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DISCOVER IEC 61850. For : Salers Product application engineers Services. A first knowledge : about the main principles of the standard how it is managed within SEPAM offer. A first knowledge : about the main principles of the standard how it is managed within SEPAM offer.
DISCOVER IEC 61850 For : Salers Product application engineers Services • A first knowledge : • about the main principles of the standard • how it is managed within SEPAM offer A first knowledge : about the main principles of the standard how it is managed within SEPAM offer Experts: Christian ALEPEE Pédagogie & réalisation: C. CAYLA Duration: 15 mn
IEC 60870 (Europe) protection and telecontrol EPRI UCA2 (USA) project ? A new standard For all communications in HV & MV substations* For all communications in HV & MV substations* Power utilities transmissions Primary distribution MV substation IEC61850 Network automation applications Agreed international target * Doesn't concern LV or motor control
End users expectations • Exchange informations between differentmanufacturers' devices • Limit the installation and maintenance costs of : Intelligent Electronic Devices = IED's • Long term stability through evolutions transmission systems • Exchange informations between differentmanufacturers' devices • Limit the installation and maintenance costs of : Intelligent Electronic Devices = IED's • Long term stability through evolutions of transmission systems Interoperability Free and automatic configuration IEC61850
60870-5 60870-5 MODBUS DNP LON PROFIBUS FIELDBUS -103 -104 Different manufacturers => different protocols and data Substation controller SCADA Client RTU Main Protection 2 Main Protection2 Main Protection 1 Main Protection1 Protection & Control IEDs = Server Proprietary Proprietary Process Interface Process Interface Process Interface Communication gateways necessary Too frequent changes of communication protocols
IEC 61850 standardises the whole structure of communications • A standard for a common communication system architecture inside a substation • A standard to define functionalitiesof devices • A standardised devicedescriptionlanguage • A standardised access to data • A standard for a common communication system architecture inside a substation • A standard to define functionalities of devices • A standardised device description language • A standardised access to data
IEC 61850 Document: Communication networks and systems in substations IEC 61850-1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF ALL THE PARTS OF IEC 61850 IEC 61850-6 CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE FOR COMMUNICATION IN ELECTRICAL SUBSTATIONS Formal description of the single–line schemas, devices, system structure and how they fit into the single-line schema IEC 61850-2 GLOSSARY TERMINOLOGY IEC 61850-7 -1 Basic communication structure for substation & feeder equipement -2 Abstract communication service interface (ACSI) -3 Common data classes -4 Definition compatible logical node classes and data classes and their logical addressing IEC 61850-3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Quality requirements (reliability,maintability, system availability, portability, IT security), operating conditions, auxiliary services and other engeneering standards IEC 61850-4 SYSTEM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT Engeneering service requirements (parameter classification, enginering tools, documentation), system usage cycle (productversions, factory setup, after factory setup), qualityassurance( responsabilities, test systems, type tests system tests, factory acceptance tests (FAT) and site acceptance tests (SAT) IEC 61850-8-1 Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) mapping to MMS (ISO/IEC 9506 Part 1 and Part 2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 Communication mapping in the entire station (client-server communication for scada functions and GOOSE and GSSE data exchange for real time requirements, for example for trippings signals IEC 61850-5 COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR FUNCTIONS AND DEVICE MODELS The logical nodes principles, logical communications links, items of information for communications (PICOM), logical nodes and associated PICOMs, functions, performance requirements (response times , etc. ), dynamic scenarios (information flow requirements under various operating conditions) IEC 61850-9 Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) -1 Sample values over serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link -2 Sample values over ISO/IEC 8802-3 IEC 61850-10 CONFORMANCE TESTING Conformance testing methods
