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Content Theories. Content theories focus on the content of the motivators.Three researchers whose content theories of motivation are widely used:Abraham MaslowDavid McClellandFrederick Herzberg. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
1. How Does Motivation Work? Familiarity with the best-known theories can help supervisors think of ways to motivate employees.
None of the theories are perfect, but all give supervisors some guidance.
2. Content Theories Content theories focus on the content of the motivators.
Three researchers whose content theories of motivation are widely used:
Abraham Maslow
David McClelland
Frederick Herzberg
3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
4. Share of 945 U.S. Companies Offering Flexible Work Options
5. McClelland’s Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory The need for achievement – the desire to do something better than it has been done before.
The need for power – the desire to control, influence, or be responsible for other people.
The need for affiliation – the desire to maintain close and friendly personal relationships.
6. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Hygiene Factors
Company policy and administration
Relationship with supervisor
Relationship with peers
Working conditions
Salary and benefits
Relationship with subordinates
7. Process Theories Process theories look at the process of motivation instead of specific motivators.
Two major process theories:
Vroom’s expectancy-valency theory
Skinner’s reinforcement theory
8. Vroom’s Expectancy-Valence Theory Victor Vroom decided that the degree to which people are motivated to act in a certain way depends on two things:
Valence – the value a person places on the outcome of a particular behavior.
Expectancy – the perceived probability that the behavior will lead to the outcome.
9. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory The reinforcement theory maintains that people’s behavior is influenced largely by the consequences of their past behavior.
Reinforcement theory implies that supervisors can encourage or discourage a particular kind of behavior by the way they respond to the behavior.
10. Motivation Theories and the Law Federal laws set requirements for overtime pay, rest breaks, health insurance for retirees, and many other areas.
The Family and Medical Leave Act can pose a significant challenge to planning and scheduling because of an employee’s leave.
11. Money as a Motivator When money motivates
Money motivates people when it meets their needs.
Pay plans using financial incentives
Piecework system
Production bonus system
Payments for suggestions
12. Group Incentive Plans Profit-sharing plan
Under this kind of plan, the company sets aside a share of its profits earned during a given period and divides these profits among the employees.
The company encourages employees to participate in making suggestions and decisions about improving the way the company or work group operates. As performance improves, employees receive a share of the greater earnings.
13. Secrecy of Wage and Salary Information In private (nongovernment) organizations, employees generally do not know one another’s earnings.
Government employees’ earnings are public information.
In private organizations, a typical compromise between maintaining privacy and sharing information is for the organization to publish pay ranges so employees know what they can potentially expect to earn.
14. How Supervisors Can Motivate Making work interesting
Job rotation
Job enlargement
Job enrichment
Having high expectations
Pygmalion effect
Providing rewards that are valued
The content theories of motivation indicate that a variety of rewards may motivate, but that not all employees will value the same rewards at the same time
15. How Supervisors Can Motivate (continued) Relating rewards to performance
The rewards a supervisor uses should be linked to employee performance.
Rewards are most likely to motivate employees when the employees view them as achievable.
Treating employees as individuals
A supervisor who wishes to succeed at motivating has to remember that employees will respond in varying ways.
When a particular type of motivation does not seem to work with an employee, a supervisor should try some other motivator to see if it better matches the employee’s needs.
16. Job Characteristics Rated Important by U.S. Workers
17. How Supervisors Can Motivate (continued) Encouraging employee participation
Employees tend to feel more committed when they can contribute to decisions and solutions.
Asking subordinates for their advice about how tasks should be accomplished is another way to increase their involvement.
Providing feedback
Part of a supervisor’s job is to give employees feedback about their performance.
Praise is an important kind of feedback.