Don’t just transfer, Graduate!. Rosa Maria Gonzalez, M.Ed. Professor/Counselor Transfer Center Coordinator, San Antonio College. Purpose. Describe a comprehensive approach to assist students, in particular STEM majors
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Don’t just transfer, Graduate!
Rosa Maria Gonzalez, M.Ed. Professor/Counselor Transfer Center Coordinator, San Antonio College
Purpose Describe a comprehensive approach to assist students, in particular STEM majors Describe SAC’s “Don’t Just Transfer, Graduate” campaign to increase Associate degree completion Describe impact on STEM majors, including graduation – increase in Associate of Science degrees awarded
Comprehensive services
Outreach & recruitment College Connections – visits to high schools College nights – STEM faculty & students attend SAEP Road to Success – booth by STEM, club members Math & Science Upward Bound program Summer engineering program for high school students
FTIC Advising Group Advising Faculty Advising Referral to STEM counselor Transfer Center – articulated degree plans Degree Works – in near future
SDEV – Student Development(freshman orientation or student success course) SDEV classes – career assessment & career research project SDEV paired with developmental math - Learning community (part of Achieving the Dream initiative) SDEV dedicated course for freshman engineering cohort
STEM Programs S-STEM grant – META scholarships MSEIP grant – Summer engineering bridge program MESA Study Center Title V Puentes project Math/Science Upward Bound
Math Science Upward Bound $1 million grant from the U.S. Department Education to fund a four-year Upward Bound Math and Science project for 9th-12th grade students at Edison High School, in the San Antonio School District (SAISD). The purpose of the grant is to improve the chances for at-risk, low-income minority students who typically are first-generation in college students, to finish high school with adequate math and science preparation. This helps assure success in college and entry into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.
Title V Puentes Project SAC & Texas State University Transfer/Articulation Agreement in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics Improvement of BioSpot & construction of Greenspot (greenhouse) Expansion & improvement of MESA Study Center, equipment & computers for lab Math Space, tutoring areas, SMART classrooms STEM faculty training for SAC & Texas State faculty members on best practices in teaching STEM coursework targeting underserved
In-reach STEM efforts MESA Study Center – Open House Publicity in student newspaper Fliers MESA webpage MESA Facebook
MESA Open House Two day event for students to create awareness of the center’s student resources (physics/astronomy books, engineering software accessible on each computer, study areas, club meetings, informal tutoring).
Scholarships - META NSF S-STEM - META (goal) scholarships STEM majors – previously did not include Science Renewal - META Activities, such as meet with SAC advisor/counselor, meet with transfer advisor, attend club meetings, attend lectures, Transfer Fair, field trips, volunteer at STEM recruiting events Email distribution list – info on internal & external scholarships and internship opportunities
STEM Mentoring - Our TEAM Engineering Program Coordinator/Faculty – Dr. Dan Dimitriu Physics, ENGR, Architecture Dept. Chair, Jerry O’Connor Astronomy/Physics professor – Alfred Alaniz Grants Writer – Susan Espinoza Counselor/Transfer Coordinator - Rosa Maria Gonzalez Other STEM faculty MESA Center Coordinator Clerical support, student SI leaders and tutors
Mentoring Faculty/student engagement – office hours in MESA Center Faculty sponsors for clubs, MAES, SACNAS, Physics, SWE Student/faculty attend national conferences Local & regional field trips Research experiences/competitions Fun with Physics Fridays
Clubs & national organizations MAES SACNAS SWE
Intro to ENGR course Practical project – student teams develop exhibits for the Children’s Museum; new toy or exhibit demonstrating science principle Project to improve an everyday appliance or gadget Robotics projects
Summer research LSAMP summer research program at UT system universities CIP-AIR summer research at NASA NASA sponsored summer research: hydroponics, solar panels Maymester research at TAMU-Kingsville REUs at other locations
CIP Air Summer Research 2010 4 student interns – Johnson Space Center, Houston 5 student interns, SAC - Hydroponics project 2011 2 interns – JSC Houston 2 interns – SAC solar panels
CIP AIR Program Curriculum Improvements Partnership Award for the Integration of Research Purpose: “to assist two- and four-year minority institutions with strengthening their science, technology, engineering and mathematics academic fields and technical programs.” - NASA Results: gave several SAC and UTSA students an opportunity to work at NASA for 10 weeks.
