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Madhav Rao (ECE) The University of Alabama

RRA: An audio format for single-source music and lyrics. Madhav Rao (ECE) The University of Alabama . Research Professors – Dr . John. C. Lusth (CS). Introduction to RRA format for audio. WAV Format. RRA Format. RRA: Readily Readable audio. MP3 Format.

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Madhav Rao (ECE) The University of Alabama

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  1. RRA: An audio format for single-source music and lyrics Madhav Rao (ECE) The University of Alabama Research Professors – Dr. John. C. Lusth (CS) Madhav Rao March 30
  2. Madhav Rao March 30 Introduction to RRA format for audio WAV Format RRA Format RRA: Readily Readable audio MP3 Format Source: J .C. Lusth. Songlib: A library for music programming across the computer science curriculum. In American Society for engineering Education, 2007.
  3. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA format for audio RRAUDIO ! Hohner Pocket Pal Harmonica ! D# ! recorded by Becky Smith sampleRate: 44100 bitsPerSample: 24 channels: 1 samples: 44100 %% !amplitude begins 0 0 1 -2 ………….. ………….. …………... RRAUDIO %% <amplitude1> <amplitude2> <amplitude3> ………….. ………….. …………... Header Data Default channels: 1 sampleRate: 44100 samples: 0 bitsPerSamples: 16 Source: J. C. Lusth, http://beastie.cs.ua.edu/songlib/
  4. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA format for multiple channels: interleaved RRAUDIO channels: 2 %% <amplitude0_channel0> <amplitude0_channel1> <amplitude1_channel0> <amplitude1_channel1> ………….. ………….. …………... RRAUDIO channels: 1 %% <amplitude0_channel0> <amplitude1_channel0> <amplitude2_channel0> ………….. ………….. …………... RRAUDIO channels: 4 %% <amplitude0_channel0> <amplitude0_channel1> <amplitude0_channel2> <amplitude0_channel3> <amplitude1_channel0> <amplitude1_channel1> <amplitude1_channel2> <amplitude1_channel3> Source: J. C. Lusth, http://beastie.cs.ua.edu/songlib/
  5. Madhav Rao March 30 arplay tool: native audio player for RRA files arplay <filename> arplay <filename> scaling <XXX> arplay <filename1> <filename2>…… arplay <filename1> <filename2> ….. loop arplay <filename1> <filename2> ….. shuffle <rra-filters> <filename> | arplay Source: http://www.alsa-project.org/
  6. Madhav Rao March 30 Drums track developed for crozier song static voiddrumBassFloor()    {    drum(Q,bassinst,1);    drum(Q,floorinst,1);    drum(I,bassinst,1);    drum(I,bassinst,1);    drum(Q,floorinst,1);    } Drum Bass and Floor
  7. Madhav Rao March 30 Drums track developed for crozier song static voidcrashDrum ()    {    drum(I,crashinst,1);} Crash drum
  8. Madhav Rao March 30 Drums track developed for crozier song intmain()    {openOutput("drum.rra",0,0);    intro();    verse1();refrainStart();    rest(Q);    verse2();    refrain();    bridge();refrainA();    rest(W+W);    ending();closeOutput();    return 0;    } Crozier drum track
  9. Madhav Rao March 30 Karaoke system developed in RRA backwards(1);addComment("!lGood people of this town...");forwards(1);for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)drumBassFloor();backwards(1);addComment("!lYou'd do well to gather around...");forwards(1);for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)drumBassFloor();
  10. Madhav Rao March 30 Lyrics inserted in drum track of crozier song 0 0 0 !lGood people of this town... 0 0 0 ..... ..... ..... 1042 1025 1053 !lYou’d do well to gather around... 1039 1040 1072 lyrics inserted in RRA
  11. Madhav Rao March 30 Lyrics displayed on screen while playing the drum track
  12. Madhav Rao March 30 arplay program flow Lyrics displayed on screen Samples passed to sound device
  13. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA based filters: amplify test.rra RRAUDIO Samples: <number-of-samples> %% <amplitude1> <amplitude2> <amplitude3> …………... !amplify 10 ………….. ………….. …………... Original audio track Amplified audio track rraamplify test.rra
  14. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA based processors: drum fillers test.rra RRAUDIO Samples: <number-of-samples> %% <amplitude1> <amplitude2> <amplitude3> …………... !drum snare pattern 8 Quarter length scaling 1.25 ………….. ………….. …………... Original audio track: mono channel data Audio track with added drum track on another channel rradrum test.rra
  15. Madhav Rao March 30 Pattern 1 Quarter length Pattern 2 Quarter length Pattern 4 Quarter length Pattern 8 Quarter length
  16. Madhav Rao March 30 Pattern 8 Quarter length Pattern 8 Half length Pattern 8 Whole length
  17. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA based filters: compression test.rra RRAUDIO Samples: <number-of-samples> %% <amplitude1> <amplitude2> <amplitude3> …………... !compress 10 ………….. ………….. …………... rracompress test.rra
  18. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA based filters: crossover test.rra RRAUDIO Samples: <number-of-samples> %% <amplitude1> <amplitude2> <amplitude3> …………... !crossover samples 11025 channels 0 1 ………….. ………….. …………... rracrossover test.rra
  19. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA based multiple filters: crossover, compress, amplify Original audio track Crossover Crossover- amplified Crossover-amplified-compressed
  20. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA project used in CS150 in Fall 2009 Initial silence Students were asked to develop code to strip the initial silence. The project involved: loops, file-operations such as reading and writing, and functions. Stepwise refinement method was included to complete the project. Original audio track given to students Processed audio track
  21. Madhav Rao March 30 Other RRA projects to students in the future RRA loop utility for first year programming students Original audio track Looping over 10 times
  22. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA add utility for first year programming students Audio track 2 Audio track 1 Interleaved audio in a single track
  23. Madhav Rao March 30 RRA add utility for first year programming students Audio track 2 Audio track 1 Interleaved audio in a single track with a flair of longer audio Interleaved audio in a single track
  24. Madhav Rao March 30 Conclusions A readily readable audio format for single-source music and lyrics is demonstrated. A readily readable audio format is used in the University of Alabama to reproduce drums track of a complete song. A native RRA player is developed (arplay). An RRA based student project was used in CS150 curriculum in Fall 2009. Future student projects can be easily incorporated in introductory programming curriculum.
  25. Madhav Rao March 30 Future work A web based RRA interface needs to be developed with an inbuilt RRA VIEWER similar to audacity tool. A real time multimedia tools such as forwards, rewind, slow, fast needs to be developed.
  26. Madhav Rao March 30 Acknowledgements Thanks College of Engineering, UA. Thanks Computer Science Department, UA. Thanks Dr. Susan. L. Burkett (ECE), UA.
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