NOAA as lead civilian ocean agency • Reorganize NOAA around core missions • Regional collaboration, including science-based ecosystem assessments • Bolster International Leadership • Law of the Sea • Arctic • Specific Management Challenges • Strengthen and reauthorize the CZMA • Expedite implementation of MSA • Employ innovative, science-based approaches to ecosystem-based management • Strengthen Ocean Science • Reaffirm JSOST and bolster NOPP • Codify ORRAP • Elevate ocean science coordination to WH level (OSTP, CEQ . . .) • Establish Ocean Policy Trust Fund 4 4 4
What are the Missing Elements? • Statement of national ocean policy founded on ecosystem health • An interagency strategy to execute policy • Independent ocean advisor to President • Comprehensive marine spatial planning • Federal leadership implementing regional ocean governance
Sample National Ocean Policy Statement • Through Executive Order, legislation or otherwise: • It is the policy of the United States that maintaining a healthy, resilient and sustainable ocean ecosystem function is the guiding principle for all federal agency activities and actions affecting the ocean.
Build ecosystem resilience Protect biodiversity Adopt a precautionary approach Balance passive and consumptive uses Chose ecologically relevant scales Adopt best science, technology and information Integrate ocean, land & atmosphere Promote collaboration & partnerships Ensure national security interests Ensure transparency & stakeholder engagement Essential Characteristics Underlying the Policy
Actions to Achieve Unmet Governance Needs • A US ocean policy will rely heavily on collaboration and partnerships with states, other levels of government and stakeholders. • How do we bring together in one place multiple management authorities, sectors and constituencies?
Five Planning Regimes in use Worldwide • Individual sectors w/out common ends • Sectors w/agreed common ends • Virtual organizations (partnerships, committee structures , co-management) • An overall coordinating body • An overall management agency • Increasingly from “soft” (1) to “hard” (5) governance
Current US situation • State-organized regional collaboration alliances - Big 8:West Coast Governors’ Agreement, Great Lakes Commission, Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment, Northeast Regional Ocean Council, Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Council, Governors' South Atlantic Alliance, Gulf of Mexico Program, Gulf of Mexico Alliance • Regional Fishery Management Councils • Regional Federal entities (EPA, FWS, MMS, military) - NOAA Regional Teams - NMFS Regional Offices
Current Capacity for Regional Governance • Interviewed NOAA personnel serving on major regional collaboration organizations& NOAA Regional Teams. • How well are the regional organizations positioned to help NOAA advance regional ocean governance? • Results: • Most ecosystem-centered; variable priorities, some NOAA overlap. • More collaboration vs. governance --no authority to actually implement and enforce policy. • Varied public & stakeholder participation – mixed transparency. • Lacking Independent scientific or judicial review of actions.
Future Regional Ocean Governance Implementation • New Regional Ocean Councils/Partnerships (e.g., Pew Report, HR 21)? • Modify roles for regional alliances, states, Fishery Management Councils, interstate commissions? • Must Address • “Hard” vs. “soft” governance • Ability to resolve conflicting mandates • Authority to implement, monitor & enforce policy • Transparency/public participation • Judicial review?
Integration, Conflict Resolution • Issues and Considerations • No existing mechanism exists to look at ocean policy decisions strategically in an integrated manner • Limited ability to effectively resolve competing or conflicting uses or impacts • Need to consider cumulative impacts among uses • NOAA Fisheries/RFMC under MSA and ESA, and NOS under Sanctuaries Act, are the two principal regional ocean governance authorities outside the Territorial Sea – broadest federal agency mandate to conserve ecosystems • Options • Identify interagency strategies/policy goals that cross jurisdictional lines • Continue use of processes available under NEPA and other existing statutes • Charge SIMOR or new entity with overarching duty to resolve conflicts • Congressional action vs. Executive Order 13 13
Let’s Plan for Changing Roles and Responsibilities • What changes need to occur in NOAA and NMFS in a future based on regional ocean governance? • What responsibilities, authorities, research focus, oversight, accountability, provision of data and services, resources will need change?
Data & Process Requirements • Integrated Ecosystem Assessments • Data/models at regional level -- climate, habitat, social science and biological scales • Means to engage public • Appropriate venue • Coordinated decision-making between federal (international), regional, state and local bodies • Sufficient authority • Competent leadership
Regional Ocean Governance –Possible Discussion Questions • What role(s) should NMFS and NOAA as a whole have and/or what responsibilities? • How would potential Regional Ocean Councils interact with Regional Fishery Management Councils? NMFS Regional offices? • What are NOAA’s strengths related to this issue; what services could we provide?
Regional Ocean Governance –Possible Discussion Questions • What should the roles be for NMFS regions, science centers, or HQ offices? • How will these responsibilities impact current activities or future strategies for resource management (i.e., how do ecosystem based management, integrated ecosystem assessments and regional ocean governance fit in?)