Summer research
Summer Research at NASA
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars program Electrical Engineering student presented to MESA members about 2011 CAS experience
Other resources/initiatives Math 1414 vs. Math 1314 (STEM college algebra course & algebra course for non-STEM majors) & Liberal Arts Math Math Pass program – 1 week intensive math review Engineering 1377 – pilot math accelerated program with engineering applications (non credit, pre-requisite college algebra) How much Math do you need? – campus-wide awareness campaign re: math needed for majors EDGE summer engineering program for high school students Supplemental Instruction/tutoring in MESA Center Engineering PREP program on campus during summer for middle school students
Examples of STEM Student Success Former student – received BS Elec ENGR, MS EE ENGR, working on PHD in engineering Former student – Bachelor & MS in CIS; now teaching in CIS Dept. Single parent – BS in Industrial Engineering from TAMU College Station EE Graduate –working with Gen. Dynamics, AZ ME graduate – working with Standard Aero ME graduate – working field engr with oil company
Don’t Just Transfer, Graduate Campus-wide graduation team – create culture of GRADUATION – culture of TRANSFER (already a tradition) Encourage students to review degree plan & Associate degree attainment Email blasts from President- Why get Associate, targeted emails to 40 hrs.+ students, phone center, grad buttons, graduation push weeks, graduation fair Transfer degree plans – NOTE on transfer degree plans regarding AA Transfer - many students transfer with 40 hrs. & can do reverse transfer
Administrative/faculty support President, VP for Academic & VP for Student Service Faculty advising training (for Arts/Science faculty) Additional Associate of Science degree plans – from 3 – 11 degrees (Pre- Pharmacy, Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Pre-Vet, Environmental Science) Regalia walks by top administrators/faculty Ipad & Ipod drawings to graduation applicants Distinguished Graduates per program – graduation project as service to college
Value of Associate degree You may ask, “Why An Associate Degree?”SAC President response: 1. An Associate Degree is a real degree. We can help you plan for the Bachelor’s, but right now you are close to an educational accomplishment – graduation from SAC! Your Associate’s will forever be a part of your world. And maybe it will make you the first college graduate in your family.Even if you still see the Bachelor’s degree as your only goal, ask about 2+2 transfer plans that can award you an Associate of Arts: Transfer.2. It can increase your competitive ability in the job market. Pretend you are an employer reviewing job applications. One candidate has some college experience (say 63 hours) and another has a 2-year degree (also 63 hours). All other things being equal, whom would you most likely hire? Probably the one with the degree. 3. You will enhance your job skills in high-demand areas. Many programs at SAC are in high-demand fields such as nursing, medical assisting, computer information systems, dental assisting, court reporting and American Sign Language. The credentials needed to enter these exciting, well-paying careers are obtainable at SAC.4. You’ll gain added incentive and encouragement. Once you formally graduate from SAC, you will feel empowered to succeed at the next level.
Graduation Increase 39% increase over the last 3 years in total degrees awarded from 923 to 1284 63% increase in total STEM Associate degrees awarded from 71 in 2007 to 116 in 2010
STEM degrees/cert.
Retention of ENGR majors
A.S. degrees as % of total awards
META Scholarships – Results88% positive outcomes
Transfer Services/Programs Transfer Center, articulation agreements, degree plans, Transfer Fair, & webpage Faculty Advising training Transfer advisors on campus – informational & by appointment Engineering compact – statewide initiatives Title V Puentes project – science degree articulation & outreach efforts (bus trips, campus visits, etc) Coordinating Board funded Transfer Connections – campus fields trips, advising, transfer admissions & financial aid assistance TAMU College Station TAPP program – recruitment primarily of engineering majors
Post- Transfer Reverse Transfer – follow-up with STEM students & scholarships recipients Informal tracking/follow-up - Facebook, email, word-of-mouth STEM transfers as leaders in university clubs, competitions, research opportunities Transfer data on success of transfers in general – favorable as compared to native students
6 Year Transfer Rate 2006 13% 2010 20%
Future goals Increase STEM graduates & improve Transfer tracking Expand community engagement through advisory council members Develop campus/regional Robotics competitions Increase MESA Coordinator outreach to high schools & mentoring with public school groups Degree Works program for easier advising & possibly Grades First retention program Explore using STEM graduate students as interns in MESA program
Issues/ Recommendations Need for data on transfers by major, to track # and success of STEM transfers to specific universities Need for more collaboration between community college advisors/counselors & university STEM advisors/faculty Continued statewide and local efforts for smooth transfer of core and field of study, especially in engineering & computer science Need for Sophomore check-up, i.e. systematic outreach/advising to students with 24-30 hours. STEM advising at transfer institutions not available to students until accepted at university Need for STEM scholarships for part-time students
Questions?? SHARING Your experiences??? Best practices??