60870-5 60870-5 MODBUS DNP LON PROFIBUS FIELDBUS -103 -104 Process Interface Process Interface Process Interface All devices connected on Ethernet Substation controler Ethernet TCP/IP MMS SCADA RTU Ethernet Station Bus Main Protection 2 Main Protection2 Main Protection 1 Main Protection1 Protection & Control Proprietary Proprietary Process Bus
Device model: each function standardised Physical device SEPAM Station bus Start value Start value CGIO GAPC SCADA General Input / Output Automatic ProcessControl Subst. controler PTRC Trip Conditioning Trip Decision Trip Decision PTOC Overcurrent Protection Switch position Switch position RTU RDRE XCBR Disturbance recorder Limit overflow Limit overflow Circuit Breaker RMS demand RMS demand MMXU Measurement Unit …. Logical nodes = Functions
The hierarchical data model Dataordata attributescan be : • M = mandatory • O= optionnel • C = conditional Attribute Attribute Data Data Logical Node Logical Node Logical Device Logical Device Physical Device SEPAM_E1 SEPAM_E1 + MMXU Q0_XCBR Q1_XSWI Q8_XSWI + + Q8_XSWI - + OpCnt: INS Pos: DPC - Pos : DPC + ctlVal: BOOLEAN stVal + stVal E.g : SEPAM_E1/Q8_XSWI.Pos.stVal
Few examples of logical node: PDIF: Differential protection PTOC : Overcurrent protection RBRF: Breaker failure RDRE : Disturbance record CSWI: Switch controller MMXU: Measurement unit MMTR: Energy Metering XCBR: Circuit breaker YPTR: Power transformer Logical node arranged in logical node groups Logical node groups : • LN System • Protection • Related protection • Control • Generic • Interfacing and archiving • Automatic control • Metering and measurement • Sensor and monitoring • X Switchgear • T Instrument transformers • Y Power transformers • Z Further power system equipment Measurement Protection
Data : Status information Measured information Controllable status Status settings Analogue settings Description information Examples of common data class : INS: Integer status SPS: Single point status ACT: Protection activation information MV: Measured value WYE: 3 Phases measured value DPC: Double point control SPG: Single point setting DPL: Device nameplate Data described by common data classes (CDC)
Example ofthe logical node: Q8_XSWI Common Data class XSWI Data Name Type Explanation Mode INC enable / disable Health INS ok / warning / alarm NamPlt LPL name plate Loc SPS local / remote control EEHealth INS ok / warning / alarm EEName DPL name plate OpCnt INS operation counter Pos DPC position BlkOpn SPC block opening BlkCls SPC block closing SwType INS disconnector / … SwOpCap INS none / open / … Attribute Attribute Common data class Data Data Logical Node Logical Node logical node groups Logical Device Logical Device Physical Device CommonL N Information = Characteristics C ontrols = Position S tatusInformation INS description DPC description
Unical langage and selfdescription • SCL : Substation Configuration description Language for information and parameters based on XML notation (Extensible markup Language) Interoperability • Self description : each device able to introduce itself the substation recognizes it Free and automatic configuration • SCL : Substation Configuration description Language • for information and parameters • based on XML notation (Extensible markup Language) Interoperability • Self description : • each device able to introduce itself • the substation recognizes it Free and automatic configuration To exchange between different manufacturers
How works the self description SSD: System SpecificationDescript° SCD: Substation ConfigurationDescript° Substation SSD CID SCADA Specification Control Data Configuration SCD Capability CID CID Devices ICD CID ICD: IED CapabilityDescription CID: ConfiguredIED Description
Client Server Server Server Client to Server communication Request Reports • cyclic • on event • on outpassed value data data Response event
Client Server Server Server Server Server to Server communication Request Reports • cyclic • on event • on outpassed value data data Response event Tripping of circuit breakers and interlocking Subscribers Goose messages multicast Publisher
Client Server Server Server Server Sum up "access to data" Request Reports : • cyclic • on event • on outpassed value data data Response event Tripping of circuit breakers and interlocking Subscribers Goose messages multicast Publisher
SCADA = Client Network XXX/YY Network ZZZ Mapping XXX/YY Network Network ZZZ Mapping In case of new network communication standard Installation Network TCP/IP Network SCL MMS Mapping Long term stability Server TCP/IP Network SCL MMS Mapping OPC XML IEC 870-5-104 Web services IEC 870-5-101 DNP3
