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WWII Timeline

WWII Timeline. 1933-1945. 1933. Hitler Comes to Power. 1936. Hitler takes back the Rhineland. 1937. Germany Annexes Austria Hitler's arrival in Austria. 1938. Germany starts to take over Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland). 1939. March-Finish dividing Czechoslovakia

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WWII Timeline

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  1. WWII Timeline 1933-1945

  2. 1933 • Hitler Comes to Power

  3. 1936 • Hitler takes back the Rhineland

  4. 1937 • Germany Annexes Austria • Hitler's arrival in Austria

  5. 1938 • Germany starts to take over Czechoslovakia(Sudetenland)

  6. 1939 • March-Finish dividing Czechoslovakia • August 23- Non Aggression pact between Russia & Germany • Sept 1-Germany attacks Poland • Sept 3- Britain & France declare war on Germany • Sept 3- FDR announces American Neutralist • Sept 17- Russia attacks Eastern Poland • Nov 30- Russia invades Finland Russia attacking Poland 

  7. 1940 • Jan-April- “Phony War” • April 9- Germany invades Norway • May 10- Germany invades Belgium, Holland, & Luxembourg • May 12- Germany invades France • May 26-June 4- Miracle at Dunkirk • June 22- France falls to Germany(divided in ½) • July 10- Germany begins bombing Britain • Sept 7- Blitz begins • Sept 27- Germany, Italy, & Japan sign Tripartite Pact • Oct 28- Italy invades Greece

  8. 1941 • Feb- Rommel moves into North Africa • May- British sink the Bismark • May-June – Stalin ignores warnings of German attack • July 24- Japan invades IndoChina (vietnam) • Aug 1- U.S cuts off oil supplies to Japan • Aug 28- Germany invades Russia (Leningrad) • Sept- Germany attacks U.S naval ships • Nov 26- Japan advances towards Hawaii - 6 aircraft carriers

  9. 1941 continued… • Dec 5,6- Germans dig in around Moscow, cold weather stalls Germany, Russians counter and push Germans back • Dec 7- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor • Dec 8- U.S declares war on Japan • Dec 9- Japan attacks MacArthur planes in Philippians • Dec 10- Guam falls to Japan • Dec 11- Hitler declares war on U.S • Dec 22- Wake Is. Fall to Japanese

  10. 1942 • Jan 2- Manila falls to Japanese • Jan 20- Hitler plans “Final Solution” to Jewish problem • Feb 20- FDR- ok’s internment camps removing Japanese Americans (110,000) • Feb 27- March 1- Japan wins naval battle of Java Sea • March 11- MacArthur leaves Philippians “I shall Return” • April 9- 12,000 American soldiers surrender to Japanese • April 10- Bataan Death March (85 miles in 6 days) • April 18- Doolittle Raids

  11. 1942 continued… • May- Japanese naval codes broken by American Joseph Rochefort • May 2-8 – The battle of Coral Sea, total fight done by air • June- Germany turns attention to Southern oil fields of Russia (Stalingrad<-Sept 3) • June 3&4- Battle of Midway, Japan looses 4 aircraft carriers • June 21- Rommel in N.Africa captures Tobruk leaving clear road to Egyptian oil fields

  12. Battle of Midway

  13. 1942 continued again… • Aug 7- U.S captures Guadalcanal fighting continues through December • Sept- Rommel runs out of gas • Oct 23-Nov 4 – 2nd Battle of El Alamein-pushes Rommel back • Nov 8-13 – American troops land in N.Africa • Nov 19- Germans trapped around Stalingrad

  14. Europe in 1942

  15. 1943 Tiger Tank • Jan 31- Germany surrenders in Stalingrad • Feb 9- Battle for Guadalcanal ends - 1,752 US died - 24,000 Japanese died • Feb 14-20- Fighting in N.Africa Sherman tank defected by German Tiger Tank • March 9- Rommel leaves N.Africa • April 1- food rationing begins in U.S • April 19- Massacre of Jews in Warsaw begins Sherman Tank

  16. 1943 continued… • May 9-14- Germans & Italians in N.Africa surrender • July 9-10- U.S & British invade Sicily, taken August 17th • July 12- Zitadelte greatest tank battle in History Germany vs. Russia • July 25- Mussolini arrested by Italian police • Sept 8- Italy surrenders to Allied forces • Sept 10- Germany forces outer Rome & take over the country • Oct 13- Italy declares war on Germany • Nov 20-23- U.S Marines attack Gilbert Islands • Nov 28-Dec 1- “Big Three” meet in Tetra, Iran

  17. 1944 • Jan-June- Massive buildup of troops in Southern England • Jan 22- Allied troops land in Italy (Anzio) • March 6- U.S first attacks Berlin 660 Bombers, 800 fighters • June 4- U.S forces liberate Rome & Italy • June 6- D-Day “operation overload” • July 10- City of Caen is take back by Allies • July 30- Patton’s Third army breaks out of Normandy to the south • Aug 10- Americans recapture Guam • Aug 25-26- Allied forces liberate Paris

  18. 1944 continued… • Sept 17-25- Operation Market Garden- Failure • Oct 14- Rommel commits suicide • Oct 20- MacArthur returns to Philippines • Oct 23-26- Leyte Gulf- Japanese loss, first Kamakazees • Dec 16- Battle of the Bulge, through Jan 27 1945

  19. 1945 • Feb 4-11- Yalta conference on the Black Sea • Feb 19-March 26- Iwo Jima • March 29- Bombing of Tokyo • April-June 22- The Battle of Okinawa • April 12-FDR dies - Eisenhower discovers “Death” camps • April 30- Hitler commits suicide • May 2- German Army in Italy surrenders • May 7- Germans sign a surrender

  20. 1945 continued… • May 7- Germans sign a surrender • May 8- VE Day • July 16- Detonation of A-bomb in New Mexico • Aug 6-A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima • Aug 9- A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki • Aug 15- VJ-Day • Sept 2-Surrender Ceremonies, USS Missouri

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