Extensions are possible Compatible objects Attribute Data Logical Node Logical Device Physical Device Preserve Abstract Communication Services Interface (ACSI) Objects with non-standardized semantics in the IEC 61850 series New logical node group …………………………………………………...……………………….. New date classes …………………….……….......... New attribute
Example of extensions IEC 61400-25 • Wind Power Plants • Hydro Power plants (CD) • Power quality monitoring • Distributed energy resources (CDV) • Communication between substation (NWIP) IEC 62344 Amendment 1 to 61850-7-4 (CD) IEC 61850-7-420 (prev. IEC62350) IEC 62445
Architecture of an IEC 61850 substation SCADA MAINTENANCE Soft SFT 2841 + Omicron RTU Control Center IEC 61850 Ethernet switch Ethernet switch Ethernet 100 Mbit/s fiber Optical Ring with ring management Ethernet switch ECI850 ECI850 ECI850 Modbus ACE850 ACE850 ACE850 ACE 949-2 ACE 949-2 ACE 949-2 Sepam series 80 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 Sepam series 20 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80
Update directly by adding ECI Sepam server • From an Modbus installation with Sepam series 20, 40 and 80 Station computer Modbus ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 Sepam series 20 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 Sepam series 80
Ethernet switch ECI 850 Sepam server Update directly by adding ECI Sepam server • From an Modbus installation with Sepam series 20, 40 and 80 Without any upgrade Station computer Modbus Ethernet ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 Sepam series 20 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 Sepam series 80
ACE850 ACE 850 ACE 850 ACE 850 Or update by the embedded ACE850 module • From an initially Modbus installation with Sepam series 40 or 80 Sepam firmware will have to be upgraded Station computer Modbus Ethernet ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 Ethernet switch Sepam series 20 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 ECI 850 Sepam server ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 ACE949-2 Goose messasage Sepam series 40 Sepam series 40 Sepam series 80 Sepam series 80
ECI850 Sepam server To enhance Sepam offer • ECI850 Sepam server • ACE850 Interface (Ethernet coupler) • ACE850 Interface (Ethernet coupler) Allows : • Sepam series 40 and 80 to be connected directly to an Ethernet network • IEC61850 and Modbus TCP/IP protocols to cohabit on the same physical medium • inter-Sepam communication (GOOSE service) for control-monitoring and protection functions such as : • Logic discrimination • Inter-tripping and interlocking • Load shedding-reconnection Allows : • Sepam series 40 and 80 to be connected directly to an Ethernet network • IEC61850 and Modbus TCP/IP protocols to cohabit on the same physical medium • inter-Sepam communication (GOOSE service) for control-monitoring and protection functions such as : • Logic discrimination • Inter-tripping and interlocking • Load shedding-reconnection • Makes the whole Sepamseries 20, 40 ou 80 compatible with IEC 61850 • Allows existing installations to be upgraded to IEC 61850 • Connects up to 8 Sepam units (to Modbus RS485 2 or 4-wir) • Stores data to optimize communication • Makes the whole Sepamseries 20, 40 ou 80 compatible with IEC 61850 • Allows existing installations to be upgraded to IEC 61850 • Connects up to 8 Sepam units (to Modbus RS485 2 or 4-wir) • Stores data to optimize communication Sepam series 80 only More efficient than a gateway Cost- effective solution ECI850 Sepam server
Softwares • SFT 2841 for standard IEC 61850 configuration • SFT 850 for advanced IEC 61850 configuration • SFT 2841 for standard IEC 61850 configuration • Sepam setting and operating software to produce a standard configuration of all the communication data of a Sepam • SFT 850 for advanced IEC 61850 configuration • To create, display, modify or optimize an IEC configuration.
Accessto data Update with Sepam Architecture Functionalities Language Server Server Server IEC 61850: astandard for all communications in HV & MV substations Client Ethernet TCP/IP Question Reports Response Goose messages Attribute Attribute Common data class Data Data Logical Node Logical Node logical node groups Logical Device Logical Device Physical Device Modbus Ethernet TCP/IP ECI 850 Sepam server • SCL • Selfdescription SCADA Substation SSD CID Interoperability Free and automatic configuration Specification SCD Configuration Capability ICD CID Devices Long term stability through evolutions
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